Enjoy The Time We Have

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Nat- Wanda I need you to explain this to me like I'm pre-war Steve and Bucky and I couldn't even imagine a time where women could wear pants

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Nat- Wanda I need you to explain this to me like I'm pre-war Steve and Bucky and I couldn't even imagine a time where women could wear pants.
*You laugh and Wanda hides a smile. Bucky rolls his eyes and mutters*
Bucky- well that was rude
*Steve crosses his arms*
Steve- a little out of line-
Nat- zip it. Please Wanda. Tell me Y/N and Bucky were wrong in their suspicions and I didn't sleep with their son...
Bucky- twice!
Nat- yeah.. sure. Let's go with twice.
*Wanda smiles and takes Nat's hands.
Wanda- sorry but you did. At least in their version of the past.
Y/N- what?!
Bucky- what?!
Nat- now I'm more confused.
Steve- yeah I'm lost.
Wanda- okay... we are all on one timeline right? We've already lived our past right. So anything that happens there won't really effect us now.
Nat- okay..
Y/N- yes that make sense.
Wanda- okay. So Kang erased their world from existence. He is now in our world trying to do the same thing. But the key to keeping him at bay and not ruining everything is to keep the past moving exactly as it's suppose to. Y'all still understand?
Steve- yes
Bucky- totally.
Wanda- okay that fact that you guys were so calm about Kang being here worry's me.
Y/N- No, we are tracking I just need this cleared up before I freak out over that.
Nat- agreed!
Wanda- okay. So Kang messed with the past. He killed Daniel, he killed Sydney, Lucy, Everly the therapist. They have all been murdered in the past.
Steve- and all that's bad because all those people kept us on track to be where we are now.
Y/N- so in order for our world to not get off track we need someone to fill in those roles when the time comes.
Wanda- yes! I know it sound weird and like we are living in a loop, which we're not, I can't explain it as well as Mobius but it makes sense. We will end up needing people to step into those roles and keep our past selves on the right track-
Bucky- and since the AU kids don't actually have a 'place' in this world they are the perfect fit because the future won't miss them.
Wanda- exactly. Does that make sense?!
Nat- yes... so does this mean I didn't sleep with Alex?!
Wanda- present and future you? No, you didn't. You slept with the real Daniel and Sydney. Past you... yeah. You're gonna sleep with him. Like a lot. *Nat shudders.* he has the same reaction, at least that's what Loki and Mobius told me! He looks at it as "taking one for all of man kind"
*Nat makes a guttural noise*
Nat- well now that's just rude!
*You and Bucky laugh. Steve looks at her*
Steve- you want him to want to sleep with you?!
Nat- well no! But I'd like it if he wasn't seeing it as a fucking duty!
*Steve shakes his head*
Steve- we'll talk about that later as well.
*Nat rolls her eyes*
Y/N- okay, but what was Loki meaning by the kids will play roles in the future as well?! Like Sydney is Alex's home room and history teacher. Is that really Sydney or is that Alex pretending to be Sydney?!
Wanda- I'm not sure-
*A portal opens up and Loki and another man step out.*
Mobius- I can answer that, well kinda.

Bucky- who the hell are you?!
Mobius- long story. Basically Kang is taking a different approach in your world. He knows you all are too strong so he's trying to take y'all down from the shadows. At certain points he has killed or will kill the people Wanda mentioned.
Nat- so Everly my therapist could already be my daughter or will be my daughter one day?! It just depends on when Kang decides to off the original one.
Loki- yes.
Y/N- so Sydney may not be alex now but will be in the future.
Mobius- yes- oh well. *He looks at his pad of paper.* Alex recently stepped in for Sydney.
Nat- so the Real Sydney is-
Loki- dead? Yes. As well as Lucy. In fact the Lucy you've known has always been Carson. Anyway the others-
Steve- wait... how is she in the last and present at the same time?
Y/N- Steve... it's technically all the last at this point.
*Steve thinks and then nods*
Bucky- is there anyway to fix this?! Will there ever be a time where we can get our kids back?!
Loki- yes but it won't be for awhile.
Y/N- how long?
Mobius- let's just say Winnie's baby won't be the only kid running around the compound in the future. *Wanda reads their minds and sees that you have twins in the future as well as Carson and Everly show back up as Little's again. She laughs and everyone looks at her.*
Wanda- Sorrh, Umm thought of a funny joke. *You all stare at her and then continue with the conversation.*
Y/N- so what? We defeats Kang and then the kids will just magically pop back up in the future as their young selves they disappeared as?!
Loki- yes
Mobius- yeah, what's so hard to understand about that?
*Loki shrugs*
Bucky- so how do we defeat him?
Loki- how? We are still figuring that out. When though... that we know! We all end up fighting him in the future. It's a whole thing.. he jumps back to the past and that's when he start messing with stuff. Do you two remember when he-
*You gasp and look at Bucky*
Bucky- he showed up in Hydra
*Loki nods*
Y/N- we have to go back then and fight him. That's why he 'let' himself get captured and why we could never catch him. That's why he smiles at  at us like he knew us! It was all a game!
Loki- yes, we have to wait till he fights us here and then the chase him back there before he can mess with anything. He kill him there-
Steve- and everything goes back to normal, we come back to the future and the kids reappear.
Mobius- Yup! So now that y'all know all that, we will be going, have fun!
Nat- wait! What do we do?!
Mobius- live your life! Don't worry till you have to. Sadly when he starts messing with stuff you won't even notice cause the AU kids will be doing their job.
Y/N- but when do we lose them in the present?
Wanda- that timeline is still the same... about 8 months.
Nat- Joshua and Matthew?
Loki- they've still been spared and will stay here.
*Nat nods and wipes a tear. You take a deep breath and look at Bucky. He nods and looks at you.*
Bucky- okay, well let's enjoy the time we have then.

‼️a little clearer... maybe?! 😅😬❤️🤷🏼‍♀️‼️

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