You "Threes" Ready

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*You touch down and look around, the street not as noisy as it is nowadays

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*You touch down and look around, the street not as noisy as it is nowadays. You hear some music playing and drifting through an open window.*
Ben- mama? Where are we?
*You scoop Ben up into your arms and smile*
Y/N- we are back to a time that's real close to Daddy's heart. *Bucky hears you and gently smiles. He kisses your head and looks at the kids*
Bucky- okay, you all follow me.
*He leads you all out of the alley way. You're not in the city but not quite in the country. There is a nice sidewalk and houses with big yards and white picket fences line both sides of the street. Alleyways break up some of the houses but they just lead to another street with more houses.*
Nat- ugh this seems like a nightmare.
*Steve looks at her* what?! Cookie cutter houses lining the street and music playing everywhere. I feel like I'm in a horror movie.
*Steve shrugs*
Steve- feels like I'm home.
*He starts to walk closer to Bucky. You hear Nat mumble under her breath*
Nat- you lived in Brooklyn... it's nothing like this. *You look back at her and gently smile, she returns it but not before shifting around and holding Matthew and Samuels hands a little tighter.*
Y/N- do we know where we are going?
Bucky- No- *Steve turns down a street and starts walking in a direction with a purpose.* but it seems Steve does. *Bucky looks at you and you look back at Nat and then Bucky.*
Y/N- how does he know where he house is? *You ask in a quiet whisper.*
Bucky- I'm not sure. *He glances back at Nat who doesn't seem him looking* lets not talk about it here.
*you look at the kids and then Bucky*
Y/N- you think he visited her?
*Bucky sighs, realizing he's gonna have to talk about this now.*
Bucky- No- I mean yes but not how you're implying. He saw her when he was returning the stones. That's how he knows where she lives.
*Steve turns around and sees Nat's unpleasant look.*
Steve- Nat! *He nods for her to join him. Nat sighs and walks up with him, he takes Samuel's hand and puts his arm around Nat.* I can see where you're coming from when you say this is all creepy but-
Nat- no, I get it. This is what you wanted.
*Steve stares down at Nat as they walk. He tries to not let her words affect him. You can tell by the way his shoulders tensed that her words did just that.*
Y/N- how much farther Steve?
*He clears his throat and nods*
Steve- just up here. *stopping just before the fence Steve takes Nat to the side to clear the air*
Steve- are we okay?
Nat- well we are about to visit your ex-girlfriend who has been raising our daughters for the past couple years. So no, I'm not.
*Steve shakes his head and pulls Nat into his arms. She tries to look away but he won't let her.*
Steve- Natasha Rogers, look at me. *she does but she's not happy about it. He takes her hand in his and plays with her wedding ring. He kisses her forehead and then takes her face in his hands.* she became the third love of my life when I realized I loved you. *Nat rolls her eyes* stop, look at me. It was y/n, then her, but when I realized I loved you, you became first and you have held that title since that day. And the day Sarah came into our lives, Peggy became 4th. Then Carson and Everly arrived and Peggy became 6th-
Nat- you ranked the girls and your love for them?
Steve- what?! No- ugh I'm trying to make a point! *He holds her close* she is a memory of an old life. That's it. You are the love of my life and so are the girls, heck even our boys. Of course I love the kids in a very different way than you-
Nat- Steve you're rambling-
Steve- I know. *He smiles and breathes.* you are my family, the girls are my family, y/n and Bucky are my family. She ranks so low on the list now that- well- it's hard to remember a time when she was the only women I loved. And the more I love you the more that memory grows distant. *He kisses her lips* and I wouldn't have it any other way.
*Nat smiles and kisses him. She rubs his chest and jokes*
Nat- so does y/n rank above the kids or below? *She teases*
Steve- below but like just below. Hardly a level difference.
Nat- well don't tell her, she will be offended
*She teases again. Knowing you'd never be offended by that.*
Steve- Nah, she'd say that's just where she should be. And then she'd follow up and say I'm low on her list, right behind all the different variants and versions of Bucky. And all of her children.
*Nat laughs and so do you and Bucky, having heard the whole thing with your super hearing.*
Y/N- Aww Stevie!! At least you know your place! *He laughs and hugs you. He kisses your head* you know I kid!! You're in my top 5, Stevie! *He looks at you  and then back at the kids to count them all. You laugh and hit his stomach.* all of my children are number 2! You're my number 3, Stevie!
*Steve laughs and nods. He looks at Nat and she smiles as she pulls Steve close.*
Nat- you're out number 3 too, y/n. *She then gets very serious* Bucky you're number 4. *You laugh and Bucky shrugs.*
Bucky- that's fair.
*You all four laugh, he knows Nat is teasing him. She couldn't let the moment pass bye*
Bucky- okay, you "three's" ready??

*You stand at the fence and take a deep breath. You look at Bucky*
Y/N- you ready?
*He nods and kisses you*
Bucky- yeah
*Steve takes Nat's hand and they walk up the path to the front door. Bucky knocks on the door and you all wait. A women in a long pencil skirt and nice blouse comes into view through the window. Her hair curled and her lips bright red. As she opens the door you can hear the kids laughing inside, she smiles and yells back into the living room.*
Peggy- Alex? Carson, Everly? I believe you have some visitors.
*She smiles and moves out of the way as they kids walk up. Standing before you are your three, grown kids. They all look to be about 20 and you have to hold back the tears.*
Y/N- I- oh wow. *You take a breath* I don't know if you remember-
*Alex practically flings himself into your arms. Everly and Carson do the same as you all cry. You are the one front and center so you got the brute force of the hugs first. But when Everly lifts her head up she sees Nat and she bursts into tears even more and wraps Nat into a hug. Carson has found Steve and Alex is now hugging Bucky. Everly hugs Bucky tightly and she doesn't let go until he's gasping for air.*
Bucky- alright, Evie girl.I still gotta breathe. *She laughs and lets him go, apologizing.* no need, I just don't want to die today.
*You all laugh.*
Y/N- well we didn't come alone. There are lots of people who want to see you.
*Alex looks into the yard and sees a line of kids jumping around, happy to see their big brother.*
Alex- well, bring 'em in. Aunt Peggy is making lunch as we speak. *You hook your arm through Bucky's and Steve makes a point to kiss Nat's head as he walks in with her. His hand firmly on her waist and rubbing her back, reassuring her that he is right where he wants to be.*

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