Professional Help ‼️TW‼️

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Okay besties

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‼️TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Okay besties... I am so so sorry for this. It kinda just came out and wrote itself. I think it kinda shows how Sydney and the others are helping or will help keep the timeline on track. So with that... TW- Mentions of Rape and Sexual Assault. Importance of consent. Mentions of Grooming. Again I am so sorry!!!! 🥺 just keep in mind the worst of it doesn't really happen!!! That will make sense when and if you read it. Also the picture will make more sense when you read. ‼️

*Bucky goes to check Alex's room but he's not there.*
Bucky- huh... weird. *He runs into Alex downstairs* your mom and I heard your door close.. we thought-
Alex- well I was in there with Annie but then Mr. Sydney called. Told me he had an extra credit assignment for me and that he was here to drop it off. I came down to get it and Annie left when she saw him. I don't know why, it was weird though.
*Bucky looks over and See's Sydney at the table. He raises his glass and Bucky nods. He walks over.*
Bucky- who are you at the moment?
Sydney- nice to see you too, Dad. *Bucky smile and so does Sydney.*
Bucky- why do I have a feeling something bad was gonna happen in that room and you saved yourself from it.
*Sydney(Alex) nods.*
Sydney- because I did. Wanda saw it too, you can ask her.

*Bucky explained what happened to you and you both pull Wanda to the side and asks her about it*
Wanda- I don't know if it's such a good idea-
Bucky- show us
Wanda- okay. I warned you though.

‼️Alternate events that were stopped‼️
*Bucky walks upstairs while you go find who had your baby. He stops at the door and take a deep breath. He wants to knock cause he doesn't know what's gonna be on the other side. But he also knows that gives them time to stop whatever they might be doing that they shouldn't be doing. He knocks and walks is at the same time.*
Bucky- hey- What the fuck?!  *Annie scrambles off of Alex. She covers her self with her shirt. She had been shirtless on top of him. Bra still on but still slightly naked. Alex pants were undone and he was pulled out.
Bucky- Annie, get out of my house, now! *It takes everything in Bucky to not choke slam this women on the ground. Winter's done it before and if he were in control he'd gladly do it again.*
Alex- dad-
Bucky- No Alex! You are 16 and this girl is 22 and a student teacher at your school! When it was just a friend for dinner that's one thing but this?! *He steps closer to her and she shrinks, "good" is all he can think* And despite my tone at the moment I'm not mad at you Alex. I'm mad at the adult that got you in the room alone. Annie, leave! You have about 15 seconds before my wife finds out and comes to find you and I let the Winter Soldier out to hunt you down.
*Annie gets up and runs out, grabbing her bag along the way. Bucky breaths for a moment and looks at Alex, unsure of how to handle this. Needing him to understand how Annie was wrong in this.*
Bucky- Alex-
Alex- thank you *Alex's voice shakes a little. Bucky is taken aback* I didn't know- it all happened so fast and I said no- I said no but-
*Bucky's heart breaks.*
Bucky- come here *He hugs Alex* are you okay?
Alex- yeah, I mean I wasn't scared- I just- I wasn't 100% sure.. but I'm the one who brought her up here-
Bucky- she was the adult Alex. It's not your fault at all. I have to ask, did she-
Alex- No- she got my pants down and I just froze. But she didn't actually touch me.. *Bucky nods and pats his back.* okay, let's go.

Thunder's Throne Pt 2!Where stories live. Discover now