Pillow Princess

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*He pulls you to stand up and then takes your hands and ties them together with a tie from Bucky's bathrobe

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*He pulls you to stand up and then takes your hands and ties them together with a tie from Bucky's bathrobe. They hang in front of you as he drapes you across his lap. Winter rubs your ass and lulls you into a sweet bliss before he brings one hand down across your cheeks.*
Y/N- oh! *he smirks and does it again* shit! *And again* fuck! *And again until you're begging.*
Please?! Oh fuck please?! I- mhmm *He cuts you off by spanking over your center, his fingers grazing your clit and causing you to cry out.*
Winter- shhh be a good girl for me. *He holds you tight against him and lands five successive blows to your ass, each one getting closer and closer to your center. The last one hits and you scream and almost wiggle out of his lap. He just laughs and pulls you back. You expect another spanking but what you get is his cool meal hand sliding through your folds.*
Y/N- oh fuck *You whimper and he gives a little more pressure along your clit. It's a cruel tease as he stays long enough to feel your body take interest in what he's doing and then he moves away. He massages your back with his metal hand as he uses his real one between your legs. You're soaked and he's making sure every inch of your center is covered in it.*
Winter- good girl, just give in. Let Sergeant help you be good again. *You whimper and just relax across his lap, your legs falling open a little more. He smirks* just like that. Mmhmm so good.
*He teases your entrance with one finger as the rest play with your clit. He hears how wet you are as he pushes his finger all the way in. He wants to bury his face there but he needs to wreck you first, he can lick you clean later.*
Y/N- oh Sergeant!
*He pushes another finger inside you and curls them against your walls as you clench around him.*

Winter- so fucking wet for me. Mmhmm but not wet enough.
Y/N- what?!
*Before you could comprehend what's happening Winter has three fingers inside you, basically grabbing you by your pussy. And just starts finger fucking you. The sounds your body makes are obscene as well as the noises that leave your mouth. He's going at it rough and hard, he's doing what he knows he needs to do to get you to squirt. You want to squeeze your legs closed because it's almost too much but the fire building in your stomach makes you wish you could spread your legs wider.*
Y/N- oh fuck!! Yesyesyesyes!! *He rips his fingers out of you right as you start to cum, causing you a painful denial but the force of it makes you squirt everywhere. You hear it hit the hardwood floor below you and you whimper as he shoves three fingers back in and starts his brutal pace again.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Sarge!!
Winter- Mmhmm fuck!! *He spanks you as he does it again, you squirt again and you hear even more fluid hit the floor.* yeeeah! Just like that, my good princess! *You blush and feel hot at his praise* so fucking good! My dirty girl!
Y/N- yes! Mmhmm yours! Please Sarge?!
Winter- Mmhmm what is it? Huh?!
*He asks as he pushes his fingers back inside your dripping and clenching pussy. He strokes over your sweet spot and you can't even speak it feels so good. He knows it too, he keeps stroking as he keeps asking you about what you need*
Winter- what do you need? Tell me princess, I want to give you everything all you have to do is ask. *He smirks as he sees your eyes roll back and your mouth drop open. He curls his fingers even more and uses his thumb to push against your asshole. You scream*
Y/N- I'm cumming!!!
*He again, rips his fingers out before it can actually happen. He gives your pussy a few smacks and then grabs your hair as he starts to finger you again, manhandling you by your vagina.*
Winter- what is it princess? Why won't you just cum for your Sergeant? *He smirks as you whine and grind back against his fingers* what? You need more or something?! Huh?! *he hails you upright, the sudden change giving you a head rush and you get light headed. He shoves another finger inside you and you scream but he shoves his metal fingers in your mouth.* I think you just need something in your mouth, huh? Something to suck on to shut that pretty mouth up while Sergeant had his way with you. *your eyes get big and you nod as you suck around his fingers. He smiles and just watches for a moment, living in the fact what he can actually feel you now.* Mmhmm fuck! *You suck harder as you feel precum drip from his duck into your skin. You take his dick in your hands and start to stroke him. He lets you have your fun while you adjust to his four fingers inside. You thumb over his slit and he cums hard, painting your chest and stomach in milky white. He pulls his fingers from your mouth and scoops some up. You gladly accept them back in your mouth and suck them clean. Bucky pulls his fingers from your pussy and scoops up the rest. He then goes and shoves the four fingers back inside you, using his cum as lube.  He thumbs over you clit while the other four work inside and hit your sweet spot over and over. Your eyes roll back and your legs start to shake as you get closer and closer to the edge. Winter leans forward and sucks on your breast and you cum hard. You soak Winter's lap and the floor as it all drips down your thighs. You didn't realize you were screaming until you hear Winter*
Winter- that's it, let it out! Yes!! Tell the whole fucking town whose you are!!
Y/N- SERGEANT!!!! *he doesn't stop and you cum again.*
Winter- Good. Fucking. Girl!!!
*He thrusts his fingers to emphasize the words and you just collapse in his arms. He laughs and kisses your head as he holds you up. Your legs shake and you can't help but whimper as he moves you around. He pulls his fingers from you and lays you on the bed. He looks down at your wrecked body and he just licks his lips.*

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