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*Alex sits in the back with Ben as Bucky drives to the store

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*Alex sits in the back with Ben as Bucky drives to the store. He looks down at his phone and smiles, he laughs to himself and then locks the phone. You notice and Bucky sees from the rearview mirror. You gently nudge Bucky and he gets the hint.*
Bucky- so.. have you met any of Peter's friends yet? I know you've been hanging out with him a bit.
Alex- yeah, I know they are a lot older but it's nice to have some people to talk to that are closer to my age. Morgan's pretty nice too, but she's younger.
*You nod*
Y/N- well I'm glad you have some friends. You'll make more when you start school.
Alex- yeah... do I have to go?
Bucky- yes, but it won't be so bad.
Y/N- if you hate it then we will homeschool you while you're here. How about that?
Alex- deal!
Bucky- but you have to give it a real shot, okay?
*Alex agrees, he then looks down at his phone again and laughs. He texts someone and then closes it again.*
Y/N- what's so funny?
Alex- Morgan just said that Grant and Sarah are fighting and Winnie is narrating the whole thing, making them even more mad. *He laughs* classic
*You and Bucky laugh, you then text Nat and ask he to tell Winnie to knock it off. She does.*

*You wear Ben around you as you walk through the store. Alex and Bucky are talking over each item and trying to decide where it could go and if he will need it. Whereas you are just using the little price gun and adding things to the virtual cart.*
Alex- I don't know if I like that desk, it looks too...
Bucky- 'godfather' like
Alex- yes!
*You look at it and try to move it around.*
Y/N- it's a good sturdy desk.
Alex- ehhh *He walks away, you look at Bucky*
Y/N- he needs a good, sturdy desk.
Bucky- No, I need a good one. He just needs one to write on. *You sigh and then look at Bucky*
Y/N- why would you need one??
*Bucky smirks*
Bucky- cause when I finish this PHD I'll need a good desk to fuck you on. *He winks and you gasp. You look around and make sure no one heard*
Y/N- James Bucky Barnes!
Bucky- hey! That will be Dr. James Bucky Barnes to you *He winks again and follows Alex. You clear your throat and look down at Ben. He is completely asleep and unbothered.*

*Alex is picking out bedding as you find a good mattress for him.*
Y/N- this one's good, not too firm or soft. Alex what do you think?  *He checks it out*
Alex- seems good to me!
*You get his whole room furnished and ready to be delivered. Bucky almost cries when he sees the total. You remind him it's basically pocket change to you both and he agrees but he's still not happy about it. But when he sees the excitement on Alex's face all that unhappiness goes away, it's all worth it. You stop by the book store on the way home to get the books off the kids summer reading lists. You nudge Bucky to take Alex over to the magazines.*
Y/N- go, just wander over and see if he asks for anything or is looking at anything.
*Bucky nods. They walk over and Bucky picks up a cooking magazine. He watches Alex out of the corner of his eye. He seems him eyeing some and then looking around to see if anyone saw him looking at it. He then puts it back and goes to find you. Bucky looks at the one Alex was looking at and realizes it's a pinup magazine. He laughs to himself and tucks it under his arm. He then sees another one hidden behind it. It was a playboy.  Bucky looks around and sees that it's in the wrong spot, in fact both of the magazines were. Alex was looking at both of them.*
Bucky- oh my god!

Bucky- I don't- he looked- these are a lot- I just-  *Bucky is flustered*
Y/N- Bucky! Use a full sentence, please?!
*He just shows you the two magazines.*
Y/N- oh- OH! *You take them and tuck them under your arms.* are you sure he was looking at these?!
Bucky- yes! And like I said, I'm fine with it- I'm just- I'm lost- I don't know what to say or do.
Y/N- okay, okay. Well we told him to get creative and he did... let's just see if he asks. *Alex walks up.*
Alex- you both said I could talk to you about anything, right?!
*Oh god you're doing this here, you take a deep breath and nod. Bucky squeezes your hand. you wished he chose a better place than Barnes & Noble to do this at.*
Alex- can I get this magazine?
*he holds out a copy of the pinup one. He looks at the ground and Bucky takes it from him.*
Bucky- yeah bud, Umm was there anything else you wanted or- that caught your eye. For any reason- not for what we talked about- or for that- I won't judge *Bucky is stammering and you bump him with your arm to get him to shut up. Alex blushes a little*
Alex- No, just that one.
*Bucky nods and pats his back*
Alex- I did see a magazine that was kinda like the website that I saw but... *He whispers to Bucky* it kinda left nothing to the imagination, is it weird that I didn't want that?
*Bucky smiles and squeezes his shoulder*
Bucky- Nope! Not at all.
*Alex looks at you and sees the magazine under your arm. He looks at Bucky and then back at you*
Alex- were you two gonna buy that for me?
*You go red and shake your head.*
Y/N- No- we just-
Bucky- we saw- and thought-
*Alex laughs and walks to the checkout counter. You put the magazines back and meet Bucky*
Y/N- dear lord, maybe between both of us we can find one usable brain cell. *He laughs and kisses you.*

*You get home and Alex head sup to his room. You sigh and look at Bucky.*
Y/N- why do I feel we will need to set a limit for how long he can be in his room during the day. *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- yeah... my parents had to do that too.
*You kiss him and head upstairs. Bucky gets to planing your birthday dinner.*
Bucky- okay, I know it's a lot but could y'all take them?
Nat- yeah, no problem. Y'all are keep Ben though?
Bucky- yeah! Y/n still nurses through the night so we have to keep him.
Steve/ yeah they can stay with us. Will Alex be okay leaving his room for the first night he actually has it? *He laughs and Bucky shrugs*
Bucky- hope so, he doesn't have any furniture so he's be sleeping in the ground anyway.
*Steve laughs*
Nat- they are all welcome, we've got it! Y'all enjoy her birthday!
Bucky- oh we plan to!

*Bucky is checking and making sure all the charges for your birthday came out and he sees a suspicious one.*
Bucky- hey babe?
*He walks in and sees you reading on your phone. You are really into whatever it is. You are biting your lip and your legs are crossed. He can tell that you're turned on and really enjoying it. He smirks, he googled the name of the suspicious charge and finds it's an app, one for books. He bites his lip and looks up at you.*
Bucky- y/n? *He says in a smooth voice that breaks you from your trace. You smile*
Y/N- hey baby, Is Ben up? *You look at the monitor and sees he's asleep.*
Bucky- Nope, I'm just curious about what you're reading. It wouldn't happen to be on something called Wattpad... would it?
*You lock your phone and blush. You clear your throat*
Y/N- Umm how did you-
Bucky- our bank account. I was checking it and found the charge. *He looks you up and down.* what were you reading?
*You laugh and stand up.*
Y/N- oh nothing! Just a little story. *You walk past him and kiss his cheek.*
Bucky- seems like it was a dirty story. Maybe you should share it.
*He leans against the doorframe and you just smile and laugh*
Y/N- No, nothing good yet-
Bucky- I can just open your phone and-
Y/N- No! *He laughs* okay, fine... it was a story about you. *You blush* after we talked I got curious so I looked and there are tons of stories about you. *Bucky stands up straighter and looks smug*
Bucky- wait really?! Huh! *He smirks* wow.
*You roll your eyes and laugh*
Y/N- yeah Bucky, it's not news that everyone wants to fuck you.
Bucky- yeah but like people are writing stories about me-
Y/N- yes, there are smut stories about you all over the internet. *He smiles and then frowns*
Bucky- what what about you? Do they put us together? Are you with other people? Who's writing about you?!
*You laugh and kiss him*
Y/N- don't worry about it, just get dressed.
*Bucky pouts that you didn't answer his questions*
Y/N- after dinner, once we are home and are ready for a crazy, sex filled night, I'll tell you. Okay?
Bucky- deal! *He smirks and gets dressed.*

‼️What we're we reading?!? 😅😏😈🥵🥰 ‼️

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