Become A Women

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‼️I just thought this photo was kinda funny lol

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‼️I just thought this photo was kinda funny lol. You can guess by the title. There will be mentions of blood. 😬‼️

*The next day Grant and Winnie go to Eli's birthday party while the rest of you stay at home. You see Sarah pouting on the couch*
Y/N- hey Sarah! What's wrong? *Steve catches your eye and shakes his head. You walk over to him*
Steve- she didn't get invited to the party today.
Y/N- what?? Why? I thought she just didn't want to go.
Steve- No. do you remember Nora? *You nod* yeah well apparently she told Eli that if he invited Sarah she wouldn't be there. Eli likes Nora so he did as she asked.
Y/N- well why did she demand that?!
Steve- Because Nora likes Grant and if Sarah was there he wouldn't pay attention to Nora.
*You gasp and look over at sad Sarah laying on the couch.*
Y/N- oh Sarah. And wow I didn't realize Nora is a bitch-
Bucky- y/n *Bucky tries to bring you back down to earth* she's 12 not some evil mastermind. She has a crush and she wants the attention. I wouldn't go as far as to call her a-
Steve- No she's a little bitch. *Bucky laughs at Steve's frankness* hey she made my daughter cry and feel left out from her friends. She deserves it.
Bucky- how do you even know all this stuff?! Are you tapped into the 5th grade/6th grade drama?!
Steve- no, Nora and Eli's moms called to apologize once they realized what happened and told me everything.
*You nod and look at Sarah.*
Y/N- where is Nat?
Steve- she left this morning on that overnight mission. She will be back tonight. *You nod and walk over to sit beside Sarah.*
Y/N- hey SarBear. I have a question for you.
*She sits up and wipes her eyes*
Y/N- do you think we should get new fall clothes as well as starbees before we get in Uncle Tony's fancy sports car and go get the others from that super lame party?
*Sarah laughs a little and nods*
Y/N- well then, go get the other girls and tell them to get dressed because we are going shopping! *Sarah wipes her tears and hugs you tight.*
Sarah- thanks aunt y/n.
*She runs off and Steve smiles and pulls you into a hug*
Steve- thank you.
Y/N- you're welcome.
Bucky- you know sometimes I forget that she's younger than Winnie.
Steve- yeah, she's just not even 11 yet, not till November.
Y/N- Grant's 12... 12!! Sometimes I can't believe it. And Winnie will be in middle school next year with Sarah. They are getting too big and these boy and girl issues will only get worse!
Bucky/Steve- stop! Don't remind me!
*You kiss Bucky as you gather the girls by the door*
Jonnie- Starbees!! Yay!!
Steve- she's 9 and you two already have her on the "white girl express"
*You laugh and throw a pillow at him as you pass by the couch*
Bucky- even Elizabeth loves Starbucks.
*Steve pretends to be shocked and disappointed*
Steve- what?! Not you too lizzy?!
Elizabeth- what can I say... their Fraps are good.
*Steve laughs and shakes his head. He looks at you*
Steve- please don't bring my daughter back with ugg boots.
*You scoff and roll your eyes dramatically.*
Y/N- Stevie those are so 2014 also they don't sell them at Target. *You flick your hair and walk out with the girls in tow. You hear Bucky and Steve laughing as the door closes.*

*You have a nice afternoon with your girls. Sarah is so sweet and you love getting to know her a little more.*
Odette- mama? Are we going to get Winnie?
Y/N- in a bit
Odette- okay. I missed her today.
*You smile and look at her*
Y/N- well we will just have to do it again next week!
*She giggles and Jonnie cheers.*
Sarah- it would be fun to shop with Winnie too.
*You agree. You see you have a missed call from Thor, which is weird but not enough to cause concern. You head over to the party to get Winnie and Grant. It's at a trampoline park so you get there early to let the girls jump around a bit. Eli's mom sees you and walks over.*
Eli's mom- hey, I was about to call you. Winnie had a little accident but it's been handled.
Y/N- what happened?!
*All the sudden a women walks up to you, she looks familiar.*
Angie- Hi y/n. *You give her a polite nod* oh I'm Eli's aunt.. as well as well- *You hear a booming voice that is all too recognizable.*
- well, Winnie. I hope you feel better.
*You turn around and see Thor walking with Winnie. She has a jacket tied around her waist and she is holding her stomach.*
Y/N- oh poor Winnie. And Thor?! What? Why-
Angie- he's here with me.
*You look between them and that's when it clicks. This is the women Thor had been bring around the compound lately.*
Y/N- oh yes! I'm sorry, Angie, yes!
Angie- well I noticed what happened and offered her my jacket.
Y/N- oh thank you, Umm hold on *You turn to Thor* why are you here again?
Thor- well Angie and I are going out after this, I decided to stop by early and offer my happy birthdays to Eli. I tried to call you to let you know what happened but you didn't answer.
*You nod and Winnie walks over to you and hides by your side.*
Eli- sorry your stomach hurts, Winnie. I hope you feel better.
Thor- yeah I hope you feel better soon, Winnie.
*Winnie hides behind you to hide her blush and embarrassment.*
Y/N- well thank you again and we will see you later. And Thor? Will we see you at home before you leave again?
Thor- yes, I'm back for a couple months. *Angie smiles and you nod politely. Winnie just rolls her eyes.*
Y/N- okay, Umm Grant! Let's go!
*He runs over and says goodbye to everyone before he runs out to the car. Winnie gets in and she's trying not to cry. Your heart breaks a little for your sweet girl. Grant is smiling and goofing around with the girls and trying to make Sarah laugh.*
Grant- so then I did a really cool flip and stuck it. *Sarah smiles and looks at Winnie*
Sarah- Winnie? Are you okay?
*Winnie hides even more*
Grant- she's just embarrassed that Eli saw her get sick.
*Winnie sniffles and Sarah loos at her*
Sarah- is that it? Winnie?
Winnie- yeah that's why. *You meet her gaze and you can see that's not why she's crying.*
Sarah- well he seemed like he was worried about you. *Winnie sniffles again*
Winnie- whatever. *Winnie stares out the window as you drive home.*

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