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‼️I'd never seen this picture before! 🫠🤤😏‼️

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‼️I'd never seen this picture before! 🫠🤤😏‼️

*The kids jump out of the car and run off to the lake, slipping off their shoes and wading in to splash water on each other. You just smile and watch as Bucky starts to unpack the car.*
Bucky- I don't know why we needed a suitcase for each kid. *He grumbles and you laugh as you kiss his cheek*
Y/N- because they are their own person and deserve their own bag. *You help him get all the bags inside and you then settle on the porch swing with him.* Mmhmm this is where I will be all weekend! *Bucky lightly laughs and wraps his arm around your shoulder as he sits with you.*
Bucky- this is pretty nice.
*The kids are playing by the lake and you keep a watchful eye on them all, especially Ben. He can swim pretty well but he still needs a floaty after awhile.*
Y/N- Ben *You call out* come out of the water and come get a snack. *You can tell he is getting tired and a good snuggle will get him sleepy and ready to nap.*
Bucky- I'll grab the juice boxes and goldfish
*You squeeze his hand as Ben comes walking up the stairs, water dripping off him. He is shivering like crazy and you just smile and wrap him up in a big towel and hold him tight.*
Bucky- here little man! *He hands Ben his snacks and Ben digs in. The rest of your kids come running up and sit down for snacks too.*
Steve- hey! *he shouts out the window as their car pulls up* how did you guys beat us?! *Tony and the rest pull up too*
Bucky- I took the express way and broke the speed limit. *He smiles and waves as the kids are jumping out of the car and running around.*
Y/N- we also wanted dibs on the small, "no kids will fit" bedroom, so we had to make sure we got here first. *You smile and steal one of Ben's goldfish.*
Tony- Nope! Sorry chai that is my room. My cabin, my room.
*You and Bucky shrug*
Y/N- okay, just so you know Bucky and I already broke in the sheets *You smile and Tony gags.*
Tony- Eww fine it's yours. *You smile and wave a little "thank you" as he walks inside. Bucky gives you a look and sits down, he whispers*
Bucky- was my memory wiped again or did you fly solo upstairs? *you smirk and pull him close*
Y/N- a third option, *You whisper* I lied. *You kiss his cheek* and now we have a bedroom all to ourselves all weekend *You kiss him and then sit back. He is so proud and looks you up and down before he sneaks inside and disappears upstairs. You laugh and look at Ben.* Daddy is silly, isn't he?! *Ben giggles and you kiss his cheek.*

*Bucky comes back down about 10 minutes later. You give him a look and he smirks*
Bucky- thought I'd make it more believable in case anyone wanted to double check your story. *He winks and sits down next to you on the swing again.* best solo I've had in weeks. *You gasp and look around before you pull him close and kiss him.*
Y/N- Bucky Barnes you dirty boy.
*He winks and then stands up.*
Bucky- I'm gonna go for a swim, hold this. *He takes off his shirt very seductively and then tosses it to you. He kicks off his shoes and jogs down to the lake. The kids all scream and cheer when they see him joining the fun. You smile and watch as they all hang up to take Bucky down under the water, they don't stand a chance against him. Ben comes up and snuggles in your arms and falls asleep. Once Steve and Nat get settled they move outside to join you. Nat sits on the ledge of the porch rail and Steve sits with you. Nat sees his face as he watches you hold Ben and she teases him*
Nat- what Stevie? You ready for another?? *She smiles and Steve laughs*
Steve- ehhh nope. Maybe- No. I like my sleep. But the little snuggles are definitely missed.
*You smile and rub Ben's back and kiss his hair.*
Y/N- he doesn't do this anymore so I am staying here as long as he wants me to!
*Steve laughs and Nat agrees. You seem Yelena drive up and make her way down to the lake. She waves as she passes by. Sam had Jackson and Charlie down by the lake, right on the edge and watching them both carefully. She rubs his back and gives him a kiss as he turns to see her. The boys smile and hug her before they pull her to the water with them, she goes happily.*

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