Yes Sergeant

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‼️I had to use this one again! 🥵🤤😅🫣😋😉😛😈 Sergeant Daddy reporting for duty! 😅‼️

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‼️I had to use this one again! 🥵🤤😅🫣😋😉😛😈 Sergeant Daddy reporting for duty! 😅‼️

*Winter climbs off the bed and you sit up confused, that is till he grabs your ankles and yanks you down the bed.*
Y/N- Winter! *He pulls you till your ass is hanging off the end and he flips you over to stick your ass in the air. You let out a little squeak as you do and he chuckles. He then spanks you... hard!*
Winter- Mmhmm fuck. Look at that, red already.
Y/N- Mmhmm Win- *He spanks you again and you grab the sheets and twist them in your hands* Mmhmm Sergeant!
Winter- yes? *He asks so calmly*
Y/N- we- mhmm we need to talk about safe words and such before we really get going.
*He laughs and pulls you up by the back of your neck. He leaves open mouth kisses up your neck and along your jaw*
Winter- I'm listening
Y/N- n-No! *You pull away and climb away to the other side of the bed. He sees the playful look in your eyes but he also sees the tension in your body.*
Winter- okay princess, if you wanna talk with the bed between us then we can do that. *He sees you relax a bit and that makes his heart jump a little.
Y/N- I'll use Green, Yellow, and Red as my words.
Winter- okay.
Y/N- we can't break anything-
Winter- I've never broken one of your bones ever. Even when we spared in Hydra I was always careful not to break you.
Y/N- not- I meant furniture and stuff. And don't worry, you break one of my bones and I'll put your head through that plate glass window. *You smile and Winter bites his lip, seeing the fire in you, knowing you meant what you just said.*
Winter- feisty
*You roll your eyes and laugh*
Y/N- last thing, we can't leave this house or put on any clothes.
*He laughs at that line rule and looks down at himself, you follow his gaze to his erection that's so hard he's almost standing vertical against his stomach. He points to it*
Winter- this look like I'm getting dressed or leaving any time soon?! *You laugh and shake your head as you bite your lip*
Y/N- no Sergeant, it doesn't. *You look down and lick your lips. You meet his gaze again* I want it in my mouth.
*He is growling as he yanks you back over the bed and into his arms.*
Winter- well let's give you what you want, princess... *He squints* color?
Y/N- Green! So fucking green!

*Winter pushes you down on your knees, You give him a little fight, shoving his hands away and trying to back away. He laughs and lifts you up and tosses you on the bed. You land on your back and then try to turn over on your belly and "crawl away" He just smirks and pins you on your back. He boxes you in and climbs on you, straddling your chest. It feels a little weird playing "in scene" with Winter but he's healed so much and come so far there's no way the "violence and roughness" could be real anymore, he loves you too much for that. He always loved you but he didn't have control then, he does now and he's never gonna truly raise his hand to you again. So fake fights and mock slaps to the face are what your sex life holds. That is until you spar, you make a mental note to spar with Winter one day when no one's home and see where it all leads, maybe you will get your real roughness, for now this will do. Something tells you that even Winter's fake anger and roughness will be enough. He traps your arms under his legs and he takes himself in his hand. He taps his tip against your lips and you finally open your mouth. He laughs and slips inside as you gently suck on his tip.*
Winter- mmmm fuck princess! Had to pretend to put up a fight just so you could suck the life out of me once you gave in?!
*You pull off with a pop and smile.*
Y/N- is that a problem, Sergeant? *You smirk and he groans as he grabs your hair. You moan and give him a wicked smile as he grips harder.*
Winter- open wide.
*You do and he shoves his dick in your mouth. You gag around it and he smirks.*
Winter- shhhh it's okay princess, just open wide, let sergeant do the rest. *You moan around him and your eyes roll back a little as he starts to fuck your throat. He leans back a little and slaps at your thighs, you get the hint and spread your legs wide. He lays his metal hand over your center and it starts to heat up a little and vibrate. It's on the lowest setting but it feels amazing as his cock slips between your lips and down your throat over and over again.*
Winter- I missed your mouth! Mmhmm your dirty little mouth! *You hollow your cheeks and he almost screams as your throat clenches around him a little and he cums. You swallow everything he gives you and make a big show of how much you love it. You pull off with a pop and a wicked smirk. You lick your lips and grind your hips up into his hand and where it rests on you.*
Y/N- so good sergeant, Mmhm please?! *You move your hips more and Winter looks down at you, watching how desperately you want to cum.*
Please?! *You whimper. You get your arms free and use your hands to rub and squeeze up his thighs.* I'll be so good, I've been so good. I've missed you too!
*You grind faster, the vibration still to low to do anything but fuel the fire inside you. Winter smirks and climbs off your chest, you whine at the loss of heat.*
Y/N- please-
Winter- shhhh I haven't asked you to beg yet.
*You throw your head back as he lays between your legs and gently rubs his fingers in time with the movement of your hips.*
Y/N- yet?!
*Winter laughs and gives your center and nice smack. You yelp and squeeze your legs together but Winter pulls them apart and shoves his face between them, licking at where his hand just made contact.*
Winter- oh yeah *He slaps again and you whimper as he sucks on your clit to dull the pain* you're gonna beg for me like the good, slutty little princess you are. And maybe I'll let you cum.
*You moan and it turns into a scream as he slaps your center again.* Mmhmm come on now, *He sits up and presses his thigh between your legs.* ride Sergeant's thigh and get this pussy nice and wet. *You start grinding your center up and down his thigh, he watches as you close your eyes and focus on the movements. He smiles and watches for a moment, you're flushed and he can feel that you're already dripping. He takes both hands and massages your breast, you arch up into his touch. He gives them both a hard squeeze and twist your nipples between his fingers. Some milk drips out and Winter leans down and licks your breast clean.*
Winter- Mmhmm might need to get a little taste
*You whimper and grab ahold of your breast as you grind harder against Winter* that's it, what a good little princess. *He pulls his leg away right as you're about to cum. You whimper and reach out to grab him, keep him where he is.* No *He says plainly as he smacks your hand away and then grabs it. He lifts it above your head and then grabs your other arm. He traps them both with his metal hand and goes to town kissing your neck*
Y/N- Winter! *You gasp*
Winter- quiet princess. Sergeants working *He smirks and leans down as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth. You arch up and he pushes you back down and punishes you with a swift slap to your center. The slap didn't do anything to dull the ache you feel. You need a release.* you're gonna cum from my mouth alone.
*You moan and spread your legs wider. He gives a dark chuckle and kisses your lips, nibbling on the bottom one as he pulls back*
Winter- that's cute, you think I'm gonna pay any attention to this little thing right now?! *He taps your clit with two fingers. He's gentle about it* not yet, I know the minute I do you'll be down for the count and I am having way too much fun. *He winks and then looks down at your breast* I'm gonna play with your pretty breast till you come from that alone.
*You whimper, you blush at how whine and needy you sound.*
Y/N- and after?
Winter- after *He takes your jaw in his hand* I'll do whatever I damn well please with my little slut *He kisses you harshly as he shoves his tongue in your mouth. You suck on it before he pulls away* How about that? Does my little slut like that? *You look at him with lust blown eyes and an aching body in desperate need of fulfillment.*
Y/N- Yes Sergeant
*He gives a wicked smile and descends upon you. He spreads your legs wide and lays between them. His chest lays on your stomach and his abs rub against your center. If you move your hips the right way you could ride his abs. That would be a sight, it's been a while since you rode his abs, you ache even more at the thought of it. You test it out and the friction sends sparks through your whole body. This could be dangerous and by dangerous you mean you'll end up with a swollen and throbbing ass and a dripping unfulfilled pussy. You do it again and it feels so damn good. Winter fails to notice, at least you think he does. He is too focused on alternating between your breast. He sucks on one and then pulls off with a loud and messy pop and then switches to the other. You can hardly think straight let alone control what your hips as they have developed a mind of their own, only seeking release.*
Y/N- oh Winter! Mmhmm please- yes!!
*He smirks as he feels what you're doing, he felt it the first time, but he let it slide because you're just so damn sexy. The second time he let it slide because he loves how proud you look to be "getting away" with it. But now you are blatantly disobeying and Winter can have that. He bites down on one of your nipples, not hard to actually hurt but enough to get your attention.*
Y/N- oh! Winter-
*He grips your hair and pulls your head back a little. He speaks against your lips. His voice low and clear.*
Winter- it's Sergeant, princess- or should I say slut. *He moves his abs against your center and you moan. He laughs* yeah, slut it is. *He pulls your hair tighter, the sting making you want to scream and drool all at the same time.* stop moving *He looks you dead in the eyes, you see the danger that lurks behind them and you want to taste some of it tonight. So you stare right back at him and grind up against him even harder. You see the change in his eyes, he looks almost amused and proud in your disobedience. Back in Hydra you did your best to be good, mainly because of the other people at play then. But when you two were alone, you'd pull out the "no" just to get a rise out of him and it was delicious and worth it every single time. Winter is happy to see that same little brat is still here with him.*
Winter- Princess *He says with a warning tone* I said stop. *He takes his metal hand and wraps it around your throat and lightly squeezes. You smile and let your eyes roll back as you get closer and close to the edge. He nibbles on your jaw and then whispers in your ear* if you cum, I'll make it to where you can't walk without help and can't sit down for a week. *You bite your lip at the promise you know he's good for. To be fucked like that again. Bucky fucks you like that when you two actually have the time or when you are both just mad or horny enough. That thought makes you cum unexpectedly. Winter can see in your face that you didn't really mean to cum and you can tell he's a little shocked. He then leans back and looks down at his wet stomach, covered in your juices. He smiles and shakes his head, his smile changes to a smirk and he boxes you in.*
Winter- really should have obeyed, princess.

*From inside Winter's mind, Bucky can see everything Winter sees and he can hear and see Winter's thoughts. He knows exactly what Winter has planned for you.*
Bucky- oh fuck... I told this dumbass to go easy- *He groans* it's gonna be a long night. *Winter laughs to himself having heard Bucky's thoughts.*

Winter- turn over princess, ass up!
Y/N- Sergeant- I didn't mean- I was gonna stop!
Winter- yeah well, had you been obeying to begin with then you wouldn't have been in the position of needing to edge yourself before you got to close and came. *You whine as you turn over. He rubs your ass* don't worry princess, *He gives your ass a smack and you cry out.* Sergeants gonna use some of that special training on your and help you learn how to edge again. *You burry your face in the pillows and whimper* it's not your fault, Bucky's been too lenient on you. Just letting you cum whenever and never telling you "No" *Winter spanks you again* Bucky should know how beneficial it is to say "No" to greedy little sluts like you. *You are drooling now, you're not proud of it but damn this man is something else. You grabs your hair and pulls your head up as he whispers in your ear and ghosts his fingers through your dripping folds.* sluts become obedient when you discipline them and only reward the good behavior. That's how you are gonna becomes my princess again, isn't that right, slut? *You smile and you feel Winter smile against your skin. He nuzzles his nose against your neck and you let out a content sigh.*
Y/N- yes Sergeant
*He let's go of your hair and smacks your ass*
Winter- good girl, now. Hold still while I beat this ass, then we are gonna fight a little. *He spanks you again  and you whimper and nod*
Y/N- yes Sergeant
*Its gonna be a long night, seems Winter didn't get the "fake" memo... it's gonna be so good.*

‼️I wasn't done with the whole chapter but I promised y'all something tonight, that's the only reason I left it there. More tomorrow night!🥰‼️

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