I Prefer Your Training

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‼️Sorry guys! I've been sick the past few days and this was all I could get done! I went ahead and posted cause it's been too long since I've updated, I didn't want anyone to worry! 🥺❤️‼️

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‼️Sorry guys! I've been sick the past few days and this was all I could get done! I went ahead and posted cause it's been too long since I've updated, I didn't want anyone to worry! 🥺❤️‼️

*The next day you wake up to Bucky kissing your neck and trying to redeem himself from the night before. And he does more than that, he has you blissed out before the sun is fully in the sky.*
Bucky- Mmhmm good *Kiss* morning *kiss. You giggle and hum as he kisses your neck and chest and then places one more kiss on your lips. He hops up out of bed and starts the shower. Bucky gets you washed off and then he takes a quick shower while you are dressing. Ben wakes up soon after and he is calling for you as he sits up*
Ben- maammmaa
*You sneak in and he smiles big and laughs when he sees you*
Y/N- hi bubba! Did you sleep good?! *You give him kisses and hold his little body tight against yours.* mama missed you, I'm glad to be back.
*He coos and lays his head on your shoulder. Bucky gets dressed and sees you snuggling with Ben on the couch. He is nursing and clutching onto you, almost scared to let go. It was a little struggle getting him to sleep last night, he just didn't want to leave your side now that he had you back.*
Bucky- hey bubba! *He kisses his head and then kisses you as he sits down next to you. Ben pulls back and stares at him and Bucky just stares back.*
Y/N- oh goodness, stop that! *You tease him and give Bucky a shove* come on Benji, we need to finish this so we can go start breakfast. Ben stared at Bucky as he finished nursing.*

*The kids start to wake up and emerge out of their rooms in their PJ's. Ben finished up before Grant or Alex wake up so you are able to get "decent" and downstairs to start breakfasts before they leave their rooms.*
Winnie- mama? Did you enjoy your time away with daddy?
*You smile*
Y/N- I did but I missed all of you the whole time!
*Winnie smiles and you see Bucky smirking as he finishes up the pancakes. He sets the giant plate of them in the middle of the table and kisses your cheek. He whispers*
Bucky- I didn't hear a single complaint from you while we were gone.
*a you laugh and give him a light shove. Alex and Grant finally make their way downstairs and join in on breakfast. All the sudden you hear Steve yell.*
Steve- Matthew, stop!
*You see Matthew flying down the stairs with a pillow in hand.*
Matthew- wooohooo!
*He lands as he tucks and rolls. He then runs over and sits at the table. Bucky looks at you and you can tell he is trying to to laugh. You give him another shove and he takes a sip of his coffee.*
Y/N- Matthew? Where is your daddy? I believe he was calling you.
Matthew- he told me to come down here for breakfast. It's not my fault he didn't tell me how NOT to come downstairs. *Matthew smiles innocently and you just nod. Steve walks in and puts Samuel in his highchair and looks at Matthew.*
Steve- you are on thin ice, kid.
*Matthew smiles and takes a bite of his pancake. Bucky just laughs and Steve hits his arm*
Bucky- ha! What?! It's almost sweet justice that you're getting payback for all the crap you put me through when we were younger. You're getting a taste of your own medicine! *Bucky laughs and Steve rolls his eyes and then sighs*
Steve- was I really that bad??
*Everyone answers*
-Yes! *he looks at Alex and Carson who even answered as well*
Steve- so it's universal, I take it.
*Alex nods*
Carson- Yep!
*Steve nods and ruffles Matthew's hair.*
Steve- stop jumping down the stairs. Stop trying to fight Grant and Alex or else I'll tell them to just knock you down. Got it?!
Matthew- yes sir. *He continued eating. Bucky gives you a nod look and you laugh. You both know Matthew will probably do both those things before lunch.*

*The kids play with one another all day and Alex spends half his time on the phone with Lilly. You decide to throw on some workout clothes and hit the training gym. You see Nat and Steve in there already.*
Y/N- hey guys, great minds think alike I guess!
*Nat smiles* actually I want to talk to you both. Bucky and I talked last night and with these new missions we thought we'd change things up. For the sake of the kids.
Steve- what were you thinking?
Y/N- maybe Bucky and Nat go on missions together and Me and Steve go on missions. That way the kids always have one parent at home. There may be some times we can still work together but- we just thought it would eliminate some stress on us and the kids. Alex, Grant, Winnie, and Sarah are all old enough to understand that if mommy and daddy go away the could both be hurt or worse. I don't know- we just thought-
Steve- it's a great idea.
Nat- I don't love not being partnered with Steve anymore but knowing that you would be his partner helps.
Y/N/ I felt the same about you and Bucky... I trust everyone else- it's just different between all of us.
*Nat nods and Steve agrees*
Steve- okay, well that settles it I guess. *Nat rubs his back and sighs*
Nat- so does that mean I need to train with Bucky now? Not gonna lie, that's gonna bring back some PTSD for sure.
Y/N- he will be okay.
Nat- No for me. *You and Steve look at her* I'm not saying I'm gonna be crippled by it but I sure the metal arm around the throat will trigger one or two memories.
Steve- well then, we will o my train with our partner the week before the mission, just to get on the same page. *You nod and give a soft smile*
Y/N- okay then! I'll go tell Bucky.

*Bucky is happy to hear that Steve and Nat feel the same way. He then notices your workout gear and gets distracted.*
Y/N- stop *You giggle as he kisses your neck* I mean it, I need to workout and train. *You kiss him and he squeezes your ass.*
Bucky- I can't help it! You just look so good!
*You laugh and kiss him again*
Y/N- come on, help me train *You pull him up and push him to get dressed.*

*The breath is knocked out of you and you gasp for air as you sit up*
Bucky- taken out... again. Look baby maybe you need to rest. Or not try and jump into the deep end your first day back.
Y/N- oh hush, again.
Bucky- No-
Y/N- Bucky I am needing to get used to the feeling of punches connecting, of what it feels like to be out strengthened. You really think you could beat me this easily if I was trying?!
*You huff as you put your hands on your hips. Bucky laughs at your cuteness*
Bucky- I mean it felt like singing was off... I just didn't think you were losing on purpose just to be hit.
*You rub his arm*
Y/N -come on, I can go again-
Bucky- y/n no-
*Tony walks in*
Tony- I'd take his warning, y/n! You and Steve are up first, with the help of Peter and Sam. You leave in 6 days. Get ready and that means, rest!
*You nod and see him drop a file on the floor. You then look at Bucky who looks like he's just seen a ghost*
Y/N- hey, look at me. It's okay. I'm gonna be plays
*Bucky nods and wipes a tear. He then sweeps your legs and you land flat on your back*
Bucky- never let your guard down. *He winks and then pulls you up and into his arms* go get your file, I'll help you look it over and study. You'll have to train with Steve tomorrow. *You nod and wrap your arm around Bucky's*
Y/N- don't tell him but I prefer your training, he's too soft. *Bucky laughs and slaps your ass as you walk to the room. You get Ben up from nap and get him settled he is happy watching Grant and Winnie play. The conference room is filled with information and everyone going on the mission is ready and waiting for you.*
Y/N- okay y/n, you've got this!

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