Tell Dad I Said "Hi"

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‼️Happy birthday (late) to Sebastian! 🥰❤️🥳‼️

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‼️Happy birthday (late) to Sebastian! 🥰❤️🥳‼️

*You wake up to Bucky kissing your head and then slipping out of bed to shush the kids. They are all out in the living room, hungry bouncing off the walls.*
Grant- Hey dad?! Can I go make breakfast?!
Bucky- shhh yes, go ahead but don't use the stove.
Grant- okay, thanks dad!
*They all run off except Ben. Bucky turns around to see him crawling into the bed with you.*
Ben- mama? Can you sit up and hold me?
*You lightly laugh and sit up a little and grab Ben. You kiss his head and hold him close. Bucky walks back in and grabs his t-shirt and throws it at you. You blow him a kiss and he winks back at you*
Bucky- I'm gonna go make sure the wolves aren't burning down the compound. *You smile and nod.* are we visiting the other wolves today?
*You smile and nod. You shimmy Bucky's t-shirt on and then sit up to hold Ben. You rub his back*
Y/N- what's going on, bubba?
Ben- I just needed a hug. I had a bad dream
Y/N- oh, I'm sorry, Benji. You wanna talk about it?
Ben- No, I'm not scared anymore now that you are holding me.
*You smile and hold him for a bit. His stomach starts rumbling and you convince him to let you stand up and get dressed. You then carry his downstairs and sit with him while you wait on his pancakes.*
Bucky- hey Benji, I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
Ben- mamas making it better. *He hides his head in your neck. Bucky smile and kisses his temple and then kisses you*
Bucky- yeah she's the best.
*You hold Ben as he eats and snuggles with you.*
Winnie- mama? Are we time traveling again today??
*You smile and laugh*
Y/N- yeah sweet girl, we are. This is the last time though.
Bucky- at least for now. *Bucky smiles and sits next to you. He takes Ben and Ben lets him so you can eat.*
Jonnie- where are we going??
*You look at Bucky who shrugs and nods*
Y/N- we are gonna go visit Alex, Everly, and Carson.
*They all look at each other and smile.*
Odette- really?!?
*You nod. Ben sits up*
Ben- who are they??
*You gently smile and rub his head*
Y/N- some more siblings of yours!
Grant- they are awesome!!
*Steve and Nat come walking downstairs*
Steve- who's awesome?
Grant- Alex!!
*Steve looks at you but Nat speaks first*
Nat- are y'all going to visit them?!
*You nod*
Y/N- we were gonna ask if yall wanted to join before we left. *Steve looks between Nat and you and then Bucky.*
Steve- when are we leaving?? Because if y'all are about to visit Carson then you bet your ass I'm coming along.
*You laugh and Steve smiles*
Nat- oh Joshua and Matthew will be so happy to see them!
*You smile and wipe a tear. Sometimes you forget that the boys are from the AU world. They fit into Steve and Nat's family flawlessly that it's hard to remember a time when they weren't there.*
Steve- well I'll go get all the boys ready!
*Bucky laughs and pats his back*
Bucky- have fun!

*Steve gets all the boys hooked up while Bucky gets the girls ready. You and Nat pinpoint a good time to pop back.*
Nat- can we not go back to that time??
Y/N- Nat! It's the best time for us all to be there. And they will be super understanding!
*Nat rolls her eyes*
Nat- yeah but then I have to see that Bit-
Steve- British women! *Steve yells over Nat's name calling. When Nat looks at him he nods to the kids and Nat smiles.*
Nat- Yup, that British women! Great way to describe her.
*You and Bucky laugh. Tony walks in ready to press some buttons and send you all on your way*
Tony- okay! Where are we going?!
*Nat sighs*
Nat- Steve's old girlfriend's house in 1950.
*She crosses her arms and Steve kisses her head. Tony nods and laughs*
Tony- well tell dad I said hi! *He hits the buttons and you all disappear.*

Okay, the older kids ages really don't matter because that will be addressed at a later date! 🥰 here is an update of kids ages!!

Grant- 13
Winnie- 12
Sarah- 11
Odette, Elizabeth, Jonnie- 9/ almost 10?
Joshua and Anthony- 6/7 (give or take a few months between the two.)
Samuel- 6
Matthew, and Ben- 5/6 (give or take a few months between the three

)Samuel- 6Matthew, and Ben- 5/6 (give or take a few months between the three

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