Do Better

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*You are woken up by a knock on your bedroom door

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*You are woken up by a knock on your bedroom door. You get up and check to see who it is.*
Y/N- Winnie? What's wrong sweetie?
Winnie- Everly is crying. She had a bad dream. We tried to help her but she said she just wanted Alex. But he's asleep and I can't wake him.
Y/N- okay, where is she?
*Winnie points to the corner of the living room. Shes hiding and scared.*
Y/N- okay, thank you Winnie boo. You go on to bed, okay?
Winnie- okay
*You slowly walk over to Everly. She looks up and you see tears in her eyes. She is so scared, her eyes darting around, like she's looking for someone.*
Y/N- Everly? It's mama y/n. You're safe sweetie.
*She slowly let's her arms down and starts to stand up. She runs into your arms and clings to you. She cries*
Everly- don't let the bad man get me... please?!
*You heart breaks. You have no idea what she means but whoever it is she is truly terrified of him.*
Y/N- I won't baby, I won't. *You rub her back* you wanna come sleep in my room? You can be all snuggled up with me and daddy.
*She nods. You pick her up and walk back to the bedroom. She's already fallen back asleep in your arms. You gently nudge Bucky awake and he sees Everly. He is about to talk when you motion for him to get dressed. He realizes he still only has on his boxers. He throws on some sweats and a t-shirt. He climbs back in bed and you lay Everly down next to him, she grabs ahold of his shirt and won't let go. You lay in the other side of her, both of you surrounding her.*
Bucky- what happened? *Bucky whispers*
Y/N- bad dream.. she asked to make sure the "bad man doesn't get her"
Bucky- who's that?
Y/N- I don't know. I didn't want to make her more upset. I'll ask Alex tomorrow.
Bucky- okay, I'll check with Nat and ask if she said anything to her last night. *You nod and move her hair out of her face. She looks like Bucky but she has Nat's eyes, skin tone, and hair color. Bucky can tell what you're thinking and he gently kisses you.* I love you
Y/N- I love you too
*You two drift off to sleep.*

*The morning comes and Everly is wide awake and as you and Bucky still try to sleep. But soon Ben wakes up so you go and grab him, you settle in bed with him as Everly plays with Bucky's hair while he still sleeps. You laugh and she smiles up at you*
Everly- my daddy had short hair, so this is fun!
*You laugh and kiss her head. Ben starts to get hungry so you get ready to feed him.*
Y/N- hey Everly?
Everly- yeah mama?
*You smile, maybe Nat would be okay with Everly just calling you both mama. You'll ask her about that later.*
Y/N- can you go see if your sisters are up?
Everly- Yup!
*She jumps up and runs out of the door, slamming it behind her. It startles you, Ben, and Bucky. He was laying on his stomach and he just shoots up on his elbows and looks around. You laugh at his reaction and then feel so bad at Ben's he just cries cause it scared him and was so loud.*
Bucky- okay, so they weren't really taught manners.. we'll fix that. *You laugh and give him a kiss.* Mmhm morning
Y/N- good morning
Bucky- good morning mr. Grumpy! *He says in a funny voice as he tickles Ben. Ben giggles and squeals, the tears soon forgotten.* you gonna eat? Are you gonna be good for mama?
*Ben smiles and you laugh*
Y/N- yeah, we'll see. You've been clingy and wanting to nurse for hours! *You tickle him and he smiles again. You get settled and like normal you never worry about a cover. Your kids have grown up around it and they think it's cool and know it's natural. Obviously you are still modest about them not seeing everything, but you don't hide it away from them... there's a knock and they don't wait for an answer, they just walk in.*
Alex- hey mom- oh my god! Oh- *He turns around quickly and you gasp and try to cover yourself without upsetting Ben.*
Y/N- Alex?!
Bucky- Alex? *He looks* oh! Wha- *He throws a blanket over you and Ben is not happy. He pulls off and screams, you are soaked, Ben is soaked, the blanket gets a little wet, even Bucky was in the splash zone.*
Y/N-a Bucky?! *You groan and sigh. You sit Ben up and try to calm him down as you talk to Alex. Bucky sits up and gives you and apologetic kiss.*
Bucky- sorry babe, just a reflex. Here let me help. *He holds the blanket high enough at Alex can't see anything and you can just calm Ben down and nurse.*
Y/N- what did you need Alex?
Alex- I can come back-
Y/N- it's fine, what's up?
Alex- Winnie said-
Bucky- you can turn around.
*He does*
Alex- Winnie said Everly had a nightmare... about the bad man.
Y/N- yeah, do you know who that is?
Alex- yeah, it's Kang. I mean she saw him kill you all right before her eyes.
Bucky- I thought it was the punisher?
Alex- that was a part of the lie I told.. sorry I thought I had cleared that part up as well. Kang killed you all... right in front of us. We all have nightmares but Everly and Carson have the worst of them. They were- they were the closest when it happened. That's not something you can forget.
*You nod and look down at Ben.*
Y/N- okay, *You gently smile at him* thank you for letting us know.
Alex- you're welcome... I'm sorry about- Umm well *He motions to you* this. I'll wait for an answer next time. *You laugh*
Y/N- yeah that would be best.
*He nods and leaves the room. Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- okay... so I guess I need to let Nat know.
Y/N -yeah... she may be up now. You can go see.
*He nods and gets up. He doesn't bother changing his clothes from his pjs, he just walks over as is.*
Bucky- hey, anyone up?
*He sees Carson laying on the couch.*
Bucky- hey Carson, why aren't you in your bed?
Carson- I had a bad dream.
Bucky- well did you try to find daddy or nonny?
Carson- yeah... they were busy with Matthew. He was sick. I didn't want to bother them so I just fell asleep out here. *Bucky's heart breaks*
Bucky- come here sweet girl *He picks her up and hugs her tight.* it's gonna be okay, the bad man can't get you. *She looks at him and cry's a little and hugs him tight.*
Carson- are you sure?!
Bucky- super sure. He's never gonna bother you again, I will personally make sure of it.
Carson- thank you daddy. I love you.
Bucky- I love you too carcar. *She giggles at the nickname.* oh is that funny?! *She nods and laughs as he tickles her. The bedroom door opens and Steve walks out.*
Steve- oh hey, Is everything okay?
Bucky- just need to talk to Nat about Everly. And you *He whispers so Cater doesn't hear* need to comfort your daughter.
Steve- what? *Looking slightly offended*
Bucky- she slept all night in the couch cause she had a bad dream. She went to find you two but Matthew was sick so she didn't want to bother you. She slept out here all alone.
*Bucky hands her to Steve and walks into the room to find Nat.*
Steve- hey Carson, tell me what's going on?
*She explains her bad dream and how she tried to find him but she couldn't*
Carson- I was scared you had died again, daddy! *She cries and clings to him*
Steve- oh honey, no. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere, never!
Carson- promise?!
Steve- I promise. *He kisses her cheek and holds her tight.*

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