The first thing Reina did after waking up from her power nap was charge her fucking phone before she forgot to do that, causing the thing to die. Then, the first that popped up on her phone was three missed calls from Mirai.
The second she saw those missed calls, she leaped out of her house through the balcony, not having time to open doors, much less get dressed. Fortunately, it was only two stories, so she managed to land and roll without breaking anything.
For once, she was thankful for Baji's random visits that made her have her binder worn at all times of the day, though it was left unzipped whenever they weren't around. In emergencies like these, Reina was grateful that all she needed to do was zip her binder up as she stormed through the streets, her bare feet slapping against the asphalt.
Because for the Hokusei family, phone calls meant emergencies and multiple missed calls meant danger. Of course, it could be her miscalculation, but Reina would rather be mistaken than lose her sister.
She didn't want a repeat of that night.
The festival was barren as everyone was shielding away from the rain, including the stall vendors. Her breathing came out in gasps, though it wasn't out of exhaustion. Ignoring the sting on her feet as pebbles and sand got stuck between her toes and nails, Reina continued to run. She went into the shrine, the forest, combing the entire festival for her sister. It was only when she heard a few shrine maidens gossiping about a gang fight in the back parking lot did her blood ran cold.
The sight that greeted her made her pupils constrict. The crack that echoed in the air as the crowbar broke her sister's arm made her howl. The soles of her feet scabbed and split open when she propelled herself forward, leaping and twisting in the air before slamming her foot into the lanky motherfucker's arm.
Another crack echoed in the air and Hanma stumbled back, letting Mirai go as he clutched his bruised arm. Despite his grimace, he couldn't help but feel a sense of thrill at the sight of Nagarei's absolutely feral snarl.
"You MOTHERFUCKER!" Reina screeched, eyes zeroing in on Hanma and his grunts. A quick scan told her there were around a hundred people. No problem. She had dealt with far more numbers and stronger people. She would make sure each and every single one of these motherfuckers, who dared to lay a hand on her sister, got their spine shattered into pieces.
They better be grateful she forgot her knives.
Stepping on the discarded crowbar until it got tossed into the air, she grabbed it and lunged at Hanma again. However, instead of breaking his neck like she initially planned, one grunt got in between them. Yet another crack echoed in the air when the crowbar met the side of his chest, breaking his ribs while he was sent flying with the sheer power Reina used.
Leaping at Hanma again, she used one hand to slam the crowbar to his neck. He dodged, not knowing that was her aim. When Hanma ducked under the crowbar, her other hand shot up to grab his earring and yanked. The sound of tender flesh getting ripped out was drowned out by the rain as she tossed the bloodstained golden chain to the side. At the same time, her knee connected with his jaw, sending him flying back. She was pretty sure she heard a crack from how far she forcibly craned his neck.
Her teeth were bared, clenched together until her jaw trembled as she lunged at them again. This time, she wasn't aiming at Hanma. She was aiming at the fucker who was holding Mirai's camera bag.
The guy screamed when the green-eyed monster, whose eyes seemed to glow, seemingly appeared in front of him with the crowbar raised. He moved away just in time for the weapon to miss his head, hitting his shoulder until he could feel his joints detaching from each other, as well as his shattering bones.

Rearranging Fate | Tokyo Revengers x OC
FanfictionPretending to be a boy to keep her siblings safe was a well-constructed plan, but nowhere in it was supposed to involve meeting a group of delinquents for something other than to beat them up. Then again, would fate have allowed her to live a peacef...