The Mouse Will Know

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*The kids start asking for different things

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*The kids start asking for different things.*
Grant- I want to ride the Snow White ride!
*You look on the map for it*
Winnie- I wanna ride the Ariel ride!
*Bucky looks for it on the map over your shoulder*
Odette- No, the tea cups!
Elizabeth- No I wanna see the library in Beasts castle!
Jonnie- No the Peter Pan ride!
*You look at Bucky and you both sigh. Ben starts to fuss and you just laugh*
Y/N- okay, let's start from the back and work our way to the front, how about that?
*Bucky nods and he lets the lady helping y'all know where y'all would like to go. Bucky takes over pushing the stroller and the kids walks with you as you follow the nice attendant to the back of the park.*
Y/N- so What's your name? How long have you worked here?
Attendant- my name is Laurie and I've worked here for 5 years.
Y/N- nice to meet you! My name is y/n and this is my husband Bucky and our kids, Grant, Winnie, Odette, Elizabeth, Jonnie, and Ben.
*She waves and you two make small talk the whole way to the back*
Laurie- okay, here is the Ariel ride I heard one of you ladies suggest!
*The girls smile and giggle. You look at Bucky and he laughs.*
Bucky- you go ahead, I'll wait here with Ben and Grant.
*The girls take you hands and Laurie leads you two up the exit line and you get on quickly. The girls are singing and dancing the whole ride. You video and take pictures as they are just in awe. As they run off they all try to tell Bucky about the ride*
Bucky- oh wow! That's sounds amazing!!
*They laugh and agree. Laurie leads you around the park. The kids ride dumbo and the Mine train. They ride the carrousel and then head down to the Peter Pan ride. You and Bucky trade off and the kids get to ride all the rides they want. Winnie sees Rapunzel's tower and she freaks out. She is so happy and it makes you so happy to see her this way. Bucky takes Winnie and Grant on the haunted mansion while you and Laurie look for somewhere to eat for lunch.*

Winnie- mom!! I think a ghost is following me!!
*You look at her and as you do Bucky messes with her braid and she screams but she doesn't see him doing it.* the ride said we were taking one home! And now it keeps nothing me!
*You shoot Bucky a look and he laughs. He then pulls Winnie into a hug and apologizes.*
Bucky- I'm sorry Winnie boo, that was me. There is no ghost.
*She cries and Bucky just holds her*
Winnie- that was mean!
Bucky- I know baby, I'm so sorry!
*Once Winnie calms down yall head to lunch. The kids eat chicken fingers and you and Bucky find something on the menu that looks good. You nurse Ben as y'all are stopped and you let him stretch for a bit. He looks all around and he looks so confused.*
Bucky- ha! Look at his little eyebrows *The kids all giggle*
Grant- he looks like he's saying "where the heck am I?!" *He laughs and Winnie kisses Ben's cheek*
Winnie- it's okay Ben!
Jonnie- yeah! We are somewhere magical!
*You smile and watch as you kids talk about their awesome day.*

*Once Ben's been changed you get him in strapped to you. Bucky pushes around the empty stroller and it becomes the catch all for the souvenirs the kids get. The girls do the bibbidi bobidi boutique and they wear their dresses and crowns the rest of the day. You get Grant a sword and Bucky gets Ben one too although you know it's really for him so he can "fight" Grant. They ride some more rides and meet all their favorite princesses and characters. At this point it is getting really late and the kids are starting to get cranky.*
Winnie- mommy I'm tired
Y/N- I know baby, we have one more thing to do, okay!
Jonnie- what?
Odette- dinner?
Y/N- yes but not that. When the sun sets there is going to be a big firework show!
*She smiles, the triplets all jump up and down. Bucky comes back with Grant and Laurie. They have dinner in hand. He looks at Laurie and smiles*
Bucky- thanks, we've got it. You've been great. *He nods his head and she smiles*
Laurie- okay! It's been fun hanging out with y'all. I hope you have a great visit!
*She says goodbye to you and the girls and then she leaves. Grant looks around and then at you. He looks down at his feet and then at Bucky.*
Y/N- Grant? What's wrong?
Grant- umm while we were in line to get food some lady- she touched *Your heart stops and you hope he doesn't say what you think he's gonna say*
Grant-  Dad's *that wasn't what you thought but now you feel enraged*
Grant-  arm, his metal arm.
*Bucky looks down at Grant then at you. You look at Grant and then Bucky.*
Y/N- oh okay, Umm
Bucky- who did?
Grant- just some lady, she was doing this *He batted his eye lashes* and then she did this *He touches Bucky's metal arm* mommy always does that and then you two have alone time-
Y/N- oh- Umm *You lightly laugh*
Bucky- I didn't even notice bud. But thank you for looking out for me and your mom.
Grant- you're welcome, I just thought you should know. People are crazy
*He sits down and eats. Bucky sits next to you and you kiss his cheek.*
Bucky- I don't have the feeling on, I didn't even know someone touched me or was flirting with me.
Y/N- it's okay baby. I can't blame her. You are smokin hot! *He smirks* although I'd really wish people would stop touching my stuff. *You whisper and Bucky laughs. He kisses you and whispers back.*
Bucky- she touched my arm Baby, not my stuff
*You laugh and shove him. The kids eat and by the time you're done the fireworks start. You hold Ben and he sleeps soundly. The music plays and the light show begins, the kids are so quiet, they look up and just marvel at the sight. You get teary eyed as you watch them, they perfect, safe and fun childhood you never got. You're glad you get to give them this. Bucky pulls you close and kisses your head.*

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