Gotta Knock

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*The days go by and the kids settle into a routine

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*The days go by and the kids settle into a routine. The girls decide to switch rooms every week instead of every night. Alex and Grant seem to be getting along pretty well, although you can tell Alex is ready to have a room all to himself. Nat and the boys have gotten settled and Matthew seems to be doing better. Joshua fits in like he's always been there and James and Anthony love having another brother. Tony quickly broke ground on adding a new floor above yours and within a month it was completely done. Guess when a billionaire is paying "whatever it takes" to get it done as fast as possible the workers don't mind working around the clock. And it can't be done soon enough because you and Bucky still can't get use to having a teenage boy in the room with Grant. Too many incidents have happened already.*

Y/N- hey Bucky can you start the laundry? I'm gonna see if Grant or Alex have any clothes that need to be washed.
Bucky- yeah, sure thing.
*You walk into Grants room and see Alex changing clothes.*
Alex- mom?!
Y/N- oh my god! I'm- oh- so sorry!! *You turned right around and left the room. Bucky sees you and walks over*
Bucky- you okay?
Y/N- I just walked in on Alex changing. *Bucky nods and then laughs. You hit his arm* it's not funny!
Bucky- okay, I know. *He laughs again* you didn't mean to, right? So it's fine. I'm sure you yelled a thousand apologies as you left the room.
*You groan as you hang your head in your hands. Thankfully Alex was able to laugh a bout it as well. The next time wasn't so funny though. Grant was outside playing with the other kids, you were going in to change his sheets and leave new ones for Alex, you walk in and see him laying in bed... he's not asleep though... and he's got his phone in one hand playing a video and his other hand is under his blanket...*
Y/N- oh my god!!
*You basically run out of the room*
Alex- oh my god!!!
*Alex flips and grabs his sheet and runs to the bathroom and slams the door.*

Bucky- wait... he was-
Y/N- yes!! *You scream into the pillow you are holding. Bucky just quietly laughs* I can't do this- I'm not- Nope! This is all on you.
Bucky- me?! What do you want me to do?!
Y/N- talk to him!
Bucky- why?!
Y/N- because! He was in one of those filthy websites- the ones that give your computer and phone a virus. Tell him to get a book- or a magazine-
Bucky- the phones safer, Grant and the others won't stumble across it if it's on the phone-
Y/N- he shouldn't even be looking at it! He's a kid-
Bucky- he's 16-
Y/N- he's a kid!
Bucky- when I was 16 I was sneaking peaks at my dad's magazines and doing the same thing-
Y/N- okay, you magazines from the "good ole days" were the equivalent of a swimsuit magazine today. And I'm not talking sports illustrated. I'm talking like a legitimate swimsuits catalogue! One pieces and everything! Those are what you were looking at! What was on his phone was- well- it was the equivalent of our tapes we have of us! Nothing left to the imagination, you could see right down "Main Street and the back alley"
*Bucky can't help but laugh*
Bucky- okay first off, our magazines showed a little more then what you equated them to. And second- you're telling me you never looked at ANYTHING like that?!
Y/N- No! I grew up in Hydra! I didn't have any of that!! YOU were my Porn!
*Bucky laughs and then smirks. He nods his head on agreement.*
Bucky- yeah I guess that's true.
Y/N- I hate that his mind is already filled with all of those images- you need to talk to him-
Bucky- I almost panicked when Grant asked what a boner was! You think I'm gonna be able to talk about masturbation and porn to Alex?!
Y/N- you have to!
Bucky- why?!
Y/N- cause you're the dad! I've got the girls, you get the boys. Now go! *He grumbles and leaves* Take a magazine with you when you do! *He pops back in the room*
Bucky- I don't have any *You cross your arm and give him a look* honest to god I don't, you wanna know why?
Y/N- why?
*He walks over and kisses you*
Bucky- cause you're my porn *He winks and you laugh. You hit is good arm and he walks out* that's a good one, I'm gonna have to use it now.
*You shake your head and fall back on the bed.*

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