Christmas pt7 No Fun To Shower Alone

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*Bucky walks upstairs as calmly as he possibly can and once he's in the room he runs to the shower and flips it on

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*Bucky walks upstairs as calmly as he possibly can and once he's in the room he runs to the shower and flips it on. His mind starts racing as his hands moves over his body. It takes everything in him to not take himself in his hand.*
Bucky- you know whatever she has in store will be so much better. *he tells himself. He finishes up and goes to find the cage. You two haven't used it in a hot minute so he's having to dig around for it in the floor drawers.*
Bucky- there it is! *Be grabs it out and makes sure it's the right one, he doesn't want to get stuck with the small one again. In fact he grabs the small one and tosses it in the trashcan in your bathroom.* won't ever make that mistake again! *He gets it on and locks it with a sigh. It's weird that he feels a little comfort from this, maybe it's because he knows you will take such good care of him. He can relax and let himself be free and trust you. He smiles as he gets dressed and heads back downstairs.*
Alex- hey dad? Could we work out today? Maybe train a little?
*Bucky looks at you and you shrug.*
Y/N- I don't see why not. *You take a sip of your coffee. Bucky smiles and looks at Alex*
Bucky- Umm I think your mom may be forgetting some plans we had- Umm let me talk to her and once we figure out what's happening today I'll let you know. I want to, I really do. So we will try to make it work, okay?
*Alex nods and heads up to his room to get dressed for the day. Bucky walks over to you and glares at you*
Bucky- why? Why did you-
Y/N-What? *You ask innocently and then smirk as you take another sip of coffee*
Bucky- you know what! *He whisper screams* I can't be fighting and teaming him with a metal cage on my dick! *He is still whispering* he will be able to hear it clanging together!
*You laugh*
Y/N- No he won't, train with him for an hour or two and then you're mine. *You wink and he sighs*
Bucky- okay, but if he's scarred it's on you!
Y/N- okay baby *You pat his face and move to sit down with Ben. Bucky whispers in your ear*
Bucky- whatever you give me, Daddy's gonna give you right back. Just remember that. *He kisses your temple and you turn smiling wickedly*
Y/N- that's the whole point, kitten. *You give him a peck and then turn to Ben and start to help him eat. Bucky is flustered and clears his throat before he goes to change, yet again!*
Bucky- okay then, *He runs upstairs and yells for Alex to get dressed and head to the gym.*

*The girls and you spend the whole morning baking. Grant insisted on training with Bucky even though he really wanted collies, you said you would save him some. Steve got James, Anthony, and Joshua in the gym as well. You go to check on them and when you walk in you are greeted by Grant fighting Alex while Bucky and Steve watch.*
Y/N- Umm what is going on and is this real?!
Bucky- No they are just sparring. Alex is the closest to his age, it wouldn't be fair if I just ran up and bodied him. *You laugh and agree* besides, *He whispers* we are trying to see if Alex has the serum or not. He may have it but I don't know if he has the strength... like Grant is actually standing his ground against him. And winning.
*You nod and look on. You hear little hands and feet hitting the floor behind you and you can't help but laugh, Ben found you. He pulls up on Bucky's pants leg and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- hey bubba! Did you have fun with mommy this morning?! Huh?!
*He giggles and Bucky picks him up*
Y/N- I think I may get the girls in here a little later. Start some training with them.
*Steve hears what you said and he looks over and smiles*
Steve- if you do let me know when so I can pry Samuel and Matthew away from Nat so she can join. I know she misses it.
Y/N- yeah... *You sigh* I love all this but I miss being badass too..
*Bucky kisses your cheek and slips his hand around your waist.*
Bucky- you're still badass. *You smile and kiss him*
Y/N- we will do it during Ben's afternoon Nap.
Steve- perfect! The boys will be napping too.
*You nod and go to walk away, you see James and Anthony "fighting and you just smile as they wrestle and basically play.*

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