A Proper Thank You

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*You get two hours out and Ben wakes up

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*You get two hours out and Ben wakes up. He looks around and just starts screaming and crying. You had fallen asleep so it scares you awake. Bucky tries to not wreck as it scared him as well. Grant and the girls shoot awake and look around, grumpy as can be. Jonnie actually tears up a little cause it scared her so badly.*
Y/N- stop the car
Bucky- already on it
*Once Bucky safely pulls off you get out and check on Ben. He's not poopy or anything. It isn't time for him to eat yet and you burped him before he got in his seat so you're not sure what this could be. He sees you and starts to calm down a little but he was still so upset.*
Y/N- oh bubba! What's wrong?! *You get him out and hold him tight. He takes some shakey breaths and just grabs onto you. He nuzzles his face into you and calms down. You sit in your seat and close the door. The kids fall back asleep but not before the grumble some more about being woken up. Bucky gave Jonnie some snuggles to calm her down too.*
Y/N- I wish I knew what scared you.
*You hold his little hand as he looks up at you.*
Bucky- what's going on bubba?!
*He tickles his foot and Ben slightly smiles. You laugh and he does it again.*
Y/N- were you just lonely? Needed to make sure we knew you were back there? Huh?! *Bucky tickles his foot again and he smiles again. Bucky takes a picture to capture this moment for you and himself. He messes around on his phone for a minute and then puts it down.*
Bucky- okay, wanna try putting him back?
*You nod. You get him buckled and he's okay until you shut the door. Then he cries again. You sigh and look at Bucky. You get in your seat and then turn to the side a little. You reach your hand back and take his hand in yours. Once he grabs it he calms down a bit.*
Y/N- just wants me to touch and hold him
*Bucky nods and then lightens the mood*
Bucky- just like his Daddy! *You laugh and Bucky kisses you. He makes sure your comfy before he takes off again.*

*You get a little ways down the road when the kids wake up and ask for breakfast. You sigh and look at Bucky. He just laughs and pulls off the road again and finds a drive thru.*
Winnie- wait?! Are we eating in the car?!
*You just laugh to yourself and Bucky answers her.*
Bucky- yes, Ben is happy and we don't want to upset him. So y'all are gonna eat in the car and if you make a mess you will have to change all of Ben's poopy diapers. *They all giggle and say Eww.*
Bucky- okay, where to?
Y/N- just find whatever's fastest.
Bucky- McDonald's it is.
*The kids cheer and you just lay your head down as your arm starts to fall asleep from the position it's in. Bucky gets the kids their biscuits and chicken and milk. He gets yours all set up on the middle console and you silently thank him. He kisses your free hand and then drives off, trying to make up for lost time. About 20 minutes later you feel Ben let go of your hand so you slowly pull it back and turn around. You quickly eat and try to get some sleep before he wakes up again needing to nurse. Grant plays with Ben and keeps his calm until Bucky can pull over at a park. The kids get out and run around while you nurse.*
Bucky- how's he doing? *Bucky sits with you and looks down at Ben*
Y/N- good, he done. He's just sleeping now.
Bucky- still attached?!
*You give a weak laugh and nod*
Y/N- I don't have his Paci and when I try to move he wakes up. So I was just sitting here till you came over.
*You smile and Bucky laughs. He kisses you and goes to get a Paci from the car. You hand him to Bucky and Bucky give his him Paci as you get covered up. Bucky gets him back in the car while you get the kids rounded up and to the car. They climb in and you make your way again. Soon your breast start to hurt and you don't have a pump. It's not time for Ben to eat so you just suffer, that is until Bucky notices.*
Bucky- you okay? *He rubs your knee*
Y/N- yeah, I may need to stop and nurse him again.
Bucky- He's still got like 2 hours. You want to mess up his schedule?
*You shake your head and sigh. You look over at him and he gently smiles*
Bucky- I've got you baby girl. *He squeezes your thigh* when it gets to be too much just let me know and we will stop and figure something out.
*You lean over and kiss him*
Y/N- thank you, you are too kind.

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