Whoville Awaits

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*You wake up to Bucky kissing all over your face and down your neck

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*You wake up to Bucky kissing all over your face and down your neck. You hum and smile as you reach your hand back to rub his face, his beard tickling your fingers.*
Y/N- hi, *you whisper. He kisses your neck again and moves his metal hand along your ass and then around your thighs. You giggle and he slips his hands between your thighs.*
Bucky- your hips okay? Do they feel tight?
*You smiles and pull him into a kiss*
Y/N- won't know till we try *Bucky smirks and looks around the room. All the kids are still asleep, passed out on air mattresses. He looks down at you.*
Bucky- think we should risk it?
*He bites his lips and raises his eyebrows. You giggle and shake your head.*
Y/N- no, but we can see if you lifting my leg up and draping it over yours will cause pain. You know just for later *You wink and Bucky and he growls quietly in your ear.*
Bucky- mmhmm you got it.
*He lifts your left thigh up and drape it over his, you can feel him pressing against your ass. You whimper and lean back against him even more, he slips his metal hand lower and ghosts over your clothed center.*
Y/N- Bucky *You quietly moan* we can't-
Bucky- I know baby girl. *He kisses you and moves your leg back.* but that didn't hurt, right? Because I know the night we got back- when we were in missionary, I could see how much it hurt once we were done.
Y/N- there was no pain, obviously can't stay in that position forever but it didn't hurt. *He kisses you and you pull him closer. You and Bucky are both feeling much better but you still need help getting around and sometimes there is still pain. A shattered pelvis is painful even with Super Soldier serum but Bucky is being wonderful, like always. You lay there together as he ghosts his fingers across your side, brushing against the side of your breast. It's not sexual but it's definitely intimate and perfect. You two are pulled out of the moment when the kids start to wake up, moving on their air mattresses and yawning loudly.*
Grant- awwhhhh *He sits up and stretches. Apparently he was too loud cause Ben tosses his pillow at Grant's face. Grant laughs and throws it back.*
Ben- stop, it's too early.
Jonnie- it's like 8am
Ben- exactly, too early.
Elizabeth- Winnie move your ass, you're on my blanket.
Winnie- at least I have an ass
Odette- ha! Yeah a fat one.
*Winnie shoves Odette off the mattress.*
Winnie- well at least I have something guys wanna grab and-
Bucky- whoa! Whoa no- nope. That conversation ends there. *Bucky sits up, the kids jump because they didn't realize you two were awake.*
*Carson, Everly, and Alex laugh a little and then sit up from their sleeping bags.*
Carson- it's good to be back *She smiles and stretches.*

*Everyone stays where they are and starts scrolling their phones and stuff. No one leaves to get dressed or go eat. Which you'd really love to do, but once you and Bucky got in bed and under the covers last night, you both got super comfortable. Bucky is in only his boxer briefs and you have on his shirt with basically no underwear, it was enough to cover your center and that was about it. You two physically can't get out of bed without your children seeing too much, so you are stuck until they leave. Bucky looks at you and you shrug.*
Bucky- so how about yall go downstairs and get breakfast going.
Ben- okay! *Ben jumps up and runs out the door. None of the others go to follow him. You sigh.*
Y/N- could some of yall go help Ben so he doesn't burn the place down??
*They all make some kind of noise that could be interpreted as them agreeing but no one moves. You look at Bucky who laughs*
Bucky- okay, we were trying to be nice at first. You all need to get up and get out of our bedroom. Or else you're gonna see the parts of our bodies that made you all.
*You laugh and Bucky smiles proudly. The girls are gagging as they run out and Grant looks disgusted. As he leaves. You look over and see Alex, Carson, and Everly taking their sweet time to leave.*
Bucky- I wasn't joking, guys.
*Alex laughs and holds up a hand*
Alex- we know
Carson- yeah we're just making sure we don't have to come back in here. Give you two some time.
Everly- plus, sadly, we've seen it all. *She shrugs.* and not by choice and but not in gross ways... Hydra was awful and I'll be happy if I never see another butt again!
*You blush bright red and so does Bucky. They leave and you both throw an apology their way.*
Y/N- sorry!
Bucky- yeah, Winter was a little wild! Sorry about that
*once they are gone Bucky shuts and locks the door. He runs and jumps back in bed with you.*
Bucky- you said your hips didn't hurt, right?
*You nod* good, cause due to our kids horrible timing, I believe I owe you something from last night. *He winks and you blush*
Y/N- Bucky
Bucky- you were just about there when Grant interrupted us. There will be no interruptions today. *You smile as he pulls the covers back and settles between your legs. He kisses up your thighs and you hum as you play with his hair. He moves your barely there underwear to the side and starts to tease your clit with the tip of his tongue. You moan his name and he fully kisses your center, drinking in your arousal and loving every minute he gets to spend between your thighs. He pulls off for a moment and looks up at you.* what would you say to a Whoville trip?
Y/N- in May?
*Bucky kisses your clit again before pulling back and nodding.*
Bucky- yeah, I know we normally go with the snow but, I say let's go now. Get away and really live in the moment. Huh? What do you say? *You gently smile and then gasp as he slips a finger inside your pussy. He stares up at you, waiting for you to answer and he looks at calm and normal as ever. Like he isn't knuckle deep inside you while he makes the vacation plans.*
Y/N- mmhm I- umm I ssay- *You take a breath and clear your throat.* that we just got the kids back. And now you want to go away for a weekend?
Bucky- that's exactly what I'm saying. *He slips another finger in, curling them against your g-spot.* we haven't been able to sit and actually talk and deal with what happened, y/n. Every time we start to get intimate, where after the fact that kind of conversation would come naturally for us, we get interrupted. We've accidentally conditioned ourselves that way. *He lightly laughs and so do you.* we have something traumatic happen, we get naked, and talk about it, then we move on and heal. It's how we've done it since before Grant was born and it's not gonna change now. *He starts to finger fuck you faster as he rub his thumb over your clit.* don't you wonder why our bodies have been so amped up these past few days? We need that physical release so we can have that emotional and mental one. *He shrugs* should we work on that? Yeah! But I don't wanna. *He smiles big and then leans down to wrap his lips around your clit and suck.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! *You moan and arch off the bed. He speeds up his fingers and right on the edge, the main door opens.* shit!
Bucky- I locked our bedroom door, we are fine.
*The door handle jiggles and then you hear a familiar voice. Bucky sighs and you cry as he removes his fingers* sorry baby girl. I'll be back. *Bucky opens the door.* hi ya, Stevie.
Steve- just wanted to make sure you two were okay and if I could help with anything.
*Bucky sighs and looks back at you.*
Bucky- well unless Nat is gonna let you come in and help get y/n off, then no. We are good.
*Steve laughs and you blush.*
Steve- okay, got it! I will tell the kids not to bother you two.
*Bucky nods and shuts the door. As he turns around he sees you sitting up and trying to stand on your own.*
Bucky- whoa whoa, where are you going-
Y/N- if we are gonna go away this weekend then we need to spend as much time as we can with the kids now. My orgasm can wait. *You pat his face and walk away. Now it's Bucky's turn to pout.*
Bucky- well we still need to do your scar massage!
*You wave over your shoulder and he runs to follow you.*

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