All For The Best

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*Grant is on cloud 9 all day, it's about to be summer, he gets to spend it in Wakanda or at the lake house with everyone, and he gets to spend time with Sarah

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*Grant is on cloud 9 all day, it's about to be summer, he gets to spend it in Wakanda or at the lake house with everyone, and he gets to spend time with Sarah. What more could he ask for.*
Grant- SUMMER SCHOOL?!?! *Grant raises his voice at his gym teacher* I have to come to summer school for P.E.?!?! No!!
Coach- Yup, sorry Grant. You missed the day we ran the mile and you never made it up. It's a legal requirement, I have to prove you did it and I can't.
Grant- I can run a mile in 5 minutes!! I can literally do it before my next class, please?!?! You can't make me do summer school for Gym!! It's embarrassing! What person wants to be saved by a superhero who failed gym?!?
*Coach laughs to himself and nods.*
Coach- okay, I'll tell you what. You head out to the track with me and run the mile in 5 minutes, like you said you could do, no summer school. I'll pass you.
Grant- deal!
*Grant and coach walk out to the track, Winnie and Sarah are there with their science class. The teacher said they were learning about solar power and radiation, everyone knows the teacher just wanted to be outside and not teach. Winnie sits up and taps Sarah, she sits up too from where she was laying in the grass.*
Sarah- what's happening?
Winnie- I have no idea. *Grant waves and then follows behind Coach.*
Coach- okay, you ready Grant? *Grant takes a deep breath and nods. He gets ready and waits for the word.* Go! *Grant takes off as Coach watches his stopwatch. Rounding off half way and the timer hasn't made it to 30 seconds yet. Sarah stands up to watch and so does Winnie.*
Sarah- why is Coach making him run??
Winnie- I don't know but now he's gonna stink.
*Sarah laughs a little and Winnie crosses her arms. Grant passes coach as the timer reaches a minute. He keeps running and pulling out all the stops. He knows he is slowing down and getting tired but he just can't go to summer school. He has, swimming, mission training, working with shuri, sleeping, and most importantly spending as much time with Sarah as he can. All of these are very important and Summer school will not keep him from them. He crosses the finish line and slows down, catching his breath and turning to look at Coach. Coach looks down at his watch and sees it says 5:00.01. He smiles and then looks up at Grant.*
Coach- see you next year, Grant. And don't wait till the last minute to make up your assignments.
*He pats Grant's shoulder and then heads back inside. Grant falls to the ground and tries to talk himself out of dying. Sarah and Winnie run over.*
Winnie- what in the world?!
Sarah- are you okay?!?
Grant- water! I need water!!

Eli- why did you tell him you could do it in 5 minutes?!
Grant- I was exaggerating! I didn't think he'd say "bet!"
*Eli laughs and helps a limping Grant to his next class.*
Eli- you reek bro-
Grant- shut up!
*Grant gives him a little shove and walks by himself, both of them laughing the whole way to English.*
English teacher- it's the last day of school and you decide to be late?? Go, I'm done. Go to the office.
*Eli and Grant look at one another and shrug. They could explain or they could go to the office and get sent home early. They head off to the office.*

*Sarah runs over to Winnie at lunch and hits her arm quickly.*
Winnie- ouch!!
Sarah- sorry, but did you hear about Nora?!
Winnie- No, what?!
Sarah- apparently she's been stuffing! *Sarah says in a hushed whisper.* they had a water balloon fight in 6th grade P.E today and she got hit by a stray water balloon while her science class was taking a "nature walk". It soaked everything and all her- *Sarah motions to her chest* all of it, gone!
*At first Winnie smiles and laughs. Then she stops. Sarah does too. Sarah then sighs.*
Sarah- why did our parents have to raise us to be so nice.
*Winnie laughs and shrugs. They both walk out to find Nora*
Winnie- anyone in 8th grade hall bathroom?
Sarah- Nope, wait- *She hears something as she walks past a janitor closet. Sarah points and Winnie nods. They slowly open the door and they see a crying Nora. Winnie and Sarah don't say a thing, all they do is walk in the closet and sit on either side of Nora and hug her. It's what they would want.*
Nora- y-you h-heard *She says through sniffles. Sarah nods.*
Winnie- yeah, and people can be so mean. I'm sorry, Nora.
*Nora wipes her tears and snuggles again*
Nora- guess that's what I get for trying to outdo you.
*Nora sighs and Winnie looks at her.*
Winnie- what?
Nora- boys love you, Winnie. They don't notice me.
*Winnie squeeze her hand and tries to think of what you would say right now.*
Winnie- the right one will. He won't be able to help noticing you. *Nora hugs her and Winnie smiles and hugs Nora back.* also boys are dumb and don't deserve our attention anyway.
*They all laugh and a teacher down the hall hears them. She walks up and scolds them all for skipping class and sends them to the office. Sarah, Winnie, and Nora see Grant and Eli sitting and waiting, try can't help but laugh and join them.*

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