Thanksgiving Nightmare

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*The day goes on and the kids are just having fun playing together

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*The day goes on and the kids are just having fun playing together. Alex gets a phone call around lunch, the way he's blushing you know it's some girl.*
Y/N- who do you think that is? Eliza or Jane?
*Bucky looks over and laughs*
Bucky- I bet it's Shelby.
Y/N- wait- who's- he has another one?! He's turning into a man whore *bucky laughs and shakes his head*
Bucky- No head not. He doesn't like any of them. At least not like that.
Y/N- look at how he's blushing! He definitely likes whoever is on the phone with him!
*Bucky looks and smiles*
Bucky- well at his age if I had a pretty girl calling me and talking to me during the day I probably would be blushing too, even if I didn't like them romantically. It's nice to feel wanted and after the life he's had I am aok letting him explore those emotions. Unless of course he starts dating all of them or stringing them along. Then I will humble that boy faster than he can click his heels to go home.
*You laugh and nudge Bucky. He just smiles and watches as Alex talks. He hangs up and sees you tow watching him. He groans and walks away. You just wave and smile.*
Y/n- oh on another note.. while we are talking about boys and girls and emotions and stuff. Has Grant mentioned anything to you about..*you clear your throat* Umm changes and such.
Bucky- No although I have noticed he gets a little smelly now. Especially after being outside or working out with us.
Y/N- yeah... he's only 9 though.
Bucky- serum. It's all because of the serum.. at least that's what I'm believing.
*You agree and Bucky pulls you close.*
Bucky- our house is gonna stink so bad.
*You want to vomit*
Y/N- stop don't even talk about it. I'm just glad I'm not pregnant or else I'd be vomiting all over the place.
Bucky- well if you really miss it that can be arranged-
Y/N- bite your tongue or els will bite your-
Bucky- whoa whoa.. no need to get all bitey on me. *He laughs and you smile and snuggle closer. Ben plays in the games and starts eating some of it.*
Bucky- ehhh it's good fiber, it won't kill him.
*You laugh and just take it out of his hand and mouth. Had that happened with Grant you'd probably be googling of grass could kill babies. With Ben... ehhh he's fine.*

*Halloween turns into Thanksgiving and it is a small nightmare. You and Bucky get into a fight over Alex bringing a girl to thanksgiving.*
Y/N- No! I'm not letting Alex bring over some girl we've never met!
Bucky- she's in Drama class with him. We met her at one of the plays.
Y/N- No!
Bucky- y/n, yes! We need to let him have some freedom-
Y/N- freedom my ass! Not during the holidays!
Bucky- it's just one dinner!
Y/N- I said no!
Bucky- well I already told him yes, so.
*He shrugs like that was the end of it.*
Y/N- James Barnes! If this girl ruins our thanksgiving-
Bucky- you can blame me and I'll bottom for a month. Okay? How about that?
*He smirks, knowing what he just said will catch you off guard*
Y/N- yes- wait- what?! Bottom- ugh!! *you rub your face and Bucky just smiles* as tempting as that offer is, I don't have the mental energy to mother our children and then mother you every night. Just fix this! *You storm off and Bucky knows he's in deep now.*
Bucky- well Fuck... *He sighs*
*About 30 minutes later he comes to find you and genuinely apologizes.*
Bucky- I'm sorry, y/n. I was so caught up in trying to be cool about it that I forgot to be a parent. You're right, we don't know this girl and bringing her here without knowing g her first is not a smart decision. Will you forgive me?
*You melt and forgive him. Then you let him know who's boss. You slap his ass*
Y/N- if you ever pull that shit again-
Bucky- I'll make sure to have dug my own grave before I do. *He kisses your cheek and you can't help but smile*

*But then Alex brings a girl who was different then the one Alex had asked Bucky about.*
Alex- dad said I could!
Bucky- I said Lilly! Not Annie, I have no idea who Annie is!
Alex- she's really nice, she's been in the plays and she loves the avengers.
Y/N- buttering us up won't help this-
Alex- she's already on her way- you want me to turn her away?!
Bucky- No but you're grounded for a week after this. No phones, no video games, no computers. You lied to us.
Alex- I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
Y/N- why didn't you just come clean? Tell us who you really invited.
Alex- because I know you wouldn't like her *You want to scream. "If we wouldn't like her then maybe you shouldn't like her either." But you don't. You just ask*
Y/N- and why's that?
*About an hour later Annie shows up. You see why Alex thinks you won't like her.*
Bucky- is that-
Y/N- the Student teacher for Drama that I compared to an adult film star at Alex's fall musical? Yes, yes it is. *You fake a smile and walk over. She smiles and gives you a hug and then walks away with Alex.*
Bucky- I can see why he likes her *You glare at him and he gives a light breathy laugh* I wasn't saying I liked- I can see why- he's a teenage boy- oh whatever... what's my punishment?
Y/N- diaper duty and dishes. Go *You point and Bucky laughs and walks away.*

*Grant somehow upsets Sarah and she ignores him which makes him grumpy.*
Grant- Sarah? Sarah please talk to me? *She walks away and Grant groans and stomps away. Sam is holding Charlie and he laughs as he watches Grant.*
Sam- wow, he's just like Bucky! They even pout that same! *He looks at where Bucky is washing dishes and is doing the same look Grant had. You laugh and agree. You walk over to Bucky and finally let him off the hook, knowing he wasn't meaning anything by his comments about Annie.*
Bucky- honest, I didn't even notice her boobs *You gasp and hit his arm. He laughs* only yours!
Y/N- you'll pay for that comment later. *You kiss him and bite his lip. He almost moans but he quickly remembers where you are and he holds it in. You pat his face and walk away.*

*Thor brings a woman with him to dinner and none of you know how to feel about it, because he should be happy for the time being. He shouldn't have to wait around.*
Y/N- I mean, is it weird that I feel he's cheating on my daughter, yet I want to say "get it"?!
*Bucky laughs and Steve shakes his head as he smiles*
Steve- No, he should sow his wild pats while he can.
*Nat looks at him*
Nat- speaking from regret or something?!
*Steve is stunned*
Steve- Umm no- I- I just- ha! Help *He looks at you and you just laugh*
*So all of you are a little lost. except Winnie. Winnie knows how she feels.*
Winnie- ew. *Thats it. That's all she says. Then she ignores the woman the rest of the night.*
Jill- hi, what's your name? *She looks at Winnie. Winnie looks her up and down.*
Winnie- No *She walks away. You bite your tongue so you don't laugh. Thor apologizes and then shoots Bucky a look, he just shrugs and laughs.*

*The boys- all of them- play football. Bucky gets a broken nose, Steve gets a dislocated shoulder, Peter gets a concussion, Grant breaks his finger. James gets a tooth knocked out and Anthony and Joshua leave the game before they get hurt.*
Grant- my finger hurts mama *He cry's and you rub his back. Bucky takes the ice pack off his nose and looks at Steve like "what the fuck is this. I've not a broken nose" Steve just laughs and then yells as Nat pops his shoulder back into place. Bucky laughs at his pain*
Bucky- Umm hey, mama. My nose hurts can you make it all better? *He smiles and you look at him*
Y/N- oh please, you've had an arm cut off, you'll live. *You wave him off and Bucky again looks at Steve who shrugs*
Steve- she's got a point. *Bucky shoves him and lays his ice pack in the counter. He takes your hand, spins you around and throws you over his shoulder. You squeal and spank his ass to put you down but he doesn't listen.*
Bucky- tired of your bratty attitude today, daddy's gonna fix that. *He didn't realize Annie was near by and heard him tell you that as he hauled you through the hallway. She smirks*
Annie- Mmhmm daddy please!
*She finds Alex after a minute.*
Alex- sorry my family is a little.. umm- high spirited.
Annie- it's fine. *She looks around* is there somewhere we could go, like talk in private? *she bites her lip and Alex swallows hard and nods*
Alex- ye-yeah- Umm this way.
*Alex leads her up to his room. On the way they hear you and Bucky talking in the bedroom and then they hear what sounds like skin slapping, Alex just rolls his eyes and Annie looks intrigued.*
Alex- sorry, this way.
*They head up to his room and close the door.*

*You and Bucky are making out and he's slapping your ass when you hear Alex's door close. You groan.*
Y/N- we need to go check on that.
Bucky- yeah... *He catches his breath* on a side note. What you said when we started... you meant that?
Y/N- what? That if you liked college girls so much that I could dress like one for you and let you bend me over your desk for extra credit? *You bite your finger as you finish speaking.* absolutely. *Bucky groans and leans in to kiss you. You then pull away.* gotta finish the PHD though. Wanna call you Dr, Barnes not just professor Barnes.
Bucky- I kinda like professor! *You giggle and he kisses you.* Mmhmm come on. Lets go cramp Alex's style! *You giggle and he pulls you up off the bed.*

‼️ I am publishing the first 3 chapters of the story! It is on my page and it's titled "Blessed Ones" check it out and let me know what you think! 🙈 hopefully it all Makes sense!! ❤️ give me your honest feedback on the chapters in the book!!‼️

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