Until Next Time, My Love

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‼️🥵 Winter Daddy?! Still not over this look!! 😅😏😋 anyone else see the news of Bucky being the leader in Thunderbolts?! 🥰🥰🥰👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥹 finally getting the recognition he deserves! Also news of a stand alone Bucky series?!  🥰🥹👏🏻‼️

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‼️🥵 Winter Daddy?! Still not over this look!! 😅😏😋 anyone else see the news of Bucky being the leader in Thunderbolts?! 🥰🥰🥰👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥹 finally getting the recognition he deserves! Also news of a stand alone Bucky series?!  🥰🥹👏🏻‼️

*Winter kisses up your back, you let out the softest moan as his fingers trace your hips and the little stretch marks there. He sits up and moves back, you turn around to look at him*
Odette- something wrong?
*He smiles*
Winter- No, we've just never been this soft before. *He blushes slightly* I like it, hearing your little moans, it's really working for me.
*You smile and he starts to kiss up your legs. One at a time as he leaves open mouth kisses along his way. He gets to where your leg meets your ass and he leaves a little love bite there. You give a little yelp and he lightly laughs. He moves down to your ankle on the other leg and starts back up. The same slow, sweet motion as before. This time when he gets to your ass he keeps going. Kissing along the swell of it and trailing his fingers up your legs to find purchase on your hips again. He massages as he kisses up your spine, as he reaches your neck and gently pushes your legs apart and settles himself between them as you stay on your belly. Winter kisses and nibbles around your neck as his fingers trace the stretch marks again. Odette doesn't even recoil at the touch, something y/n had to work at not doing, especially after having all the kids. Something about the hormones and how you felt during that time made it hard for Bucky to touch you there sometimes. Others not too much. But Odette, she doesn't have a thought about it, just how good Winter's gentle hands feel on her body.*
Odette- oh Winter *You quietly gasp*
Winter- so good for me Odette
*You blush and try to hide your face but winter brings up one hand and twists you chin to look at him. He kisses your nose and slowly grinds down against you, his hard length pressing between your legs.*
Odette- you feel so good *You moan as you reach back to play with his hair*
Winter- Mmhm look who's talking. *He kisses you* I could live here between your legs. So soft and warm, Mmhmm perfect. *He kisses you again and you whimper, so overwhelmed by the love you are feeling*
Odette- Winter I- Mmhmm this is too much- *He gives a little love bite on your shoulder and then kisses you deeply.*
Winter- No it's not, Odette. In fact this is long overdue. *You let tears fall as he looks at you. Winter is looking at you, Odette, the same way he looks at you, y/n. You kiss him and moan into his mouth as he slips a hand around your waist and up your chest, massaging your breast.*
Odette- Winter- please-
Winter- shhh *He kisses you* I've got you. I know I'm responsible for a lot of your impulses when it comes to us being together and Bucky's done a lot to help with them. But I think it's about time I help fix what I broke. Huh? *A tear falls from your eyes and he wipes it away. You nod and he kisses you*

*you turn over in Winter's arms and he kisses your neck as he lets his real hand travel down your body. He spots between your legs and gently rubs his fingers through your folds. You moan and he pushes his tongue in your mouth, claiming you with a passionate kiss.*
Winter- Mmhmm oh Odette
*You moan as you arch off the bed. He kisses down your chest and sucks on your breast. Kissing at the places where he had left marks and bruises not even an hour ago. You tentatively reach up and stroke his hair. He moans and you freeze for a moment. He looks up and smiles*
Winter- that feels really good, can you do it again? *He asks, knowing asking was better than telling you to do it. Especially since he's trying to rewrite you two. You blush and nod. He kisses down your body and sucks big purple bruises along the inside of your thighs as you play with his hair.*
Odette- oh Winter!
*He smiles against your skin*
Winter- I haven't even gotten started yet. *He winks up at you and then settles between your legs. He lifts them up and over his shoulders as he gently kisses your center. You gasp and it quickly turns into a moan as he kiss turns into an open mouth kiss along your clit.*
Odette- oh! S-ssso ggood
*You hear him lightly laugh and you blush. Winter's laugh usually means punishment is coming. Instead he sucks your clit as he pushes two fingers inside you, slowly stroking that spot inside. You moan, loudly and he moans against you causing the most delicious vibration*
Winter- you taste amazing, baby. *He licks his lips as he looks up at you* you gonna gum on my tongue?
*You nod and arch off the bed, grabbing your breasts as he starts back up. Dipping his tongue inside you and bringing you to the edge. The true test of Winter being honest about this gentleness or if it's all a game. You don't warn him, you just cum, like Bucky always tells you to do. You moan and your thighs close around his head. He massages your ass and pries your legs open as he works you through your high. It was so good. When you can see straight you look up and see him wiping off his face with the back of his hand and then ducking his fingers clean. He smiles and leans it to kiss you. It's sweet and gentle.*
Winter- you're so incredibly beautiful and sexy. *He's not mad, he doesn't even mention it. Except to say* thank you for cumming for me. *You smile and laugh. He realizes how weird it kinda sounded but you both know the real meaning behind it. You trusted him and just gave yourself into the pleasure he was creating for you.*
Odette- you're welcome *You rub his cheek with your thumb and he turns his head to the side and kisses your palm. He settles on top of you and kisses you as he slowly pushes inside.*
Odette- oh! Mmhmm Winter!
Winter- you okay?! *He asks concerned that he hurt you*
Odette- yes, we just- Mmhmm you're never this slow *You smile and he laughs and kisses you*
Winter- yeah, I guess not. But I'm not speeding up now. I'm taking my time. Treating you to what you deserve. *You whimper and he bottoms out. He buries his face in your neck and you rub your fingers through his hair as he moans shading your skin.* Odette, Mmhmm *He kisses your neck as he starts to move his hips. He glided over your sweet spot and your eyes roll back as you hold onto him tighter. One hand travels down his back and grabs his ass, helping with his thrusts, not that he needs any help at all. They other stays in his hair. He kisses you and then pulls back slightly to look into your eyes, holding your gaze as you two climb higher and higher in ecstasy.*
Odette- Winter! *You whimper as you get so close to that sweet edge. He leans his forehead down against yours and kisses you deeply. You moan as you cum around him. He groans and moans as he works you through it. He holds your gaze as he is building his high. His face so soft and needy, something you never really saw when you two were together. He never let you se that side of him, god he's beautiful. He leans down and kisses your chest and neck as he cums almost screaming. Filling you up till it spills out. You rub his back and kiss his shoulders as he works through his high and then collapses on you.*
Odette- Oof *You laugh lightly* a little warning baby. *He smiles and kisses your chest and apologizes*
Winter- sorry, wow you just- you milked me for all I was worth  and I just- wow
*You smile and blush. Extremely proud that you could do this to Winter*
Odette- it's okay, I kinda like being crushed by you.
*Winter laughs and kisses you again*
Winter- what do you think of my soft side?
Odette- I say... I love it. Just like I love you.
*He kisses you again. He's never kissed you this much* I still will need that fire, throw me around, choke me, put me "in my fucking place"-
Winter- oh *Winter sounds intrigued as he smirks*
Which is??
*You smirk and pull him close, you whisper and nibble on his ear as you answer*
Odette- on my knees with my mouth open wide.
*He moans and kisses you. He is still deep inside you and he's not making any moves to separate. And that's perfectly fine by you. He rolls to where he is on his back and you are laying on top of him, still connected. You lay there and just bask in this newfound dynamic of your relationship. He looks down at you and there is a sweetness in his eyes, a gentleness. He rubs your cheek and speaks softly, so soft that you thought maybe it was Bucky instead of Winter*
Winter- Marry me, Odette.
*You gently smile and a tear falls cheek wipes it away and you kiss his thumb. You nod*
Odette- yes Winter. I will.
*He pulls you close and kisses you. Slowly moving you in his lap as his hips move up into you, driving his deeper inside.*
Winter- I promise to respect you and protect you. I promise to love you and continue to grow that love and gentleness between us. I promise to wreck you when you ask and I promise to cherish and hold you when you ask. The love I have for you is interesting and we show it in all kinds of ways and I promise to keep discovering all the new ways to love you. *He thrusts up into you a little harder and you gasp as you set your hands on his shoulders.* I promise to always remember that you're my little psycho. *You smirk and kiss him*
Odette- never forget it! *He laughs and starts to speed up just a tad. You moan and squeeze his shoulders* oh Winter! Mmhmm I promise to love you. I promise to challenge you and keep you on your toes. I promise to work on giving myself fully to you, it's a process but I know it will be worth it.
I promise to respect you and your journey and I'll never ask you to do something I know would hurt that journey of healing. I love you. I think I've always loved you. *You kiss him and he moans into your mouth as he speeds up and starts to slam up into you, making you ride him.*
Winter- oh fuck!! Yes!!!
Odette- yesyesyes!! Right there!! Ffffuc-
*He bites your shoulder and you cum screaming. He moans into your neck as he cums again and fills you one more time. You both collapse on the bed, you hold him close and revel in the feeling, the ache between your legs. The most fitting way for Winter and Odette to get married, during some hot sex that ends as messily as it began. Winter looks down at you and kisses you*
Winter- Mmhmm my wife.
*He smiles and you blush*
Odette- my husband

*You two get showered, taking your time and feeling each others bodies. Winter kisses every mark on your body and takes special care crawling you up. As gentle as ever, you could get use to this aftercare especially from Winter. He's so concerned for you and that you're okay. You're really gonna like being married if it means he's gonna throw you around, fuck you full, be gentle and sweet after and then care for you so sweetly and gently. You wash him up and help dry him off as he does you. The sheets are changed and the sky is dark, more snow falling from the sky. The fireplace roars and illuminates the room in a soft glow. Winter holds you close as you both get cozy under the covers. Bucky's aftercare specialty is the bathtub. It seems Winters with Odette is just holding her close and checking in.*
Winter- how are you feeling? Physically and emotionally?
Odette- physically? Tired. Emotionally? So incredibly happy that it scares me. *You gently smile and winter kisses you sweetly*
Winter- me too, Odette. Me too. I love you.
Odette- I love you too, Winter.

*You fall asleep for a bit and when you wake up it's around 3am. Winter wakes up and looks at you, you both know what has to happen. You crawl into his lap as he sits up against the headboard. You rest your forehead against his and whisper*
Odette- until next time, my love, my husband.
Winter- until next time, my love, my wife. *He kisses you and whispers* Swan

*Odette sees you rocking in the chair and smiling.*
Y/N- have fun?
*Odette nods*
Odette- I don't know how you ever live with some much love being poured out of you. I'm tired in the best of ways.
*You laugh and hug her*
Y/N- you deserve it. It's healing.
*Odette squeezes you tight and then you open your eyes to see Winter. His eyes are closed, he holds you close and you want to say something but a thought pulls at you, you should let him rest in whatever moment he had with Odette, don't bring him out of it. So you don't. You kiss his forehead as you whisper his words. You hear a faint "thank you" before he switches.*

*Winter sees a dark green room, a window on the side wall, it's dark and snowing outside, figures. A fireplace that roars and a big bed with one blanket. Bucky smiles and motions around*
Bucky- I'm loving the redesign.
*Winter gives a grunt laugh and Bucky hops off the bed. He pats his shoulder*
Bucky- you did good, I know Odette really loved that and felt the love from you.
Winter- I don't know how you can live with so much love inside you, how do you not burst?
Bucky- that's why I'm a giver, Winter. Gotta get it out. *Bucky smiles and jokes.* but really, I never want to go a day without taking the time to appreciate y/n and what she's done for me and how much I adore and love her.
*Winter nods and "takes note". Bucky opens his eyes and sees you in his lap. He gently smiles and kisses you as he guides you both to lay down. He sighs and rubs your back*
Bucky- cyborg and psycho are all grown up. *You laugh and kiss him. You hear a slight laugh and a voice say, "That was rude... but it's true." In your head. Winter says something similar to Bucky except his is more like "fuck you". You hold each other tight and sleep well into the morning, your body needing the sleep to recover.*

‼️Sorry I went MIA! I was trying to get some other writing done and finish up the non canon. One day I just forgot to post 😬🫣 and then Chris Evans went and hurt my feels yesterday 😅🙃🙄.... Jk anyway, back to regular scheduled programming! Team Pallet cleanser!!! 😏🥵😉😛😋🤤 lol hopefully some of you get that!‼️

 Jk anyway, back to regular scheduled programming! Team Pallet cleanser!!! 😏🥵😉😛😋🤤 lol hopefully some of you get that!‼️

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