Emotional Front

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*You find Steve to ask for some background information

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*You find Steve to ask for some background information.*
Steve- you're doing what?
Y/N- going back! For like a day or two.
Steve- you're gonna go back for 2 days?!
Y/N- it's not like it's gonna be two days in our time! It'll be like 2 minutes and then we will be back!
Steve- what if you get stuck?!
Y/N- did you get stuck?
Steve- well no-
Y/N- did Hydra get stuck all those times?
*He sighs*
Steve- No but-
Y/N- and Winnie and James were with us for a long while but that's because we had to remake the machine and she had to wait till it was safe.
Steve- I know but y/n-
Y/N- Steve, he never got to say goodbye to his mom, or dad. He got to see Rebecca before she passed but half the time she didn't remember who he was. I can give him all of those memories!
Steve- if they know he's alive then they will stop at nothing to get him back. And that could change the timeline.
Y/N- I know, that's why Bruce and Tony have made this. *You hold up a little pen like device.*
Steve- really? A mind wiper?!
Y/N- yes, and it will work because we've already had this conversation and then I used this on you. *You smile and he sighs and shakes his head*
Steve- fine, I'll probably end up having to save your asses but what's new!
Y/N- oh please! I have saved your ass plenty of times!
*He laughs and nods*
Y/N- okay, when would be the best year?
Steve- you're not gonna like it.
Y/N- I'm sure it won't be too bad!

Y/N- really?!
Steve- I'm sorry, this is the best time to go back.
Y/N- when he's doing his "fairwell tour" before he leaves for duty?!
Steve- I said you weren't going to like it.
Y/N- why now?!
Steve- his whole family was in town. I figured you'd want to see Bucky in his original uniform *You blush and He laughs* yeah I knew you'd like that. *You give him a shove.* are you telling him about this or are you just shoving him through the machine with no warning?
Y/N- yes I'm telling him *You roll your eyes*
Steve- well have fun and don't screw up the timeline.
Y/N- we won't, I'm sure the TVA will make sure of that.
*Steve nods*
Steve- you think Nat and I could join?
Y/N- don't see why not.
*Steve nods and heads off to find Nat.*

Y/N- hey Bucky! Babe?
*You walk into the bedroom and find Bucky laying on the bed asleep. You laugh and walk over, running your hands up his thighs as you stand between his legs*
Y/N- hey baby, come on. I've got something for you *Bucky's eyes are still closed but he smiles and teases*
Bucky- oh, I've got something for you too. Im just to tired to whip it out and work it up at the moment. Maybe later. *He lays there. Hands intertwined with each other and laying on his stomach. Legs hanging off the bed and his feet resting on the floor. He obviously crashed there for a moment and fell asleep.*
Y/N- not that kinda something, *You tease and kiss him. You pull his hands apart and pull him up.* come on, I think you're gonna like this. *He groans but let's you move him around. You guide him to the closet and steady him against the wall. He groans as he opens his eyes and looks around. His eyes land on a vintage blue dress with matching heels. He laughs and looks at you.*
Bucky- what's this y/n? Why are you dressing like my mom?
*Ouch, you thought it was cute but maybe not.*
Y/N- oh Umm well, I thought I'd dress to impress when I meet her later. *You smirk and Bucky gives you a very worried and confused look*
Bucky- Umm excuse me? Is something life altering and soul crushing happening later for you to meet my mother... cause she's dead. Like long gone dead-
Y/N- No Bucky- Bucky, I'm sorry that's not what I meant. I meant, we are going back. Just for a bit, let you say your goodbyes *Bucky looks at your dress, which you feel you need to change now. Then he sees his old uniform, not the original but as close as it can be. He is speechless and he looks at you with the slightest, watery glaze over his eyes.*
Bucky- wait- what are you saying?
Y/N- you and me are taking a trip down memory lane. You're gonna show me around and finally take me facing, for real. *He smiles and kisses you gently*
Bucky- thank you but won't this mess up some timeline?
Y/N- No, we aren't changing anything.
*He nods and looks down at you, taking your face in his hands*
Bucky- when do we leave?
Y/N- tonight at 5
*He kisses you*
Bucky- I can't wait. It also gives you time to find another dress cause I mean it, I'm pretty sure that was my moms. *He teases and you shove him out of the closet.*

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