Valentine's pt 2

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Bucky- Mmhmm delicious *He licks the whipped cream off your chest

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Bucky- Mmhmm delicious *He licks the whipped cream off your chest.*
Y/N- Bucky *You whimper but he doesn't stop. He adds more cream across your nipples before he leans down and licks it off, flicking your nipples with his tongue before sucking on it. You moan and arch your back, pushing your breast into his mouth even more.* Daddy! *You yelp as he nibbles on one before switching to the other to do the same. He pulls off and pulls you in for a kiss. You start to move your hips, grinding over his lap as he palms your ass.*
Bucky- fffuuckkk *He groans as he pulls back* you're so wet, can feel you through my pants. *you whimper and grind a little harder.*
So desperate for Daddy, huh? Just need Daddy's cock to make it all right. *You whimper and nod, completely at a loss for words. You speed up a little as you grind against his clothed dick. It doesn't help when you feel how hard he his but yet he isn't making any moves to free himself.* I know baby, stupid clothes in the way. Let's fix that *Bucky lifts the dress back over your shoulders and throws it on the floor. All that's left are your heels, which Bucky isn't taking off anytime soon. And the cute matching thong to the panties that are currently in Bucky's pocket. Bucky smirks, he wasn't expecting the thong but he's happy about it.*
Bucky- good girl *He brushes your hair off your shoulders as he looks over your body.* so very good for me. *You play with the edges of the thong* go ahead and leave that on baby girl, daddy can work around it. *He melt and kiss him roughly. He breaks and grabs you by the hair, pulling a little but it's just to get you to focus.* and if it is in the way I'll just rip it off your body with my bare hands. *you whimper and nod as you grind against him more. He smiles and moves you to get off his lap.*
Bucky- I had a feeling we would be having some rough car sex tonight. So I took the liberty of packing a few essentials. *You try to keep up but the chill in the air is making it hard and the heat in your core is making you ache.*
Y/N- Buc- Bucky, baby, please I'm begging you. Literally begging you, please-
Bucky- Will you just listen? *Bucky asks as he smirks* I brought a nice blanket to protect the sheets, a lot of lube. A couple condoms, don't know yet if I will use them or just leave you sloppy-
Y/N- yes please! Mmhmm yes!
*Bucky smirks*
Bucky- I also brought some toys. *He pulls out a vibrating plug, and a clit massager that goes perfectly in your thong.* I need to know which one you want first.
*You about tackle him into the backseat and you whisper against his lips.*
Y/N- your mouth, your tongue, you fingers. That's all I want right now.
*Bucky bites his lip and pulls you close, purposefully grinding his erect dick against your soaking wet center.*
Bucky- I also need to tell you what all I'm gonna do to you before I even put my dick inside you. *You are about to pout. All his teasing and edging.* I'm going to lay you down, and spread this whipped cream across your clit and ass. I'm gonna eat you out till you are writhing and begging me to stop. Then I'm gonna eat your ass till you are so loose I can push this plug in there, no stretching needed. I'm gonna turn the vibration up high and make you sit your pretty little ass down on the seat, wanna make sure it stays in there, nice and tight. *He looks you up and down and bites his lip. He then gives you and evil grin.*
Bucky- then and only then will I finally take my pants off and let you have your way with me for a little bit. Maybe feed you some whipped cream off my tip. After your cock slut of a mouth has been fed, then I'll push into you so deep your ass will be bruised by my hips. I'll
Fuck you from behind till you cum squirting all over the seats. Then I'll take this pretty plug out of your ass and fuck you till I cum up your ass. Then when you are spent and can't take anymore, I'll slowly eat you out again, ass and all, licking you clean and bringing you to one last earth shaking orgasm. *He sees what his words have done to you. A pool of slick has made its way down your thighs and to his pants. Your nipples are hard and your body is flushed. You look like a dream. He reaches up and pinches a nipple and then kisses the other as he makes his way up your chest, along your jaw line and finally nibbling on your ear. He whispers.*
Bucky- what do you say, baby girl? *You can't speak. You have no words. So all you do is move from his lap and lay on the back seat, spreading your legs wide. One hanging over the back of the seat. Your thong hides nothing and your heels make this whole moment feels scandalous. Your body is on fire with desire for Bucky and you need him on you, now. You finally find your words. You use your neediest, sexiest, yet most innocent voice you can muster.*
Y/N- do your worst, Daddy
*Bucky growls and shoot to the back seat to ravenge you.*
Bucky- you're really gonna wish you hadn't said that, sweetness.
Y/N- have your way with me, Daddy. *Bucky lets out a breathy laugh*
Bucky- really tempting me right now. *You stroke your hands up and down your body.*
Y/N- Mmhmm with what, Daddy?
Bucky- with whether or not Wolfie should come out to play. *You squeeze your legs together and moan. Bucky smirks* I'll take that as a "go ahead" if the moment calls for it.
*You nod and Bucky finally kisses you. He hums against your lips.*
Bucky- Mmhmm alright baby, spread those pretty legs for me so I can see what my words did to you.

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