Christmas pt9 Tiny Little Thing

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‼️ y'all

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‼️ y'all... this one's filthy. And we've introduced some new kinks! So TW or kink alert for that! Lol Humiliation( but not the mean kind!!!) and cock worship. 🫣😅😏😈‼️

*You trail your hands down his body till you rest right above his caged cock. You smirk and give it a little squeeze.*
Y/N- have you been good enough today to have this off?
*Bucky whimpers and bucks up into your grasp.*
Bucky- ple- please?!
*You lean in and kiss him as you stroke over him, teasing him like you would if he was free.*
Y/N- you had that little mess up earlier *Bucky squeezes his eyes shut and tries to not cry. He's been on edge since that orgasm. It wasn't even a good one because you had stopped touching him when he came. It wasn't fulfilling at all and being shoved into this cage. Yeah he could cry. Especially they way you are being so sweet to him now, no punishments, just being taken care of.*
Y/N- I think you deserve a good night. *You squeeze him again and push him to lay back.* Worthy boys get special treatment. *You bite your lip as you settle between his legs and rub his thighs.* tell me, are you worthy?
*You tease his tip through the cage*
Bucky- y-yes! *You smile and apply a little more pressure on his tip*
Y/N- I want you to say it, kitten.
*Bucky whimpers, he loves that name. He really shouldn't but he does.*
Bucky- I'm worthy
*You smirk and trail your hand down to the little plug sticking out of his ass. You tap the handle and it moves inside of him. He gasps and you lightly laugh*
Y/N- are you a good boy?
Bucky- I- I'm a- good boy! Mmhmm *You grab the end of the handle and pull it out as you ask*
Y/N- are you mommy's worthy, little slut?
*The tip of the plug sits against his rim.*
Bucky- yes, I'm mommy's worthy, little slut! *you push the plug all the way in as he says slut, causing him to shout. You almost drool as you watch his legs fall open and to the side. This must be how he feels when he sees you spread out below him.*
Y/N- Mmhmm good boy. *You rub his thighs and move to lay between his legs. Your hand still on the plug and the other rests on his inner thigh, keeping him spread below you.* your cute little cock looks so pretty in this cage. *You tease him by kissing it and looking up at him. He groans and
throws his head back. You hardly ever mix cock worship in with humiliation... but when you do it never fails to make Bucky incredible hard. Maybe it's because he's aching to show you just how "small" his cock is... or maybe he just likes it. He's not gonna dig deeper into that, not as long as you're both still getting off on it.* it's so tiny and worthless like this, huh?
*Bucky whimpers and looks at you. You smirk*
Y/N- I bet this still feels good though *You lean in and lick his tip through the cage and he chokes out a moan.* yeah, I know it does. So sensitive when you're this tiny, aren't you?
Bucky- yes! *He gasps out*
Y/N- I bet you'd love to feel a big cock in you, huh?! Let you imagine what it would be like to not be so tiny and cute.
Bucky- yes mommy! *He nods as you sit up. He looks over to the strap on he got out for you, it's the one shaped after him.*
Y/N- oh I see, you want mommy to treat you with your dream cock *You wink and Bucky can't help but let out a breathy laugh. That's the nickname you gave to the dildo and it's held up ever since.*
Bucky- yes, Mmhm I wanna know what a 'real' cock feels like. *Maybe this is why he likes this type of play. It's really just an ego boost in the long run. There could probably be something said about the fact he likes to be fucked with a copy of his own dick... but he won't go there at the moment.*
Y/N- later baby, mommy has some plans for her worthy boy. Gotta make this tiny little prick match how worthy you are. *You squeeze his caged dick once again and he smiles and begs. You just listen and laugh* keep your legs spread for me, sweetness.
Bucky- yes ma'am *He whines out and the neediness in his voice goes straight to your core.*
Y/N- safeword?
*Fuck me, Bucky thinks*
Bucky- Build a Bear.
Y/N- Good boy *You smirk*

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