Far From Done

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*The kids splash is the lake and run around in the grass. The sounds of giggles and squeals fill the air as Nat and Steve are getting the finishing touches on dinner. Once everyone eats the kids get their room assignments and head off to bed. You make your rounds with Ben in tow and Bucky makes his. Kissing each kid Goodnight and making sure they are all tucked in. You put Ben down in the nursery and then go to find Bucky.*
Y/N- hey *You say sweetly as you walk up behind him; rubbing and kissing his back.* what are you doing? *He smiles and turns around, pulling you into his arms*
Bucky- I was just locking up and putting the alarm on. *You nod kiss him. You then start to pull him with you but he smirks against your lips and shakes his head.* Nope. You go get ready. Throw on whatever sexy outfit you brought with you, make the room the way you want it, and I'll be in soon. I'm gonna give you whatever you want tonight, baby girl. *He kisses you* go get ready. *He spanks you and you whimper as you chase his lips*
Y/N- okay, Bucky. *You smile as you sway off to the bedroom and get to work. You change into your sexiest outfit which happens to be a sheer, black lace teddy. Your ass looks amazing and your breast fill it perfectly, you look downright sexy. You mess your hair up a little and also use this moment to freshen up from earlier. You spray some lavender around the room and dim the lights. You lay across the bed and watch as the door opens. You see Bucky walk in and look you over. He bites his lip and lifts off his shirt. You smile and stretch out even more and Bucky walks closer to the bed.*
Bucky-mhmm. Where. To. Start.
Y/N- anywhere you want, baby. *You roll around a little so he can see the full outfit. You end standing up on your knees in front of him. You lay your hands on his chest and he smirks.*
Bucky- oh this is gonna be fun.

*He slowly pushes your hair back off your shoulders and away from your face. He doesn't say a word, just motions for your to turn around and face the headboard, so you do. You smile as you see him through the mirror by the bed, he takes the hair tie off of his wrist and takes it between his teeth as he uses both hands to braid your hair. His fingers rubbing your scalp and massage your hair feels amazing, like drooling, amazing. He gets it braided and then pins it up off your back. He kisses your shoulders and back as he makes his way to your neck and ears. He whispers*
Bucky- Mmhm your hair looked wonderful baby girl but I needed an unobstructed view of what I'm working with. *He teases as he nibbles your ear and pressed firmly against your back. You giggle and then moan a little.*
Y/N- Mmhm you're so good to me! *You moan out as Bucky kisses down your neck and slips his hands around your waist.*
Bucky- gotta treat my best girl right. *He nibbles on your shoulder* my Doll *He nibbles the other.* now, tell me where you're most tense. *You smile and bite your lip.
Y/N- you know where, Bucky *Bucky chuckles darkly and kisses your neck.*
Bucky- oh is that so? *He says teasingly, his tone still dark.* well I think these shoulders are pretty tense. I think I'm gonna work these out first. *You whimper and turn your head to catch his lips. He gives you  kiss and it turns heated very quickly. He shoves his tongue in your mouth and you moan as he rubs his hands along your body and bring them to rest on your breasts. He squeezes and massages them in his hands as he grinds against your back, his dick pressing against your ass.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Please?! I- Mmhmm
*He slipped his hand inside your top and is now twisting your nipples between his fingers. He smirks at you loss for words.*
Bucky- gonna make you feel so good baby girl. *He licks the shell of your ear and your eyes roll back.*
Y/N- yes Bucky, Mmhm please.
*He guides you to lay down and then rolls you to your back. He kneels above you, his blue eyes lighting a fire within you. You rub your hands up your own body, playing with your breast and moaning as you tease your nipples. You squeeze your legs together and start to rock your hips a little, the fabric of your pants causing friction you desperately need. You wait for Bucky to step in but he doesn't. He sits back a little and watches you writhe in need below him.*
Y/N- please Bucky *You whimper, the neediness in your voice came on so fast and you're not mad about it. Especially because you see what it's doing to Bucky.* please, touch me. *You beg as you trail your fingers down your body. Bucky's eyes darken and he licks his lips. He sits forward and boxes you in, your hips jerk up for friction but his dark stare keeps you in place.*
Bucky- I will, baby girl. In time. *He kisses you* but first, I haven't watched you in some time... *He backs away and sits on the edge of the bed. He smirks and bites his lip as he looks you over.*
Bucky- give me a little show, Doll. Then I'll help you over the edge. Can you do that for me? Can you be good?
*You whimper and nod*
Bucky- Words, Doll.
Y/N- yes, Bucky. *you slip a hand between your legs and squeeze them together even harder.
Bucky- Mmhmm that's it little one, go on give me a show.
*You sit up a little and get comfortable. You start to tease your breast through your top when you close your eyes*
Bucky- keep those pretty eyes open and on me, Doll. *You whimper and nod, doing as he said. His gaze pins you down and you let out a little moan as your fingers tweak your nipples. You sit up and slides the straps down your arms, letting the top fall below your breast and pool at your waist. You take them in your hands and moan loudly at the feeling. You keep his gaze as you lick your fingers and then place them on your nipples to rub around and twist. After a few minutes you are on the verge of an orgasm, especially after Bucky licked his lips and moaned watching you play with yourself. You arch off the bed and squeeze your legs together. You can count on one hand the number of times you've cum from just nipple stimulation alone. It feels so good and you are almost there when Bucky clears his throat to break your concentration*
Bucky- if you cum I'll have to spank you. I said give me a show and then I'll get you over.
*You want to cry as your orgasm fades. You nod and whimper*
Y/N- I'm sorry, I won't.
*He smiles and there is a twisted sexiness to it. God he's so hot*
Bucky- continue
*You glide your hands down your body and play with the shorts of your teddy. You rub your thighs and drag your fingers of your clothed center. Your eyes roll back at every pass and you can feel Bucky's lust growing even more. You slip your hand down the front of your shorts and let your legs fall open. You rub over your clit and let out little whimpers when you really hit a good spot.*
Bucky- I know that feels good. *He says. He looks you up and down as he leans forward and whispers* are you wet?
Y/N- yes!
Bucky- you wanna finger yourself while I watch?
Y/N- fuck yes!
Bucky- that's it, my dirty little girl *He leans forward and kisses you. You slip off the rest of the teddy and let your legs fall open. You're pussy on display for Bucky, it would be so easy for him to lean down and devour you. His lips sucking your clit and his tongue dipping inside you and stretching you open.*
Y/N- touch me! Please?!
Bucky- not yet. Touch yourself, Doll. Tell me how it feels. *He smirks and watches as you take your hand and lick your fingers. You start by rubbing your center and then start to rub your clit. Because of your denied orgasm from earlier, you are on the edge much quicker. You whine and beg for Bucky to touch you, to make you cum.*
Y/N- please Bucky?! Oh baby please?! I need- Mmhm I need you!
*Bucky watches with a smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes. He sees how desperate you are for him and he wants nothing more than to burry his face between your legs and take you to heaven.*
Bucky- almost Baby Doll, I need you to stretch yourself out a little. Feel yourself a little, huh Doll?
Y/N- okay *The whine in your voice should have been your first clue of how far gone you are. But it wasn't, so you shove three fingers inside with no problem and you start to curl them and stretch yourself open. Bucky watches and gets close and closer witch each break because you got too close to the edge.*
Bucky- you're doing so well.
*You are about to cum when your hand is ripped from you and your fingers are replaced with a hot, wet, tongue.*
Y/N- ooohhh Bbuucckkyyyy!!!!! *You scream as you cum, hard. You squirt all over his face and the bed. You gasp for air as you are coming down and Bucky is undressing before you. He climbs over you and peppers you with kisses. You smile and blush as he whispers sweet words in your ear.*
Bucky- so sexy, Doll. Mmhmm so fucking good for me. Mmhmm taste amazing. *You cling to him, still needy for him. He kisses you and you feel his fingers tease your entrance. You gasp and hide your face in his shoulder. He lightly laughs and pushes a finger inside.*
Bucky- oh honey, we are far from done. *His dark tone returns and you know it's gonna be a long night.*

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