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‼️okay so maybe you did have to wait a month for the next part

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‼️okay so maybe you did have to wait a month for the next part... but you don't have to wait for the sex!! 😂🤭😏🫠‼️

*You wake up to the feeling of lips trailing along your neck, and then further, and further down. The shirt you had thrown on before climbing in bed last night has disappeared and your breast are only covered by Bucky's kisses. His hands roam up and down your sides as he resides himself to only kissing your breast at the moment. You lightly laugh and Bucky hums as he realizes you're awake.*
Bucky- good morning, Doll. *He glances up at you, the gleam in his eyes and the sparkle in his smile, you know you're about to have a very good morning.*
Y/N- mmhmm good morning, *You pull on his shoulders, pulling him up to you* give me a kiss *He smiles as he leans in, his lips pressed against yours. First it's chaste, very sweet. Then you feel Bucky's tongue push against your lips, asking for access. You grant it happily. You moan as he dominates your mouth. You giggle*
Y/N- mmhm what's gotten into you this morning?! *You moan as he kisses down your neck, nipping along the way.*
Bucky- it's been too long since we've had a late, uninterrupted morning. I made it clear we are not to be disturbed until lunch. *You giggle and he kisses the tops of your breast before he kisses your lips again.* if they need anything, well they are all grown ups. *he tosses the covers off you both and you see that he's been naked this whole time. You whimper as you see his toned body laid out before you.* so now, if you don't mind *He slips his fingers in the waistband of your underwear and starts to pull them down.* I need my breakfast. *He smirks and you blush as he keeps your gaze while kissing down your body.* which is your entire, delicious body. *He grazes his mouth over your skin, not fully touching and letting his breath be the only thing making contact.* baby girl, I'm gonna have you dripping before I even get started.
Y/N- yyyeess baby, mmhmm *You reach out and play with his hair as he settles between your legs. He pushes your legs wider, you reach down and hold behind your knees.*
Bucky- good girl *He rumbles against your skin as he kisses your inner thighs.* so good for me. *He kisses your mound, pulling a gasp from your lips. Bucky smirks and keeps kissing lower and lower until his lips graze over your clit.*
Y/N- Bucky *You gasp, needing more than the little peck he just gave you. He sits up and you whisper as he moves farther away from where you ache for him. He smirks and pulls your legs from your own hands, letting them rest over his shoulders. His hands trail up and down your legs as he leans his head to the side and nibbles on your ankle, the moan that escapes your lips is erotic. His hands massage your thighs as you try to catch your breath, it feels too good. Bucky finally lets your legs down and moves his hands to massage your hips, really digging into the muscles and releasing the tension. As his make circles on your skin they grow closer and closer to your center, but before he actually touches you he runs his hands up your sides and cups your breasts in both his hands, real and metal.*
Y/N- Oh baby- please?! *Bucky smirks as he gives in a little, leaning down and taking one of your nipples son his mouth, his tongue circling it before he sucks on it.* Yes! *You moan as you try to play with his hair but he tuts and pushes your hands back above you.*
Bucky- keep them there baby girl. *He leans down an again and does the same thing to the other nipple, driving you crazy with need.*
Y/N- I- oh my- I'm gonna-
*You can't even warn him before you are cumming. Bliss overtaking you as Bucky rubs your body and kisses your neck. Grazing his teeth along your jaw and sending shivers down your body.*
Bucky-mmhmm one down *He kisses you* so many more to go. *he whispers against your neck.*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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