Tougher Than We Think

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*The next week is filled with lazy days by the river and just being together

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*The next week is filled with lazy days by the river and just being together. Steve and Nat will cook one night and you and Bucky cook the next. The kids are in and out all day while you and Bucky put the finishing touches on the house. Tony tries to call about missions and Bucky finally turned his phone off. You two relax in knowing your children are safe and together. The girls spend time with their daddies and you take a moment to talk to Alex.*
Y/N- so... how are you?
*He looks down at his feet and smiles*
Alex- I'm okay, considering.
*You nod*
Alex- I'm gonna miss you, mom. *You tear up a little and pull him into a hug. You have to stand on your tiptoes a little because he's grown like 6 inches over night.*
Y/N- I'm gonna miss you too, sweet boy. I want you to find a way to keep in touch, okay?! Be letters through time, smoke signals, messages through Loki- I don't care but keep my updated.
*He nods and then you see him tear up too.* talk to me, Alex. What's going on?
Alex- I just wish you were my real mom! *He says as he laughs through the tears* I know the one I had was- had Kang stayed away she would have been great but he didn't and what happened happened. And now I have you but I'm losing you too. I just wish I had known you longer.
*You hug him again and he holds you tight.*
Y/N- I wish I had known you longer too. *You pull back and look at him* but this isn't forever! Loki said you'll be back.
Alex- I know. *He nods and sits on the ground. You sit next to him.* mom? *You hum in response* I'm really gonna miss Lilly. She's- I know she's the definition of "first love" but-
Y/N- don't knock first love. *You tease* your dad was mine and look how well we turned out!
*Alex laughs and nods*
Alex- when I get back she will have moved on and won't be member me. *He looks down at the grass*
Y/N- she will always remember you, Alex. And that I can promise.
*Alex gives a tearful nod and you hold him close. You two eventually get up and Alex goes to find Grant*
Alex- I wanna spend some time with him before it all happens. *You nod and he runs off.*

Alex- Grant! *He runs out of his room* come on!
*Grant and Alex take off, you can still see them on the hill so you aren't too worried.*
Grant- what's up?
*Alex ruffles his hair*
Alex- I just wanted to hang with my little brother.
Grant- when you come back I'll be your big brother!
*Alex laughs*
Alex- yeah I guess so. And you're a pretty good big brother, guess I don't have to teach you my ways, huh?
Grant- I'm sure you could teach me something! *Grant smiles and ruffles his hair again.*
Alex- yeah, but how about right now I just race ya?!
*He runs and Grant yells and chases him. They spend all afternoon together and don't come back till dinner.*

*Bucky spent the day with Everly and the girls while Steve spent the day with Carson and Sarah.*
Bucky- okay, who is next? *Winnie raises her hand and sits in Bucky's lap. He starts to brush her hair and braids it all nice. Everly sits next to him, her hair in two braids with two bows on the ends. Two of the triplets are done so he works on Winnie's and then he will get the other triplet done. You see him as you walk in with Ben.*
Y/N- are you playing beauty shop?
Bucky- you bet! *Bucky smiles and you give him a kiss* actually hold on. *Bucky finishes Winnie's hair and then quickly finishes Elizabeth's hair before he pulls you aside.* what would you say to me and Steve taking Alex, Everly, and Carson out for dinner? Then you and Nat can take them tomorrow night.
*You smile and nod*
Bucky- you don't think the girls will be mad?
Y/N- No because I think it's time we really explain what's gonna happen. They need to know.
*Bucky sighs and agrees*
Bucky- I'll call Steve

*Steve and Nat agree on the little date night and on telling the kids about what's gonna happen.*
Nat- do you think they will be scared?!
Y/N- I hope not.
Steve- they are all a lot tougher than we think.
Nat- I know but they shouldn't have to be.
*Steve kisses her head and she wipes a tear.*
Bucky- okay, I'll call them all together.

*Alex has Carson and Everly getting ready for their dinner while you all explain to the others what's happening.*
Jonnie- why do they get a special dinner?
*Jonnie asks*
Winnie- because they are leaving. *She answers before you or Bucky can. She looks at you* y'all aren't as quiet as you think.
Sarah- well and you were spying on them.
*Winnie elbows Sarah. You try not to smile*
Y/N- it's true. Alex, Everly, and Carson will be leaving. We don't know for how long and we don't know when it will happen. We also don't know when we will see them again. So mommy and daddy want to spend some time with them before they leave. *The kids all look at each other and nod*
Grant- okay mama, we understand.
*You wipe a tear*
Bucky- you do?
Winnie- yeah Daddy. We know you'd do the same if it was us. We'd want time with you too.
*Bucky gently smiles and looks at you  and then back at Steve and Nat. Steve nods and Bucky smiles back.*
Bucky- well okay then. You guys are gonna stay here with your mamas and uncle Steve and I will be going out with the other three.
Y/N- then tomorrow daddy will stay, okay?
*They all nod and agree. They give you four big hugs and kisses and then head to the kitchen.*
Jonnie- mama? Can I help make dinner?
Y/N- you bet, Jonnie girl!

*Alex brings the girls to the front door to meet Bucky and Steve.*
Alex- we are ready!
*The girls twirl and Bucky laughs and Steve takes some cute photos. You kiss them all goodbye and so does Nat. They head off and you all settle in for the night.*

‼️So sorry!! 😭 I am trying to get my crap together! I will get better about posting!! The next chapter will be their dates and then some more "check ins"‼️

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