Our Past, His Future

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*You are packing the kids suitcases as Alex walks in

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*You are packing the kids suitcases as Alex walks in.*
Alex- what's all this??
Y/N- we are going to Wakanda *You smile as you stand up*
Alex- what?! When?!
*He is pretty upset by the news*
Y/N- we leave tomorrow- hey what's going on? We thought you'd all be excited.
Alex- excited that I'm leaving my school and friends to never seen them again?! To never see Lilly again?!
*Your heart breaks that you didn't even consider that*
Y/N- oh Alex-
Alex- No! I- ugh!! This is all so dumb!! I'm about to be wiped from existence in 2 weeks and you all will go on with life like it's nothing!! I wish Kang had just killed me.
*He runs out of the room and you are shocked and heartbroken. You don't call after him or even follow, you just cry.*

*Bucky has finished clearing the flight plans with Tony when he walks in and sees you crying on the bed. The lights are off and it's so dark he can hardly see.*
Bucky- y/n?
*You sniffle, he flips on the lights and you cover your face, not wanting him to see you cry.*
Bucky- y/n? What's going on??
*He walks over to the bed and sits next to you, rubbing your back and easing your breaths back to normal. You speak in a quiet voice*
Y/N- we failed him.. he hates us and wishes he was dead. He'd trade these past few months for death.
*Bucky holds you close and kisses your head*
Bucky- who baby? *He still a little confused*
Y/N- Alex. He's mad we are making him go to Wakanda. He's mad he is alive. He said he wished Kang had killed him. *You cry even more. Bucky has so many emotions running through him that he can't name them. He wants to cry and scream but he also wants to give Alex a piece of his mind. He takes a breath and holds you close*
Bucky- he's had a lot of change in his life recently. He's lashing out and trying to break ties so when he leaves it won't hurt as much.
*You look up at him*
Y/N- how-
Bucky- because it's what I would do- it's what I did when I was on the run. Like father, like son. *He gives a gentle smile*
Y/N- well I'm not letting him push me away. *You say as you stay laying in bed clinging to Bucky. He lightly laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- neither am I, baby. You keep packing and I'll go talk to him. *You nod and sit up, he finally gets a good look at your face and it's tear stained and red around your eyes. He knows you need some cuddles.* I'll send in some help, okay? *You nod and he kisses your head and leaves. Soon you hear someone walk in the room and you see it's. Jonnie.*
Jonnie- hi mama, daddy said you needed this. *She climbs in bed with you and curls into your arms. Your little Jonnie, you cry a little more and hold her tight.*
Y/N- I do sweet girl, thank you.
*Elizabeth and Odette walk in and start to fold clothes and pack them in the suitcases. Carson and Everly come in and curl up with you as well. Winnie and Grant walk in holding Ben's hands and helping him "walk" they sit on the ground and play with him so you can hear his giggles. You're heart is so full, all you kids in one room, well almost all of them*

*Bucky calmly closes the door and takes a breath before he goes to find Alex. He walks the whole compound and can't find him. He notices one of the four wheelers is gone.*
Bucky- oh Alex. *Bucky grabs another four wheeler and heads out into the pasture and woods, knowing exactly where Alex is. See back when Alex arrived Bucky took the "seclusion shed" that you and bought for him a couple Christmases ago and turned it into a little get away for Alex. Bucky knew that Alex could use a space that wasn't littered with toys, snacks, and screaming babies. Sure enough Bucky pulls up and sees the other four wheeler. But he also sees a bike.*
Bucky- oh come on, Alex?!
*He grumbles. He walks to the shed and he hears them before he opens the door. Thankfully it was not what he was expecting.*
Lilly- so I must be pretty special since you finally asked me to meet you here.
*Alex laughs*
Alex- yeah.. you are. *Lilly kisses him but he pulls away*
Lilly- what's wrong?
Alex- I can't do this. Look, you know about my family, the time travel, the multiverse, all of it.
Lilly- yes
*Bucky wants to scream that Alex has told her all of this*
Alex- I have to leave soon. In fact I'm leaving tomorrow.
Lilly- to go where?
Alex- Wakanda
Lilly- cool!
Alex- then the past.
Lilly- oh, Umm not so cool.
Alex- yeah... not so cool. I really like you, I didn't want to get attached to anyone here but...
Lilly- but... you did. *He nods* to me? *He nods again* can I tell you a secret? I'm a little attached as well. *Alex smiles and gently kisses her* will you ever be back? *He nods once more* when?! I'll wait!
Alex- you'll be almost 30 and I'll come back as a 16 year old. *She grimaces and Alex laughs* yeah.. it would be worse than Miss A-
Lilly- stop! *She laughs and smiles and Alex laughs too. They get quiet and she leans her head against his shoulder.* what should we do?
*Alex shrugs*
Alex- I don't know. I don't want to think about leaving though.
*Lilly looks up at him and gently smiles*
Lilly- then don't. *She kisses him and moves her hand down his chest, she keeps moving it lower and lower.*
Alex- Lilly *He says against her lips* what are you doing? *He asks as he takes he in his arms and doesn't stop her movement.*
Lilly- I'm making the most of this moment.
Alex- are you sure?
Lilly- yes, because I could have loved you, Alex. But we will never get the opportunity to experience it. So I want this, I want you, right now while the world is still whole and right.
*Alex pulls her closer and kisses her. He really wishes he had talked a little more with Bucky all those times Bucky tried to talk to him about all this. He brushes the thought away and relays on natural instinct. Bucky has two choices, bust ins n's scare these poor kids to death or let them have their moment. Bucky sighs and quietly backs away from the shed and walks far enough away that he can't hear anything.*

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