Okay, Then Let's Go

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‼️Had to use these again!! 🫠🫠🫠🥵‼️

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‼️Had to use these again!! 🫠🫠🫠🥵‼️

*Bucky finds you pacing the halls. You look at him and he raises his hands*
Bucky- I come in peace. *He walks over and pulls you close, kissing your head and rubbing your back* she's just PMSing. She's just like you-
Y/N- excuse me?!? *You snap at him and start to pull back and Bucky just smiles and holds you tighter against him*
Bucky- you know it's true, now hush up and let me comfort you. *He kisses your head again and you lightly laugh and kiss his chest*
Y/N- she just- ugh!! I know I have to have patience with her, she's growing  and changing and her emotions and hormones are everywhere. I just want my sweet Winnie boo back!
*Bucky rubs your back*
Bucky- I know, we just have to hunker down and wait it out. *You agree. You take a deep breath and pull back to look up at him* now, let's go talk to her.
*You and Bucky walk back to the suite and see Grant still passed out on the couch. You laugh and ruffle his hair as you walk by. He mumbles and just shifts around in his sleep. You knock on the door and walk in Winnie's room*
Winnie- hi *She is pouting on her bed*
Y/N- hey Win
Bucky- hey Winnie boo
*Bucky climbs on her bed and settles next to Winnie as you sit on the other side.*
Winnie- I'm sorry, mom, dad. I don't know what came over me. I don't even care all that much about the party this weekend but when you said no- I just- I don't know why I got so mad.
*She sniffles*
Y/N- thank you for your apology. I know this time is hard, your emotions feel like a rollercoaster and that can be hard.
Bucky- yeah, and whenever you feel like it's out of control just tell us that you need a minute, mama and I will understand.
*Winnie sniffles and hugs you both. She stays in her room and reads while you and Bucky go about your day.*
Bucky- I have to work on my paper, can you handle all this?
Y/N- yeah, but I'll need some help later when I start dinner.
*Bucky nods and kisses you before he grabs his laptop and heads down to the library. Steve takes Grant for some bonding time and some training, Grant was scared that Steve had found out about his feelings for Sarah. Steve of course already knows but he pretends he doesn't for Grant's sake.*
Steve- okay Grant, you ready to go on a little run?
Grant- Yup!
*They run around the compound and get a good 5 mile run in.*
Steve- you're doing good, Grant!
Grant- thanks uncle Steve!
*They stop and take a rest under one of the trees.*
Steve- so Grant, how is school going?
*Grant panics a little and his voice cracks when he answers*
Grant- g-ggood! It's good.
*Steve smiles and pats his back*
Steve- Sarah told me what you did for her. *Grant looks up at him and he is a little scared at what Steve is gonna say* how you stood up to Nora. That was really sweet and I want to thank you, on behalf of you Nat and me.
*Grant blushes and he tries to hide it*
Grant- you're welcome, Uncle Steve. Sarah is my friend and she's really important to me, I couldn't let her be hurt by Nora.
*Steve smiles and pats Grant's shoulder.*
Steve- alright, you ready to run some more?
*Grant nods and they take off*

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