Punishments, D!ck Pics, & Marathons

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‼️So I am alive, and I am so sorry for the delay! I've just been so busy!! But here we are, back at it!! I have so much artwork I've found that I need to share soon! Lol‼️

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‼️So I am alive, and I am so sorry for the delay! I've just been so busy!! But here we are, back at it!! I have so much artwork I've found that I need to share soon! Lol‼️

*The sun streams in from the window in the bathroom, casting a soft morning glow along the floor. Bucky snores softly next to you and you hear the kids starting to move around in the living room. You roll over and give Bucky a kiss on the forehead as you start to get up.*
Bucky- mmhmm where do you think you're going? *He mutters, still half asleep. You giggle and lean back down to kiss his lips.*
Y/N- to get ready for the day, we've got Grant's Graduation party to plan and Nat wanted my help looking over a mission report, she wants to get the kids more hands on experience. *You explain as you try to wiggle free from Bucky's limbs. When you get one off another one is wrapped around you. He kisses your exposed skin and mutters.*
Bucky- mmhmm I'll show you 'hands on experience' *As he kisses up your neck and lowers his hand across your breast. You giggle and give up the fight, letting yourself be pulled back to bed in the arms of your husband.*
Y/N- you are trouble *You sigh against his lips and he smiles back.*
Bucky- yeah, but you've known that for almost 30 years at this point. *He teases as he kisses back down your neck and across your breast. You play with his hair and right as he's about to really get you going, you hear Grant and Alex raising their voices and calling for you both.*
Grant- Mom! Dad!?
*You hear him walking closer to the door*
Y/N- shit, it's not locked!
*You whisper scream to Bucky who is in his own world as he is mesmerized by your body.*
Y/N- Bucky he's gonna see- *You quickly pull the covers over you both as Grant knocks as he strokes in.*
Grant- Mom, Dad!?! What's this about Alex and Lilly- oh God! On gross- *He realizes what he just walked in on and immediately turns and leaves, slamming the door. You hear the others laughing and teasing him. Sighing you push Bucky back and off you.*
Y/N- down boy, we have to go be parents.
*Bucky pouts up at you but then sighs and agrees. You laugh and pull him up from the bed with you*
Bucky- will you at least hug me while I brush my teeth? I just wanna be near you, need your touch right now. *You gently smile and push up on your toes to kiss him.*
Y/N- I'd love to.
*As you bushed your teeth Bucky stood behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist and his head leaning down on your shoulder. When you washed your face and did your hair he decided that would be a good time to do his morning things he didn't want you around for, and for that you are thankful for. But once he was back at the sink you did as he asked, standing behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. You rest your head against his back and enjoy the warmth and muscles beneath your cheek. You leave a kiss every so often just cause. You two stand there for a moment before you get dressed, you holding him while he lets you support him for a moment.*
Bucky- I love you, y/n. *Simple and true*
*You smiles and and kisses show back again as you move your hands along his abs. You give him a little squeeze as you hug him.*
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky.

*You finally get dressed and make it into the living room to see what all the fuss was about.*
Y/N- okay, why is Grant screaming and barging into our room?
*the kids all snicker and Grant sighs loudly before standing ups and walking over.*
Grant- I can't have outside the house dates with Sarah or have her over in my room but Alex gets to let Lilly spend the night with him?! *Grant crosses the room and stands in front of you and Bucky. You look at Bucky and you both sigh.*
Y/n- look, Alex and Lilly have extenuating circumstances- *he cuts you off*
Grant- what!? Because Alex got sucked back in time and his Girlfriend was frozen they get a pass? Did he even get in trouble?! *You are about to speak up when Bucky steps forward and takes over.*
Bucky- first you are going to apologize to my Wife and your mother for being so disrespectful. Now! *Grant looks at you.*
Grant- I'm sorry, mom. I shouldn't have yelled at you. *you nod and Grant turns back to Bucky.*
Bucky- second, you're gonna apologize to Alex. *Grant turns to Alex and mumbles a apology.*
Alex- thanks, man. *Alex nods and Grant focuses back on Bucky.*
Bucky- third, and not that it matters in regards to you, but Alex did get in trouble. Also I usually hope you had rough decency to hold off on the fighting till Lilly was gone.
Alex- she left early, she didn't hear anything.
Grant- look, I am sorry that I lost my cool. I know it was my fault we were late, I was just frustrated that he still gets to see his girlfriend unsupervised but I don't.
Y/N- well, don't break curfew and you wont have that punishment.*You shrug and Grant groans.*
Grant- Fine, whatever. *He starts to walk away and Bucky calls after him.*
Bucky- Grant! *he turns around and sighs.* Love you, bud.
Grant- love you too *Grant mumbles.* I'm going to find Sarah and don't worry I'm sure uncle Steve will be staring me down the whole time. *He walks away and you laugh. You and Bucky call after him.*
Bucky/ Y/N- Goodnight! I'm glad!
*You sigh and look at Bucky.*
Y/N- We will need to talk to him later. *Bucky sighs and agrees. He kisses your head and looks to Alex*
Bucky- you okay?
*Alex nods*
Alex- yeah, I kinda wish the girls had kept their mouth shut about seeing Lilly this morning. *He glances over to Evie and Carson who are just giggling.*
Bucky- that was mean girls *they laugh and shrug as they walk out of the room followed by Alex*
Y/N- hey *You call to Bucky who looks at you and smiles after seeing the look on your face.*
Bucky- What? * he pulls you close* What's got you looking like that? *he bites his lip smirks.*
Y/N- you going all 'apologize to my wife' mhmm it was sexy! *Bucky smirks and kisses you as he whispers against your lips.*
Bucky- oh, you liked that, huh? *he teases and you giggle.*
Y/N-oh yeah! Alright, let's see about a party, huh?! *Bucky nods and wraps an arm around you as you head downstairs.

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