Change Is Good

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*You wake up to the sound of baby giggles and kids running around

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*You wake up to the sound of baby giggles and kids running around. You smile and stretch as you sit up. You see Bucky has gotten up and already gotten ready for the day. You stroll into the closet and throw on some leggings and a big t-shirt. You toss your hair into a bun and head out into the living room. You see Ben sitting in his swing while the girls- all of them- sing and dance around. He watches and laughs. Grant is playing video games with Alex and Bucky is nowhere to be found*
Y/N- hey kids, have you seen your dad?
Alex- he's in the gym *He yells over his shoulder*
Y/N- aren't you suppose to be in the gym as well??
Alex- not till later. He said he wanted to get a workout in before he trained me.
*You nod and walk over to Ben, he smiles and squeals when he sees you.*
Y/N- hi sweetness. *You kiss him and lift him out of the swing. The girls whine that their 'captive audience' is leaving.* ha! Sorry girls, Bennji needs his breakfast. *You kiss his cheeks and he laughs some more.* the kind only mama can give him. *You tickle him and he squeals. You laugh and so do the girls* have y'all eaten?
Alex- we all had cereal, dad told us not to wake you or else.
Y/N- or else what??
Grant- he said you might squish us to death with love.
*You laugh and pull Grant into a hug and squish him a little. He laughs and pulls away. You do it to everyone, even Alex they all just laughs and say and run away.*
Y/N- if none of you want my snuggles I'll just go bother your dad!
Winnie- he said you'd say that! *She giggles. You shake your head and wave as you leave the room with Ben on your hip.*

*You walk downstairs and head to the gym. You sneak in and see him over near the weights. He is getting ready to squat what looks to be 300 plus pounds. Extremely impressive for a non super soldier but just a moderate workout to Bucky. He has his shirt off and his hair pulled back. Sweat dripping down his chest and back as he catches his breath during his rest time. He sees you walking over and smiles.*
Bucky- hey baby *He meets you and gives you a little peck on the lips.* sorry I'm all sweaty. *You shrug and pull him back for a better kiss, one that's a little deeper and not as chaste. He smiles against your lips and hum.* not that I'm complaining but what has gotten into you lately- and don't say me *He winks and you giggle. You rub his chest and smile up at him*
Y/N- I don't know, I'm just feeling warm and fuzzy these days.
*Bucky hums and then smirks*
Bucky- Mmhm you know I much I love warm and fuzzy you. All needy and obedient. *You gasp and pulls back. He laughs and kisses you.* how's this little man? Huh?! *He tickles Ben and then takes him into his arms.*
Y/N- so far so good! I haven't fed him yet.
Bucky- yeah he woke up screaming so I grabbed him. I tried to give him a bottle but he didn't want it. Determined to wait for the real thing. *You laugh and make a silly face at Ben. He laughs and giggle and your heart just swells. Bucky sees the look in your eyes again and he can't help but smile. Last night was just too busy after trick or treating to really help you with your cute aggression. Hopefully tonight will be more relaxed and you two can spend some time together. He absolutely loves when you're warm and fluffy while also having this cute aggression... he can't remember the last time it happened. He's excited.*
Y/N- ugh! I could just eat you up!! *You take Ben and Bucky watches as you kiss him all over and he smiles and squeals*
Bucky- well don't eat our baby, please. *Bucky teases* and save some of that need to bite for later. *He winks and you feel flushed. You hide your face and walk away. You can feel Bucky's eyes on you as you do.*

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