When They Return

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*The rest of the day is calm and healing

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*The rest of the day is calm and healing. You spend it with the kids and your Avengers family. You sit on the porch swing holding Ben as you hear the door behind you close. You see Steve.*
Y/N- hey Stevie. *You say quietly and with not as much light as you normally do. He walks over and sits with you, his arm around your shoulders.*
Steve- hey. *He says back. You two don't speak, you just sit there and watch as the clouds roll in. He turns and gives you a little kiss on your forehead and then rubs your shoulder. You sniffle and lay your head on his shoulder.*
Y/N- we will see her again.
Steve- yes we will. *He reassures you.*
*there is nothing more to say. No one could have stopped this and you know it will be okay. But none of that makes it better.*

*Nat drinks her coffee as she leans against the counter, watching the scene before her. You and Steve leaning on each other, she's snapped out of her thoughts by Bucky walking up and leaning against the counter next to her. He bumps her with his shoulder and she bumps him
Nat- she's okay. She's strong.
Bucky- she's a fighter, Nat. She will make her way back to us. *Nat nods and wipes a tear from her eyes. And maybe because having 4 technically 6 daughters made him a softy or maybe because sharing a kid with someone opens a little piece of your heart, but Bucky puts his arm around Nat's shoulder and gives it a squeeze and then rubs it. Nat looks down at his hand on her arm and then lets a little smile creep on her face as she turns to looks at him. She laughs when she sees the look of pain.*
Nat- you don't have to comfort me the same way Steve would comfort y/n. *She remarks and Bucky lets out the breath he was holding.*
Bucky- oh thank god
*He laughs and removes his arm. She laughs and bumps him with her shoulder again.*
Nat- I never thought we'd be in this situation-
Bucky- you mean you never imagined we'd have a love child together yet it wasn't really a love child seeing as she was made in a lab and without our consent?
*Nat laughs*
Bucky- yeah me either.
Nat- but if it had to happen and I had to choose someone other than Steve. *She looks at Bucky* I'm glad it's you. Evie is gonna be one tough, smart, and very kind women and SOME of that is thanks to you. *Bucky laughs and shakes his head.*
Bucky- well thank you!
*Nat nods and they smile at each other. Nat walks away to get Samuel down for Nap. Bucky walks out and takes a sleeping Ben from you.*
Bucky- you two go on a walk. I've got the kids and Nat's got yours, Steve. Y'all should talk.
*You gently smile and nod. Steve stands up and pats Bucky's back. You wrap your cardigan around you tighter and you two walk into the field near the river.*

Steve- I'm sorry couldn't stop him, y/n. I- *He starts to cry.* I'm so sorry!
*You hug him and rub his back*
Y/N- there was nothing anyone could do, Steve. You did everything right. You got her safe, that's all that matters. *You hold him close and he just sobs.*
Steve- I feel like when it comes to you I'm never good enough. *You are taken aback by his statement.*
Y/N- Steve-
Steve- not like that- I just- in wasn't Bucky so you left me. And now that we have a kid together I could even save her-
*you take his face in your hands*
Y/N- Bucky couldn't save them either, Steve. And that doesn't make him less of a dad or a man. You protected our little girl and got her safe. You did enough. More than enough- Hydra cap beat Kang within an inch of his life! You are enough, Steve. Carson thought the world of you. *You hug him again as he just cries. Eventually you two make your way back to the house. Tony has glasses sitting along the kitchen island, each if them filled.*
Y/N- what's this?
*You ask as Bucky puts his arm around your waist*
Tony- well chai it's a toast. To the lives we had with us and to who they will be when they return.
*You tear up a little* I thought it was time to think about the good and then keep living. What do you say. *He offers you a glass. You nod and smile, taking the glass from him. Tears filling your eyes.*
Y/N- to our kids, the time we had with them and the future we have to look forward to.
*Everyone cheers and drinks. Soon the sad half smiles become full real ones and the tears of grief become tears of joy as you all recount your favorite memories of the kids. Even the littles get in on it and share stories. Soon your heart feels a little lighter.*

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