Multiverse Family Court

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*Alex and Matthew get discharged from the hospital the next day

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*Alex and Matthew get discharged from the hospital the next day. You had the other kids checked out too, just to be sure they were okay. Once you got the clean bill of health for all of them and CPS signs off on you taking them, you head home.*
Y/N- okay, well this is home!
*They all smile and look at the compound as they pull up*
Bucky- did y'all live in the compound in your world?
Alex- No, we had a floor at the tower in the city. He never built this. *Alex gets out and looks around.* this is amazing.
*You smile and watch as the kids all get out and start to run around. You get Ben and carry him inside.*
Bucky- come on! We have a whole tour to do!
*They run in one by one. You count to make sure you have everyone.*
Y/N- okay well Barnes kids how about y'all follow us and we will show you our home. And Rogers kids you can follow Your parents.
*Everly and Carson look at each other and then at you*
Everly- well... where do we go?
*You look at Bucky, Steve and Nat.*
Steve- that is a very good question... one we will have to figure out later.
Bucky- yeah.. how about we just do one big one. All together!
*You agree and head upstairs.*
Y/N- okay here is our suite. It has living room, a little dining room, and 4 bedrooms. Each one has its own bathroom.
*Alex looks around and sees how each room is taken already. He figured they wouldn't just have one ready for their multiverse child.*
Bucky- Grant's room is right there and the girls are all in this room. Ben has his nursery there but he will eventually share with Grant.
*The kids look around and start to play with toys and stuff. Steve and Nat show off their suite too before the kids get too preoccupied. You hear Peter and Kate walking around in the hall.*
Y/N- oh Peter! Peter this is Alex! *Peter shakes his hand and Alex says hi. Kate introduces herself and he smiles as she does. Morgan comes running up and says hi as well.* hey! How about y'all show Alex around. I'm sure y'all are much more his speed. *You nod back to the kids playing with legos and cars and they all laugh and agree.*
Peter- yeah! I have a sick new video game you can come check out.
Alex- awesome, thanks. *He waves as he walks away with them.*

*You, Bucky, Steve, and Nat meet in the conference room to discuss the elephant in the room.*
Y/N- okay... how do we do this?
Bucky- what? Co-parent?
Y/N- yeah.
Steve- I mean, we've kinda been doing it since the kids were in school. *You laugh and agree*
Nat- yeah but now there are actually kids that we share. *She looks at Bucky and then you*
Y/N- I don't want them to feel like they don't have a permanent space.
Nat- yeah, me either.
Bucky- would it be crazy to say that the girls permanently live with whoever their mom is? So Everly with Steve and Nat and Carson with y/n and me. Then every weekend they can just switch places. Or every other weekend, that way they still get to "live" with the other sister a little bit.
Y/N- I mean it doesn't sound crazy to me. Nat?
Nat- No, not at all. So discipline?
Steve- do we really need to talk about that now?
Bucky- I mean we don't want to end up in a situation where we need it but we haven't.
Y/N- true. So with the girls do we all 4 have the right to discipline if we need to? Or do we just yell for the bio parent?
Bucky- I mean if we do that they would never respect us. Like let's say Everly does something wrong and she's with just you. For you to wait for me or Nat to handle it that tells her that you have no power. And the same would go for Carson.
*You nod and agree.*
Steve- I mean I get that but we also handle this situations differently.
Y/N- how so?
Nat- we don't spank... not unless it's really bad or nothing else is getting through to them.
Steve- and y'all do. We know it's nothing crazy but y'all use it more then us. So would you two spank the kids if they are disobedient and we wouldn't? That would give them more fear of y'all than us.
*You nod*
Y/N- I- I don't know. *You look at Bucky.* what do you think?
Bucky- I think you just do what feels right in the moment. Yeah we spank but there are often times we just send them to time out or give them a talking to. I think if we can all agree to just discipline as we see fit in the moment and what fits the "crime" then we will be okay.
*Steve and Nat look at each other and agree.*
Bucky- okay, now where are they actually going to sleep? The toilets and Winnie are already pretty cramped in that room. And I'm not moving Ben into the room with Grant or with us. *You shake your head*
Y/N- I don't know. I know that the suite next to us is empty. Like one side we have Steve and Nat and the other is empty... maybe ask Tony to expand into that one?
Steve- Tony's gonna have to expand either way. We are cramped and we can't expand anywhere. *You sigh and call Tony. He comes down and meets with y'all.*
Tony- you don't even have to tell me, I know we need to expand. I have already drawn up plans to add another floor above yours now. We would then install a staircase inside. I have the plans, I just need the okay.
*You all laugh and give him the green light. As you are getting up to leave you notice Steve seems uneasy.*
Y/N- Steve? You okay?
Steve- yeah, I just... I can't help the feeling that we should somehow help them.. *His sentence trails off. He looks around and pushes you all back in the conference room. He hits a button and the windows go dark and no one can see in or hear.*
Bucky- what the?!? Did it always do that?! *He looks at you* We could have been having sex in here for years- *You gasp and hit his good arm. Nat laughs and Steve shakes his head and sighs.*
Steve- yes it's always done that. *He side eyes Nat* we didn't tell you cause this is our spot. *You laughs and Bucky smirks*
Bucky- wow! Stevie!!
Steve- okay hush..
Y/N- and to answer your question Steve, we are helping.
Steve- No I mean. Like use that little device and our freaking time machine, go to to their world before the punisher shows up and help them defeat him. If we all live then Hydra and all the other horrible people that lay waste to their world won't. Then these kids have their parents, we won't have a million children, and this girls will get a shot at a normal childhood. *You just stare at Steve. All of you are silent, no one makes a sound.*
Steve- I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like an asshole. I love the fact that we have more kids. That Tony has to build, yet again, just to fit us all. But if these were my kids-
Y/N- they are
Bucky- these are our kids
Steve- yes, they are. What I mean when I say that is, If this was Grant, Winnie, Sarah, Odette, Elizabeth, Jonnie, James, Anthony, Samuel, and Ben... I'd want other world us to do whatever was in their power to bring me back. I'd want the second chance to be a parent to my kids.
Nat- isn't this a second chance, Steve?
Steve- yes, in a way. But we don't know them. I know Sarah's favorite color is Purple but not regular purple, lavender. That James needs a nightlight to go to sleep but the minute he's asleep he needs it turned off. I know Grant can fight like nobody's business but he actually hates fighting because it means hurting someone else. I know Elizabeth would rather read and spend time with the goats than sit down and eat a huge meal with the whole family. I know Jonnie is the kindest souls and is so sweet, like literally I believe she would melt if you put her out in the rain. *You smile and laugh to yourself.*
Bucky- oh, cause shes made of sugar.. ha, got it. *You laugh and just hang onto Bucky's arm.*
Steve- these are our kids. We know them, we made them, you two birthed them. And we've raised them. There are versions of us out there who did some of that for these kids. It was years later than expected and it seemed like they needed some parenting lessons *Bucky nods and agrees* but they loved these kids. Just as much as we love them, if not more. They died to protect them, they KNOW them. We at least owe it to, well ourselves, to try and fix it. And if we can't then we have all these new kids. And if we can, then we've saved yet another world and brought family's back together. *You turn your face into Bucky's chest, hiding it from everyone. Bucky whispers*
Bucky- are you crying?
*You nod*
Nat- I just- I don't know Steve. I've opened my heart- *She cries too*
Steve- I know- *He starts to cry as well* I know. The thought of having Matthew and Joshua- it was what we wanted, right? To Adopt! *Nat nods* but what about the other Natasha? What about the other Steve who lost their live protecting the only babies they had. *He holds Nat and rubs her back. You feel tears drop on your face. Bucky's crying now too. You take a couple breaths and your heart breaks for other you. You make a decision, a bold one. One that maybe no one else will like but you hope they do because you let these kids into your heart already, and you're not letting them go. Not completely.*
Y/N- okay, but I have a couple conditions. *Steve and Nat look at you.* The kids know and are a part of what we are doing. They will know that we are trying to get them back home. And NOT because we don't want them. But because we love them so much we want them to have even more people to love them.
Bucky- okay, you kinda lost me there.
Y/N- from what we heard each of our other selves kinda sucked at being parents. I know we can be stubborn but we wouldn't do anything to actually hurt our kids.
Nat- okay?
Y/N- so I think they would be willing to share.
*They all look at you like you're crazy*
Bucky- what?
Y/N- look obviously the TVA doesn't care about the kids jumping universes or timelines. Maybe they were meant to! Maybe they needed to end up here so we could go back and save their world, and help raise them-
Steve- with ourselves?
Y/N- yes, and raise them with ourselves to be hero's that that would obviously needs! *They still look at you like you're crazy* did I lose you or-
Bucky- No, I'm tracking. So you want us to go back in time in a different universe, help defeat the people that killed other world us before they kill other world us and then make custody arrangements for the kids to hop back and forth between our two worlds so we can train them, they can learn how to be parents from us, and we all get to share the kids?
Y/N- Yes!
*Bucky sits down and hangs his head in his hands.*
Bucky- I'm am so sorry
*You look at Steve and Nat*
Y/N- who are you apologizing to?
Bucky- myself *You give him a look* when we went back to the 40's I told myself that everything was gonna be okay but I left out how he would marry a bleeding heart mama who would do anything for her kids. *He just smiles and you smirk and kiss him.*
Y/N- is that a yes?
Bucky- yeah... it's a yes. Multiverse Family Court here we come! *You kiss him again and he gently smiles* Steve? Nat?
Nat- okay
Steve- I mean it was my idea so-
*Nat elbows him.*
Nat- can we give it a few months though? I want to enjoy my boys a little longer before I have to share them.
Y/N- again, it might not work.
Nat- yeah and Other world me might be a raging bitch who won't share her babies with me. In doing this I am risking 3 more biological children I never thought I'd be able to have. *You reach your hand out and she is hesitant but she takes it.*
Y/N- this will work out... I promise.

‼️Y'all wanted Twists and "the more the merrier!" So fixing timelines and shared Multiverse custody it is! 🥰😂 I hope y'all are all still with me and aren't thinking "she's lost her damn mind" 😅🥰 I promise it will be good and things will work out for the best! Have I ever let y'all down?! 🥰 But for real if y'all thinks it's crap don't tell me, I'm sensitive! 🥺😭 I'm kidding, I do want to know what y'all are thinking! This whole section of chapters feels like I'm walking on glass! Also to the few that said I should do something like this or along these lines... it's creepy that y'all are like the same brain as me lol. I read your comments and think, "dear god they know me too well!" 😬🥺‼️

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