A Little Hope

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Bucky- what do you think they are talking about? *He nods his head out towards Nat and Skinny Steve

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Bucky- what do you think they are talking about? *He nods his head out towards Nat and Skinny Steve.*
Steve- who knows, in all honesty he's probably trying not to die.
Bucky- were you really that- how can I put this- Frail? Fragile? Feeble? *Steve laughs and raises his hand to get Bucky to stop. Bucky smiles*
Steve- kinda, I mean you know how sick I was.
Bucky- yeah, half the time I wondered if you were gonna cough or somehow wheeze out you lungs. *Steve laughs and nods* but I mean *He looks through the window and sees Skinny Steve, he's bright eyed and hanging on every word Nat says.* just her being near you would make you bust?
Steve- well yeah, but she has the effect on me now so *Bucky and Steve laugh. Steve teases* y/n's probably doing the same thing to you- she does that to you now!
*Bucky nods and agrees*
Bucky- true, very true.
Steve- but Umm yeah, if she had been around in this day, I would have definitely ended up in the hospital with her.
Bucky- you'd literally be loved to death.
*Steve nods*
Steve- I mean I can't say I disagree with Nat, he does deserve the kinda love she could show him. *He looks out the window at her and she gently smiles at him as she plays with Skinny Steve's hair, listening to every word. Steve returns the smile and looks away.*
Bucky- y/n's out there with a complete Bucky Barnes. *Steve gives him a look* he has his left arm. She's already had a moment with him involving it. *He looks down at his metal hand and squeezes it shut.*
Steve- you know you'd never-
Bucky- I know, and now that I can actually feel her with it, it's a little different. But for her she hasn't had two real arms hold her since you... well except for now.
Steve- well two real arms aren't all their cracked up to be. *Bucky laughs* for real! Half the time when we are together Nat is swatting my hand away. She says sometimes she just needs me to lay there and look pretty. *Bucky laughs and so does Steve*
Bucky- honestly, that doesn't surprise me at all.
*Steve nods*
Steve- she loves you... metal arm and all. The only reason she'd ever think about what it would be like for you to have two arms would be for your benefit and not hers.
Bucky- how so?
Steve- if you hadn't of lost your arm you wouldn't have all those scars. You wouldn't have gone through the phantom limb pain. Your pain in life wouldn't have been as great. She'd only imagine it for your benefit. *Bucky nods and looks out at you and Past Bucky. You are leaning on the railing next to him. You're close and talking in whispers, he should be jealous, like he was with James all those years ago. But he's not. He feels for the kid out there and knows what kind of hope and healing you could bring for him tonight. Bucky sighs and makes a choice.*

*Steve sees Nat as she holds onto Skinny Steve, each time he looks back Skinny Steve looks bolder and bolder. Like he believes whatever Nat is telling him. She lays her head on his shoulder and Steve sees the comfort that washes over Skinny Steve's face at the feeling of Nat laying on him. Steve sighs and makes a decision.*

*Steve stands up and pokes his head out onto the balcony.*
Steve- hey Tasha, let's talk for a minute.
*She pats Skinny Steve's leg and stands up. They walk to the other side and whisper so Skinny Steve won't hear.*
Steve- if you want to, you can. But on one condition.
Nat- name it!
Steve- he calls the shots.
Nat- No- Steve-
Steve- not like that, I'm meaning- like he says when enough is enough. If he doesn't want to go through with it then it's done. He needs to slow down you do it immediately.
Nat- you think I'd just disregard his wants and consent-
Steve- No, never! You are the consent queen- I just don't know if you completely understand how delicate this situation is. Like I have a real fear that his lungs will give out the minute you start touching him.
*Nat gently smiles and kiss Steve.*
Nat- it will be okay, *She looks back at skinny Steve and waves a little* where will you be? What will you be doing?
Steve- I don't know. A part of me doesn't want to leave you alone with him, just case I at least know CPR. *Nat smiles* but it's also weird watching my wife sleep with the younger version of myself.
Nat- I understand, you are welcome to stay or leave. I don't mind either. Because either way, I'll be with my husband. *Steve smiles*
Steve- you really like me like that, don't you?
*Nat nods*
Nat- yeah baby, and not just because you'd be easier to control. It just fits your soft side a little more and you know what a sucker I am for you when you're a softy. *Steve nods and smirks. He kisses her*
Steve- alright go on, break the news. Offer him the best night of his life. But please make sure he knows he won't be able to remember it. That may change things.
Nat- I will, Stevie.

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