We Will Make It Through

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*No one gets any rest that night

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*No one gets any rest that night. Every little bump makes you jump and Bucky grab his gun. He placed one under his pillow when you went to bed... something he hasn't done since you two got back together. Even Ben can feel that something is off. He is waking up every hour and crying out for you*
Ben- Mama! Mama!!
*He is laying in the pack n' play by your bed so you just scoop him up and rock him back to sleep. The kids are on an air mattress at the foot of your bed along with Liho and Alpine. You hear the kids take turns waking up and sniffling and crying. You try to comfort them each time but eventually exhaustion takes over. You get Ben back asleep before Jonnie comes crawling into bed. The movement made Bucky shoot up and reach for his gun, thankfully he didn't pull it on Jonnie or else she would have lost it. He catches his breath and pulls her close and lays down. When the sun comes up you can't tell everyone is thankful for the light.*
Grant- hey mama *He climbs on the bed and sits next to you.* do you want cereal or yogurt?
*You gently smile and pull him into a hug.*
Y/N- I'll get up in a minute and get breakfast going-
Grant- No, I wanna. So just tell me what you'd like.
Y/N- okay then, cereal. *Grant nods and climbs off the bed. You sit up as you see the kids springing into action. You had dozed off and Bucky is passed out from exhaustion, he didn't want to sleep, his body made him sleep. You rub his back and he slowly opens his eyes. You can tell he is about to freak out until he sees your face. Relief washes over him and you continue to rub his back.*
Grant- come on Win
*Winnie stands up and you see the blankets have been folded and they already let down the air mattress. The triplets put all their pillows and stuffed animals back in their beds and got dressed. You see Ben isn't in his pack n' play, Winnie walks out the door with him on her hip and a bottle already in his hands. Your heart hurts a little that they feel they have to do all this.*
Y/N- Grant *You call out, your voice breaking a little. Bucky sits up.* come here, bud. *He walks over and sits on the bed again.* you don't have to do all this. You- *Your voice breaks again* you're just a kid Grant and what happened yesterday-
*You can see Grant start to tear up and then he sniffles and pushes away those feelings.*
Grant- I'm fine.
*You hear Bucky sniffle as he reaches out and pull Grant into his arms*
Bucky- it's okay not to be okay, Grant. *He rubs his back* you lost two sisters and a brother yesterday; you can cry. *Bucky feels Grant let go and just cry.*
Grant- I miss them.
*You cry too.*
Y/N- we miss them to Little Wolf *You hug him in Bucky's arms. The girls come in and join in the hug party and the tears. Winnie hands you Ben and then heads to the kitchen to grab something. It's still early, like 7am so the team members in the living room were still sleeping. Except one.*
Thor- oh, hello Winnie.
Winnie- hi Thor. *He walks past him and opens the fridge. She grabs out a water bottle*
Thor- what are you doing?
Winnie- Everyone's crying. Thought I get some water for them. *Thor nods.*
Thor- what about you? How are you feeling after everything?
Winnie- I cried all last night. I don't have anything left. *She walks away.* that's how I feel.
*Thor watches her walk out and head back to your room. He wishes he could help, but he knows he can't.*

*Winnie climbs in bed and hands you the water. You pull her close and kiss her head as you snuggle Ben. That's where you stay all day. The kids in bed with you and Bucky. The only movement is meal times and potty breaks. The one time Ben started towards the sliding doors you snatched him up and scared him. He screamed and cried and you feel horrible but you don't want anyone near the windows. Not while he is free.*

Shuri- he isn't in Wakanda. I would be able to detect his tech and he's not here. In fact he isn't in our time at all. *You take a deep breath and grab Bucky's hand. Shuri called and asked to see y'all the next day. So when the next morning came you got up and got back to life of superhero's.*
Bucky- so we are safe-
Y/N- From Kang at least.
Shuri- yes. He isn't here and I have an alarm set for when he comes back. We will know and be ready for him.
*You nod and look at the screen. Alex, Carson, and Everly in that hospital room in 1970. You look away and take a deep breath, hoping not to cry.*
Bucky- okay, thanks Shuri. We will be back at the house. *She nods*
Shuri- Lilly is stable btw. She is in cryo and her parents are coming next week to talk about treatment.
Y/N- did they even know she was missing?
Shuri- yes. And they said they are happy she is alive.
*You nod and motion for the kids to follow you and you lead them to the jet. Regardless of all the team members at the house you weren't leaving the kids there again. You get settled on the jet, Bucky holding Ben.*
Y/N- hey Grant? Buddy? Can I ask you something?
Grant- sure mama *Bucky looks at you and whispers.*
Bucky- y/n, now might not be the best time-
*You lay a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.*
Y/N- why- how- *You take a deep breath.* you were outside the bunker when Kang got you, right?
*Grant nods* why, little Wolf? I'm just wondering.
*Grant looks between you and Bucky.*
Grant- the door messed up. *You look at Bucky*
Y/N- you were locked out?!
Grant- No. It wouldn't lock from the inside. Someone had to lock it from the outside. *Bucky shakes his head*
Bucky- and you thought it should be you? And not Wanda?
Grant- I'm the only one who could activate Winter and Odette. *Grant looks at his feet and sniffles* it had to be me.
*Your heart shatters. You scoop him up and squeeze him tight.*
Y/N- oh Grant! I'm so sorry, my baby boy!
*Grant holds you tight.*
Grant- I wasn't scared mama, I knew you would protect me. You and dad will always protect me.
*You nod and Bucky hugs you both*
Bucky- always Grant. *Bucky's voice breaks* I am you dad, I will always be here to protect you.
*Grant cries while you hold him the rest of the way. Bucky whispers in your ear.*
Bucky- we will make it through.

Everly- did you mean to bring us back here??
*She shifts in the bed* the blankets are itchy.
*Alex laughs and nods*
Alex- yeah, I did. We needed people who would protect us, help you, and slightly understand what we are up against and what we are doing.
Carson- and That's Peggy and Howard!
*Alex laughs and nods again.*
Everly- are we going to tell them? About who we are??
*Alex sighs and looks at Carson and then back at Everly.*
Alex- I think we have to, Evie. Sooner or later they are gonna contact authorities and we can't be split up, we need to complete our mission.
*Everly nods and Carson sighs*
Carson- just don't lie as much as you did to mama at first. *Alex laughs* it was hard to keep track of the stories!
*He hugs her close and takes Everly's hand.*
Alex- okay, I'll be honest.

*And to Alex's credit, he does. Thankfully Peggie believes every word. Howard is a little skeptic.*
Peggy- that's why your eyes looked so familiar. *Peggy gently smiles at Carson* you have Steve's eyes.
Carson- yeah, I got my daddy's blue eyes and my mama's hair!
*Peggy smiles*
Peggy- three kids, I bet Steve is a great dad. *She smiles at all of them and Carson giggles*
Carson- he is! But he's not Alex and Evie's daddy!
*Peggy frowns a little*
Peggy- oh okay- *She starting to understand* you said you'd are all siblings.
Everly- we are but not by blood- well not completely. My mama, Natasha is married to Steve. And my dad Bucky-
*Howard and Peggy look at each other and gasps they look at Everly*
Howard- Bucky Barnes? He's-
Everly- not anymore. Anyway! Bucky is married to y/n. Y/n and Steve are Carson's parents but y/n
And Bucky are Alex parents.
Carson- does that make sense? *She smiles*
Howard- did they have like an orgy or something?!
*Peggy shoots him daggers. Alex blushes and laughs. The girls just stare.*
Alex- Umm no. Lab experiments. And our parents aren't actually the ones you knew. We are from a different universe. Or timeline I guess you could say. *He smiles. Peggy and Howard look dumbstruck. So Alex didn't originally tell them EVERYTHING... but he didn't lie!*
Peggy- okay... let me get this straight.
*She proceeds to get everything right in perfect detail, even down to parentage.*
Alex- Yup!
Everly- yes!
Carson- now you get it!
*Peggy and Howard laugh and ask more questions to understand a little more. Eventually it's bed time and they all get tucked in, as best they can in a hospital.*
Peggy- don't worry, you're safe. Go to sleep Evie.
*She smiles and kisses her head and Everly smiles. It was nice but she misses her mommy.*

*Present day*
Steve- Tasha? Baby?
*Nat wipes her tears and look back at Steve. She wants to say she's fine but she can't. She can't lie to Steve.* she starts to sob and as she does she loses her balance and Steve catches her before she hits the ground.*
Nat- my babies Steve! My little girl- I can't- I-
*Sarah walks into the room*
Sarah- mama? Are you okay? *Nat tries to smile but can't.*
Steve- she will be, Sarah. Don't you worry.
*Sarah nods*
Sarah- I'm gonna take Samuel, Joshua, and Matthew for a snack in the kitchen. Does Aunt y/n have goldfish?
*Steve nods and send her on her way. They all spent the night in one house, easier to guard that way. Steve pulls Nat close and kisses her head as he rubs her back.*
Steve- we will make it through, Tasha. I promise.
*Nat cries in Steve's arms.*

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