Flashlight Freeze Tag

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‼️New Seb pictures!! 😍🤤😋🥵😘😏🫠‼️

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‼️New Seb pictures!! 😍🤤😋🥵😘😏🫠‼️

*The morning comes and you wake up to rain tapping on the windowsill and Bucky snuggled up to your back. You smile and pull his arms around you. He hums against your skin and kisses your neck lightly, his beard tickling you a little.*
Bucky- it's raining *He whispers and you giggle. He shushes you and you turn to give him a confused look. He nods towards the end of the bed. You sit up and see Ben asleep on the floor with his teddy bear and blanket.*
Y/N- when did he come in?
Bucky- sometime when the storms started last night. He woke me up on accident while trying to climb in bed. He wanted to wake you but I wouldn't let him.
*You kiss his cheek*
Y/N- well thank you for letting me sleep but I wouldn't have minded comforting him.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- I know, but you looked so peaceful and since we go back home today I knew this would be the last time till thanksgiving that you actually got a full, uninterrupted, sleep in day. *He kisses you* but now it's raining and I really wish I had snuck him back into his room last night after he fell asleep. *He whispers as he teases his hands against your underwear and his lips against your neck. You giggle and wack his arm.*
Y/N- Bucky Barnes, stop. *You say quietly. You look down to make sure Ben is still asleep. He is* if you want it then go put him in the room, I'm not budging. *Bucky kisses you again and hops up. He gently lifts Ben and sneaks out into the hall. He opens the door to the room he shares with Grant and all of Steve's boys. He lays him on an air mattress and sneaks back out. When he gets into the room you have already started without him, rubbing your hands down your body and undressing. Bucky scoffs*
Bucky- unfair *He shakes his head. You smirk and beckon him over with your finger.*
Y/N- then comes finish the job.
*You smirk and Bucky is in bed and between your legs in no time. You leave in the t-shirt you had on and Bucky leaves on his boxers, just in case of an intrusion. You don't trust the locks on these doors.*
Bucky- Mmhmm you feel so good *He kisses you as he settles between your legs. The rain picks up and you both smirk. Bucky is lining himself up to bottom out in you when there is a knock on the door. Bucky groans and sits up*
Bucky- it better be good, *he says. There is a laugh, it's Steve.*
Steve- wow Nat's right, you two are predictable!
*Bucky jumps out of bed and swings the door open, not even caring that his now half hard dick is still hanging out of his pants. Steve wants to interrupt sex and make jokes about your love life then by all means he wouldn't be freaked out by a dick.*
Bucky- you care to repeat that?! *Bucky crosses his arms and stares Steve down. Steve laughs*
Steve- all I'm saying is, we are trying to het the cars packed before the kids get up and before the storm gets here. It started raining harder so Nat sent me up here to stop you two from squeezing one. *Bucky stares him down some more. Steve shrugs* we all know how much you two LOVE storms. *He laughs* Nat knew you'd be doing exactly what you were doing. Anyway, you don't have time for sex, we need to get on the road within the hour. The storm will be here soon and it's gonna be bad, we need to be back at the compound before it hits.
*Bucky groans and looks back at you. You smile and climb out of bed. Stepping between Bucky and the door you kick it closed with your foot.*
Steve- y/n?!! Hey! This is serious!
Y/N- give him 5 minutes. *you smirk at Bucky who picks you up and puts you on the bed. You reach out and take his dick in your hand and guide him to your entrance. You gasp as he slides in, Bucky moans and crashes his lips to yours. He leaves open mouth kisses all along your neck and against your lips. He brings you over the edge and follows shortly after. He hisses as he pulls out and looks down at his phone. He smirks.*
Bucky- got a minute to spare.
*He drops to his knees and eats you out till you cum again. You hear another knock on the door and now you groan.*
Steve- times up, let's go!
*You and Bucky laugh. Bucky looks up from where he is still kneeling between your legs.*
Bucky- was he there the whole time? Timing us?!
*You laugh and shrug. You both get cleaned up as you get packed up. All the suitcases are in the car and so is every stuffie, blanket, and toy that was brought. Now it's just the kids. Bucky and Steve transfer every kid from their bed to car seats.*
Bucky- okay, where is everyone else?
Steve- some actual left last night. Yelena and Sam, Wanda and Vision, even Pepper and Tony left. Peter and MJ left early this morning with Kate and Thor-
Bucky- we are the last ones to leave?!
Steve- Yup!
Bucky- it's only 7am! None of them are awake this early, ever!
Steve- storms got everyone freaked out.
*Steve shrugs and closes the car door. Bucky looks around and sees the wind picking up. He yells for you*
Bucky- y/n! Come on!
Y/N- I'm coming! *You lock the cabin up* make sure everything was off and we didn't leave anything. *You look in the car.* Umm Bucky?!? Did you forget something?!
Bucky- No
Y/N- not even a child! *Bucky looks* where is Winnie?!
*Bucky looks around, he knows he brought her out. He sees her out in the yard, he points over your shoulder and you look. She's staring up and letting the rain fall on her face. You walk over to her*
Y/N- come on Winnie boo, time to go.
Winnie- hold on, just another moment. I feel it.
Y/N- feel what?
*Winnie looks back and smiles at you.*
Winnie- this *She points to the sky right as lightning strikes across the lake and thunder rattles so loud that you feel the ground rumble. You look up at Winnie and she isn't phased one bit. She just smiles and walks back to the car. You follow.*
Winnie- I really like the storms.
*You can't help but laugh and push her into climb in the car.*

*You get home without any trouble and get unpacked. Clothes in the washer while the kids have their quiet time. When the lights flicker.*
Y/N- Umm, what?
*Bucky pops his head in the suite*
Bucky- did the lights flicker?
Y/N- yup.
Bucky- okay, I was wondering if it was just the hallway.
*The power flickers again*
Bucky- okay that's not good.
*The power goes out*
Y/N- okay that's really not good!
*Bucky leaves to find Tony and Steve. the kids come running in.*
Jonnie- mama?! Did uncle Tony forget to pay the power bill??
*You laugh and shake your head.*
Y/N- No baby, it's the storm, okay. Grant Winnie? Get the flash lights and head downstairs with your sisters. Ben?
*He comes running and crashes into you*
Ben- ouch! Mama?! You hurt me. *He cries and reaches his hands up for you. You groan as your hip and knee throb in pain.*
Y/N- I didn't hurt you, you need to watch where you're going. *You lift him into your arms and walk into the hall. Emergency lights are on so that's good* come on bud, hold my hand and let's go find everyone else.*

Tony- the power company is trying to get it back up. They said it will take some time.
Sam- Tony just use some of your tech and get the lights and air back on.
Tony- my tech is what's powering the back up generators.
*Sam groans*
Grant- I have an idea to pass the time!
*You look at Grant* flashlight freeze tag! *You look at Bucky and he smiles.*
Bucky- we're in! Give me a flashlight and tell us how to play!
Grant- okay!!

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