Sparks Fly

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*Bucky and Grant walk in and join you at the table

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*Bucky and Grant walk in and join you at the table. Bucky gives you a nod and you smile knowing the talk went well. Winnie comes down and joins you for breakfast as well.*
Bucky- hey Winnie boo! How you feelin'?
Winnie- okay, my stomach hurts though.
Grant- Eww are you gonna barf?! *Grant gets up and runs away. Winnie rolls her eyes and sits down next to you.*
Y/N- ignore him and eat. I'll get you some midol.
*Winnie nods*
Winnie- wait, what's that?
*Bucky leans over and whispers*
Bucky- a miracle drug that only women get to take, so it's super special.
*You mumble under your breath.*
Y/N- and expensive as hell.
*You give Winnie one and she takes it with no complaint. Pretty soon she is feeling better and acting more like herself again*
Sarah- is it scary??
*Sarah whispers*
Winnie- kinda but not like "I'm gonna die scary" just "I was in the bathroom for too long and now everyone in class is gonna know I went number two" scary. *You over hear that and can't help but laugh to yourself. Oh to be young and have the simplest of worries again*
Sarah- oh my good that almost worse.
*Winnie nods*
Winnie- but it's normal and natural. And my dad says it's something special that only is girls can do.
*Sarah nods and then looks at Winnie*
Sarah- it doesn't seem that special.
*Winnie shrugs and then they both go outside to play.*

Grant- yeah... it's pretty weird.
James- but like... what happened??
*Grant looks at James and just shakes his head*
Grant- I can't tell you, just know it's weird.
James- does this mean you'll like girls now?! Cause that's what happens when you get older!!
*Grant laughs and so does James*
Grant- I've always liked girls, James!
James- Sarah is my sister, she doesn't count!
*James says as he giggles and Grant gives him a shove. Bucky was walking by and heard that little exchange, he just laughs and keeps walking.*

*Bucky finds you a little later as you are reviewing mission reports. He sneaks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist as he kisses your neck.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you look so sexy when you're reviewing mission reports. *You hum and giggle and he kisses your neck.* what do you say to sneaking upstairs and letting me show you just how sexy I think you are. Huh?? *He nibbles in your neck and you lean your head back to give him better access.*
Y/N- I say, I am bloated and feel absolutely gross right now, so no. *Bucky pouts and buries his head in your neck. You laugh and play with his hair.* plus I have to get the reports finished before the weekend. *Bucky grunts and groans as he stands up straight and rubs your shoulders.*
Bucky- always working hard. *you flip through the fires and give them a quick count. You smile when you find you're almost done. You turn around and give him a kiss* Mmhmm did you change your mind? *He smirks*
Y/N- Nope, but I realized I only have one report left, thanks to all my hard work and I can spare a couple minutes to steal some kisses with my husband.
*Bucky hums in approval as he pulls you into his arms. His hands move along your back, teasing your spine as he slips his fingers under your shirt. He pushes the tip of his tongue against your lips and you gladly open them, allowing Bucky to slip his tongue in. Licking in your mouth as he deepens the kiss and lifts you into his arms. He sets you on the table and your wrap your legs around his waist. He kisses down your neck and you throw your head back and moan as he leaves love bites.*
Y/N- oh Bucky *You moan breathlessly. He lets out a deep growl against your skin that makes you shiver in pleasure and excitement, it soon disappears as you hear screaming  and laughing kids running down the hall. Bucky moans and then sighs as he pulls back, your flushed skin and blissful smile doing nothing for the situation he has starting in his pants. He fixes your shirt as you hop off the table and fix your hair. He pulls you close and gives you one last kiss, he rubs his thumb over your lips, pulling your bottom one down a little before letting go and smirking.*
Bucky- I hope you feel better by tonight cause with a kiss like we just had I'm gonna need something. *He teases and you smirk back.*
Y/N- be good and let me get my work down and we will see. *Bucky playfully growls and you bite your lip as he saunters away. Bucky walks down the hall, trying to avoid everyone so he can get upstairs and take care of his situation. But because the world is cruel he runs into Grant.*
Grant- hey dad
Bucky- oh, hey bud!
*Grant notices Bucky's obvious boner and whispers.*
Grant- dad? I think you have what I had this morning. *Bucky presses his lips together and nods.* are you gonna take care of it like it did?
*Bucky lets out a little laugh because of course this is his life. The boner he once had is now just gone because of the situation before him so he couldn't even "take care of it" if he wanted to, which he really wanted to.*
Bucky- Umm ha! Ye-yeah. Yes. Kinda, a little different but yeah. Go play, okay?!
*Grant nods. Bucky sighs once Grant is gone and decides to go train some to help him come down from the delayed orgasm he didn't even mean to give himself.*

*Later that night as you are laying in bed Bucky comes crawling up your body and you let him. You melt into the kisses along your body and the way he wants to devour you.*
Bucky- Mmhmm what would you think to us getting out of town for the weekend? *You sit up and look at him. He lays his head on your belly as he rests between your legs.* there's been so much drama and puberty talk lately, I just need to get out. We can go to the lake, invite everyone, and just be.
*You bite your lip and nod*
Y/N- yeah baby, I'd love that.

*Bucky throws the last bag in the car as Steve is cranking his car. Tony seems to be fighting with Morgan on the phone and demanding she make an appearance this weekend as he gets in the back seat to let Happy drive. Peter, MJ, and Kate are all in one car, while Sam and his two kids are in another. Yelena is meeting y'all at the cabin with the jet, she was still out on mission. The kids all load the cars and they are all excited about the cabin, well except Winnie.*
Y/N- cheer up Win, there will be other pool parties.
Winnie- yeah and I'll probably have my period then too!
*She pouts. Grant teases her*
Grant- she's just mad cause she won't see Eli! *He makes smooch noises and Winnie hits his arm.* ouch, mom?!
Winnie- Dad?!
Bucky- knock it off, no matter how much you all fight I will not be canceling this trip, love each other!
*Winnie rolls her eyes at Grant who is still teasing her but quietly this time.*
Bucky- next stop, the lake house!
*Bucky starts to pull out when Steve walks to the car. He is holding Mjolnir.*
Bucky- why?
*Bucky asks and Steve shrugs*
Steve- protection, I brought the shield too. I can use the space to train Grant a little more too.
*Bucky shakes his head and rolls up his window before he drives away. You look at your Instagram while on the drive and you notice something, a post from Eli's mom. There is a picture of Eli with Thor at his pool party that day. You show Bucky and then nod back to Winnie.*
Bucky- oh, that makes more sense. *You nod*
*You keep scrolling and you see Angie's page in your suggested follows. You click on it and see her newest post is from today at the pool party. She has four pictures in her post. One of Thor showing off his lightning power and three of her and Thor in different states of closeness. The last one them kissing. Her caption reads "God of Thunder made sparks fly today in more ways than one 😉😏🥰" You quickly leave her page and close out of the app. You look back at Winnie who is slumped against the door and pouting.*
Bucky- Winnie's mind will be off it by the weekend. But just in case maybe text him and tell him to leave the girl at home if he shows up.
*You nod and do as Bucky said. Thor sends back "👍🏻". Bucky lays his hand on your inner thigh and you smile as you settle in for the car ride. You hope you make it to the cabin before Winnie's next emotional outburst, she's due for one soon and at this rate it will set you off as well and then no one will be happy. As if Bucky could read your mind he spelled on the gas a little more as to speed up the time on the road.*

‼️I am officially out for Summer break, this teacher isn't doing anything this summer. So the plan is that I get back to posting regularly! ❤️‼️

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