Christmas pt10 Daddy

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*You catch a glimpse of the clock and realize it's not even the morning yet

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*You catch a glimpse of the clock and realize it's not even the morning yet. It's only 4am and Bucky's making sure he uses every kids free moment yo wreck you. Bucky slams into you over and over, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. You burry your face in your pillow and scream as you cum around Bucky. He grabs your hips and buries himself deep inside as he grunts and moans, spilling inside you as he does. It's so dirty yet you love it, warm and so full.*
Bucky- fucked you so full, there's no more room. *He rubs his finger along your center and he brings it to your mouth.* it's just dripping out of you. *He pulls out and pushes something else inside you. You whimper and realize it's a plug for your Vagina.* gotta make sure you stay full, make sure your ember who fucks you so good. *You whimper and kiss him. If your 6 kids weren't proof this definitely was- you and Bucky have a serious breeding kink. He smiles down at you, a break in scene. He whispers*
Bucky- you took your pill, right? *You giggle and nod* good! As much as I love pretending this will do something *He wiggles the plug* we have our hands full already. *You laugh and nod. You kiss him and then he's lifting your hands above your head and he's back in scene.* now, tell me. You want this pretty ass stretched open and fucked full too? Or do you want daddy to use your throat as his own personal fuck toy? *He smirks and you whimper.*
Y/N- both Daddy, please?
*He bites his lip and nods*
Bucky- well, since you asked so nicely. *He moves to straddle your chest* so you shall receive, Bunny.
*You open your mouth and stick out your tongue and Bucky takes that as and open invitation. He leans forward and you take him in your mouth. He moans and throws his head back as you bob your head up and down as best you can.*
Bucky- ffffuuccc- Mmhmm that's it. *He lets out a breathy laugh* just like that. *He plays with your hair as he starts to move your head up and down his cock.* good girl. *You feel hot all over at his praise.* good Bunny. *He smirks down at you and you look up at him as you pull off and tease his tip with your tongue.* No no, we're not done Bunny. Open up wide and rest your hands on my thighs. *You whimper and do as he says, you grab at his waist and he moves your hands back to his thighs.*
Bucky- keep them there. I don't want to punish you, not when you look so delicious tonight.
*You squeeze his thighs, letting your nails dig in a little. He hissed and then moans at the feeling.*
Bucky- Mmhmm for that you get an extra minute of choking on my cock. *He pushes past your lips and hits the back of your throat. You gag and paw at his legs but he keeps you down by the back of your head. You throat closes around him and he moans as he spills down your throat. He lets go of your head and you pull off and lay back against the pillows. Your eyes are watery and red, spit and cum leak for your mouth and when you speak your voice is hoarse... you're a fucking wet dream to Bucky right now.*
Y/N- I'm sorry, Daddy. *You reach out for him and he lets you touch his body* I was just playing around when I scratched you *you rub his thighs where the marks from your nails have already faded. You move your hands up his chest and take a moment just to feel his body. His chiseled abs, his firm pecks, his strong shoulders, he watches you as you explore his body with your fingers. He moves back off you and you sit up. You kiss around his chest as he plays with your hair. Teasing his nipples and kissing all over his scars, the hair from his treasure trail along his abs tickle your chest as you press closer to him. He stands on his knees above you and you look up as you continue to kiss his body. Your hands find perches on his pecks, his chest hair tickling your fingers. It's an odd sensation that you've grown accustomed to over the years. After Hydra waxed him for almost 70+ years the hair took awhile to grow back. When it did Bucky just let it, he didn't worry about grooming it or waxing it like they used to. Granted, he didn't grow a lot, but just enough that he felt a little more like his pre-war self, and if that's what he needed then that's fine by you. He lets you groom however you see fit and never voiced a preference so you'll let him have that choice over himself as well. Another way of healing and taking back what Hydra took from him. You just wish it didn't tickle so much when you're trying to get handsy. You smile as you kiss down his abs, closer and closer to his aching cock. You lick your lips and then kiss along his length.*
Bucky- oh y/n *he moans and you stop and look up. He blushes and smiles as his eyes are closed and looking up.* I meant Bunny.
Y/N- I'll be whatever you want me to be, Daddy.
*Bucky can't take it anymore. He pulls you up and into his arms and kisses you fiercely.*
Bucky- Mmhmm come here. *He pulls the plug out of your pussy and his cum from early starts to leak out. He pushes inside, filling you up and keeping you full. You gasp and cling to his back, hiding your face in the crook of his neck*
Y/N- oh Daddy!
Bucky- Mmhmm fuck! Bunny, you're so good! So fucking good! *He thrusts in and out of you as you whimper. When you cum you bite down on his shoulder and he groans out and holds you tighter. He cums deep inside you and just stays there. You're breathing so hard and just trying to calm down as he rubs your back. He kisses your neck and hums as he feels you clench around him.*
Bucky- so good for me. *You shudder as he moves a little, his tip brushing that sweet spot inside you and making your eyes roll back.*
Y/N- ple- please Daddy!?
*He smirks and pulls back to look at you*
Bucky- you want more, Bunny? *You nod and he laughs and his eyes turn dark* I see my needy Bunny is making an appearance. *He pushes your hair back and off your chest. You nod again*
Bucky- needy Bunny is my favorite. Looking to do anything to please Daddy.
Y/N- please?! It's been too long- years!! I- I need some real Daddy and Bunny time.
*Bucky's face softens and he kisses you*
Bucky- all you had to do was ask, Y/n.
*You sigh*
Y/N- I know, but- it requires so much on your part and I know you've been tired lately-
*He cuts you off with a deep kiss, you actually gasp for air when he pulls back.*
Bucky- does that seem tired to you? *He teases and you giggle*
Y/N- No but- *He cuts you off again and starts to move his hips again, you moan and just fall backwards to the bed. He laughs and helps you but keeps your hips in his lap and your legs locked around him.*
Bucky- that's it Bunny, just let Daddy take care of you. You don't have to think of a thing. Just be a good girl.
Y/N- yes daddy *You whimper and arch off the bed as Bucky starts to rub your clit.* oh!!
*Bucky smirks as he feels you tighten around him*
Bucky- that's it, tighten up real good so then you can relax. Good girl.
*Your orgasm hits you out of nowhere and you cum with a silent scream*
Y/N- oh! Mmhmm Da-Daddy
*Bucky smirks and pulls out of you. Dropping your hips back down to the bed and boxing you in.*
Bucky- you've got another one in you?
*You weakly nod and Bucky kisses you. He gets up to grab the lube and a vibrator then settles back on the bed.*
Bucky- we're gonna take this nice and slow. Now tell me... do you want Daddy's fingers to open you up? Or my tongue? *You just whimper and before you can answer Bucky is already getting to work.* that was a silly question, I know what my Bunny needs *your legs are lifted to your chest and you feel his tongue flat on your ass. Your eyes roll back and you just lay there as Bucky-as Daddy, takes it nice and slow.*

‼️Not as great as I had promised on TT earlier but I felt so bad I kept y'all waiting so I wanted to give you something! I will, mark my words, I will post tomorrow!❤️‼️

So answers to some questions I've gotten-
I plan to fill up this book with 200 chapters and then possibly have a part 3! 😅 I had a plan as to where this story would go and then as I was writing we took a little side trip because that's how writing works sometimes. Everything we've seen in flash-forwards will happen, I just have to get us there, hence the possibility of 3 parts.

Flag smashers, Val, and Kang... flash smashers and Val are plot fluff at this point. They are still there just like Hydra but they aren't bothering us at the moment 🤷🏼‍♀️. Kang... honestly I'm waiting to write more about him till I see the new Antman. I don't know much about him and I want to be able to write a compelling character. In order to do that I need to see what he's all about... you know? He only wiped out the heros of the AU timeline... then he destroyed the world later. So Val, Hydra, flashsmashers, all of them were still in the AU.

Adding in characters... I plan to add new people in as we go but we already have such a big ensemble that I don't want it to feel like they are just there with no development... I love character development so I am weary of adding too many. That's why we've seen less of the Avengers while the new kids have been around be cause I want to develop the kids before they leave.

The AU kids... therapy is going great! In the actual timeline of chapters it's only been two days since the last therapy session. They are all coming a long way and have settled in well. They all have Winter Soldier/ Odette level training because they were raise in Hydra but like we saw in a previous chapter they don't have the strength element. The ability and skill yes! No need for reprogramming from Shuri, there was no need to brainwash them when they were raised there with no outside influences. Y/N had her mom and Johnathon and they needed to get rid of that influence, that's why y/n was brainwashed even though she was raised there.

Bucky's got some time in his PHD. It's gonna be a hot minute before that's done.. so lots of research "help" 😏

As to the time travel question and the house in Wakanda... we will have to wait for Christmas morning and see what Bucky's got planned! 🥰

‼️Hope that answers all the questions! Also I've never seen this picture of Seb before!! I don't know if it's an edit or what but wow!! 😍🥰‼️

‼️Hope that answers all the questions! Also I've never seen this picture of Seb before!! I don't know if it's an edit or what but wow!! 😍🥰‼️

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