There Is Still Life Left To Live

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‼️TW- fighting, talks of death, dying, death, blood, graphic violence, lot of blood, medical injuries

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‼️TW- fighting, talks of death, dying, death, blood, graphic violence, lot of blood, medical injuries. One of the more violent things I've written. I can't remember if that's all, just know it gets rough. ‼️

‼️IM SO SORRY FOR THE DEALY.... Also I didn't reread this and edit it... if somethings misspelled or weird... sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️.  Also sorry for the trauma about to ensue.... 😰😭🥺‼️

Steve- the Quantum realm? *He looks between Bucky and Scott*
Scott- yeah, we defeated one Kang there, why couldn't we trap and strand another. *he shrugs.*
Cassie- because you almost died in the process, dad.
Bucky- yeah but he will have all of us this time. As well as our kids who have been fighting him for years. They know his tricks.
*Steve and Nat look at Tony who shrugs and stands up to start running some simulations.*
Tony- we need to get the device up and running, ready to go at a moments notice. Because we will only have moments. When the kids come back through the portal, he will be here ready to fight. He will run to the past and we will follow him there. So this device also has to be portable. *he looks at Scott* can you do that?
*Scott starts to stammer and Cassie steps up*
Cassie- yes, we can. Not that I think this is a good idea.
Bucky- well it's our only idea. You are the only one to have faced him and survived. We have to do what we know. *He looks at the team gathered.* everyone get ready.

*The days and weeks fly by. Sarah enrolled at the high school again and Steve made sure she had every class with Winnie, just so she had a friend. Grant and Sarah pretend to hate each other whenever they are outside the compound, just to throw off any suspicion. Winnie has a strict curfew in place and she hates every minute of it. It has to be this way until Kang is caught and stopped. Knowing that the fight with Kang was close at hand, Shuri completed Lilly's treatment and her family moved back to the states. She reads Alex's letters every night, excited for him to return. The kids training gets more intensive and pretty soon Grant, Winnie, and Sarah are able to hold their own against you and Bucky. They aren't winning yet, but they can stay in the fight long enough. Odette, Elizabeth, and Jonnie are training as well and you are making sure they all understand what's to come. Ben, Samuel, Matthew, Charlie, and Jackson are the only ones that are kept from training and have go bags ready. When the time comes, Happy, Pepper, and MJ are to take the boys to the safe house where Lilly and her family are. They will wait there till it's safe.*
Ben- I don't want to go, mama. *Ben sniffles and hugs you one night before bed.*
Y/N- oh Benji *You hold him close* you don't have to go yet. And we are only sending you away to make sure you stay safe. This man is bad, Ben and he won't hesitate to hurt you or the others. But the others have been trained you haven't, not yet. So I need you away and safe so I can fight. Understand?
*He nods and hugs you again. You look up and see Bucky leaning against the doorframe. He looks at the floor and then looks up, wiping tears away.*
Ben- I love you mama, please be safe. *You wipe a tear and hold him even tighter.*
Y/N- I will sweet boy. I promise.

*Two weeks before Grant's graduation, you woke up and just had a feeling.*
Y/N- we need to be ready. Today.
Bucky- why? *Bucky sits up in bed. It's not even sunrise yet.*
Y/N- I just have a feeling. *You look at him* the kids won't go to school today and Ben will leave with Pepper, Happy, and MJ. *Bucky nods and looks around the room*
Bucky- so this is it. *He sighs* y/, I- for some reason I can't even envision life after this. I know we live, at least that's what we've been told but- *Bucky shakes his head* I can't see a way that we all make it out alive.
Y/N- don't say that. Look at me. *He does* We still have to grow old together, understand me? This is not the end. For any of us.
Bucky- you don't know that.
Y/N- yes I do-
Bucky- technically I've already grown old-
*You roll over and trap Bucky beneath you. You push his shoulders down on the bed.*
Y/N- Stop! We will be fine. If you go into this thinking you will die then it's gonna happen. Stop. Please?!
*You start crying and Bucky sits up and hugs you tight*
Bucky- I'm sorry *He kisses you* I'm sorry, I'll stop. *He hugs you tighter as you sit in his lap. He rubs your back and you play with his hair.* I will get Ben ready when he wakes up.
Y/N- thank you. And I'll get the kids to the lab, get them ready for what's to come.

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