So Predictable

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*The next day is filled with swimming, laying around, and a water balloon fight that ends with a black eye

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*The next day is filled with swimming, laying around, and a water balloon fight that ends with a black eye.*
Y/N- hold still *You pull Bucky's face up to look at the sky while you look at his eye. You can hear Steve laughing over your shoulder*
Bucky- it's not funny, Steve! *Bucky yells at him and it makes Steve laugh even more*
Steve- I'm sorry! I know, *He catches his breath* I know it's not. But the way you screamed-
*Bucky tries to stand up and tackle Steve but you muscle him back into his seat and Nat shoves Steve away.*
Nat- is he gonna be okay?
*You look at Bucky's eye, it's already black and blue. You meet his gaze and rub his cheek while you look down at him*
Y/N- yeah, he'll be alright. *You smile and give him a kiss* but I guess that's what you get when you buy reusable, rubber water balloons and give them to a bunch of super soldiers.
Bucky- like a rubber bullet to the face. *He grumbles as he holds an ice pack to his eye. You pat his shoulder*
Y/N- go inside and get cleaned up for dinner. I'm going to round up the kids.
*Bucky walks inside and Nat just laughs*
Nat- oh he's gonna milk that for all it's worth
Y/N- ha! Probably, but thankfully he's not one of those "man flu" type of guys. When he is sick or hurt he is usually still putting in the work. If he doesn't and he gets all wimpy then I know he's really sick and that's only happened once.
*Nat laughs and nods*
Nat- Steve tried to play the "man flu" once.
Y/n- and?
Nat- I told him Super Soldiers don't get sick, so he didn't have an excuse. *You laugh*
Y/N- well, we can and we do. It's just no where near as bad as normal people and we get over it pretty quick. So yeah I guess it's not really "sick" in the since of in bed for a week or more. Maybe two days, tops!
*Nat nods, she looks back at Steve and Bucky talking in the kitchen*
Nat- ouch, *she sees his eye* that's gonna take a hot minute to heal. *You sigh*
Y/N- yeah... I'm sure tonight he will try to convince me that giving him a BJ will make it heal faster. *Nat busts out laughing and so do you.*
Nat- Thats so true, and what's funnier is that you'd probably do it to, not cause you believe but because *She pulls you close and acts all sentimental.* your Bucky is hurt and you wanna make him feel better. *You laugh and bump her away with your hip. She laughs and goes to grab her kids as you yell for yours.*

*you all sit for dinner in shifts, Steve and Bucky, with the boys. Then you and Nat with the girls. Winnie sits by you and she keeps looking back at the door.*
Y/N- what are you looking for Win?
*She turns around*
Winnie- nothing, just nothing.
*Nat smirks at you and you smile.*
Y/N- okay, well your food is getting cold.
*She sits up and starts to eat. Thor walks through the front door with Steve.*
Thor- alright, miss Winnie? Your turn! I will show you how to properly weld Mjolnir.
*Winnie Jumps up and runs out the door, grabbing the hammer as she passes and using it to fly through the air. Thor watches and just smiles. The then walks down the front steps and across the yard to where she landed. He's clapping and talking instructions as he goes. Steve is shocked and looks back at you. You are as calm as ever.*
Steve- did you just?! She-
Y/N- yeah, she's a natural.
*Steve goes to help when Nat calls him back.*
Steve- I need to help Thor-
Nat- she won't be listening to a word you're saying. You have more use here. *She pats his cheek and he sighs. Bucky walks up and sits with an ice pack and lays it on his eye. Steve laughs again and Bucky smacks him in the arm.*
Bucky- next time I'm aiming for your balls next time, see how you like it.
*Steve laughs and goes to gather the kids. You squeeze Bucky's hand and Nat watches you two for a moment. Then she gives you a look before heading upstairs with the kids.*
Bucky- what was that look about?? *Bucky asks as he saw Nat*
Y/N- oh, nothing.
*Bucky lays his head back again and and groans at the aching pain.*

*You get the kids in bed and you tuck them in. You climb on Winnie's bed and whisper.*
Y/N- it's okay that you want to train with Thor but I need to you eat your food, you are a growing girl and especially now you need to make sure you are eating right, okay?
Winnie- okay, but mom? *You hum* I wasn't excited to train with Thor- I mean I was but that's not why I was distracted at dinner. *She smiles* I really wanted to weld Mjolnir again. So when I got the chance I took it!
Y/N- ohhh *You say a little proud and shocked*going for the powerful weapon over the attention of someone?? Marat move Winnie James.
*She smiles*
Winnie- I know. *You tickle her and she giggles* I mean... he is a pretty good teacher though. *She blushes and you kiss her head*
Y/N- now now Winnie boo. *You rub her head and she looks up at you* don't say that in form tog your dad, he'll get sad. *She laughs and nods. You smile at your joke and then say Goodnight.*

*Climbing into bed you see Bucky laid back with the ice pack still on his eye. You laugh to yourself and lean into kiss him when you remember what Nat said. Have you and Bucky become that predictable? You look at Bucky again and you look over his sculpted chest and the way his hair gets fluffy when he's in bed. The covers rest low of his waist and the smallest peek of his boxer briefs waistband show. You bite you lip and shrug, so what if you're predictable, your husband is hot and hurting. And if you wanna make him feel good by sucking his dick then so be it, predictability be damned. You kiss up his chest and he hums in appreciation.*
Bucky- Mmhm hi.
Y/N- hi *You kiss him and remove the ice pack. The eye doesn't look too bad, the serum already healing it.*
Bucky- you now what would make me feel so much better, which will probably make me heal faster?
*You laugh*
Y/N- what baby?
Bucky- getting to treat you *He smirks and you smile. Maybe you two aren't so predictable. Bucky flips you over and makes quick work of getting you naked.* Mmhmm look at you, I feel better already. *He smirks and kisses you before he starts his trail south and ends right between your legs. In minutes he has you arching your back and grabbing his hair as you cum. He kisses your thighs and then up your body.*
Bucky- delicious, I think I'm fully healed now.
*You giggle and kiss his eye that is still bruised*
Y/n- not quite yet, let me see if I can help matters. *You roll him over and kiss down his body. Pulling his boxer briefs down and off you lay between his legs and act like your bj is about to save his life. He is whimpering and moaning as you take him in all the way and play with his balls. Soon he is spilling into your mouth and you swallow every last drop. When you pull off with a pop Bucky is staring at the ceiling with the most blissed out look on his face. You laugh and kiss him*
Y/N- wait here. *You get a rag and get cleaned up and then clean him up before laying in bed. Bucky holds you close and nuzzles his face in your neck, leaving little kisses.*
Bucky- Mmhmm completely, all healed
*You giggle and pull him closer against you. The last thing you remember before falling asleep is a text from Nat*

Nat- so predictable! 😏 Lol these walls are thin!!🙃 At least he gives before he receives! 😉

*Nat hears your laughter through the walks and Bucky asking what's so funny. She hears you answer*

Y/N- our love is just so predictable, baby.

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