23 • Investigation

547 37 0

Reina looked up at the sky from her transparent umbrella, watching the droplets of rain gathered there. She huffed out a sigh, making her way towards the graveyard where Mikey said he would be, wondering why the fuck these problematic teenagers kept asking for her help when she was equally as problematic, if not worse.

Then again, in terms of traumatic experience, she got the experience.

The traumatic department, not the healing.

"Reichin!" Mikey suddenly leaped onto her back, causing her to stumble. She tightened her grip on her umbrella, growling at the additional weight on her back. She turned her head to glare at him, only to notice Draken dutifully holding an umbrella above the two of them.

"Yo, Rei. Who're you visiting?"

"Someone named Sano."

"I see." Mikey smiled softly. "Are those flowers for him? I'm sure he'll be thankful, especially since he never received a single flower. He would've been happier if he received it from a girl though."

Oh, the irony.

"He can roll in his grave and cry about it."

Draken snorted at Nagarei's reply. "Shinichiro-kun was an awesome guy, sure. But he totally sucked with girls. He even got rejected twenty times."

Apparently, Sano Shinichiro was very bulliable.

"Those girls probably saw how much of a menace Manjiro is and decided dating a Sano is too much of a hassle."

Mikey pouted, clinging to her arm more tightly while Draken chuckled. The taller blond spared her a meaningful glance Reina didn't want to decipher, and jerked his head behind him. "Takemitchy and Chifuyu are here. You three got something to do, right?"

True to his words, Takemichi and Chifuyu made their presence known and greeted them. Mikey still held her arm even as he made his way to Shinichiro's grave, the other boys following behind them.

"You know, Reichin." Mikey let go of Nagarei's arm, taking hold of the hand that held the bouquet. His fingers skimmed through the soft petals. "I understand. I know it's too late to change the past. I know that, I really do." He smiled bitterly. "But deep down, I just can't accept it."

He glanced at his bike that was parked nearby. "The CB250T that Baji and Kazutora were trying to steal was the one my brother rode," he told them, smiling in what could only be associated with pure bitterness. "It was supposed to be my birthday present, so now it has become a memento from my brother. That's why it's my beloved ride."

How ironic it was that the bike would end up being his birthday present regardless of who gave it. 

"It's been two years since then." Mikey looked at his bike with a sad smile. "I've forgiven Baji but...even if he didn't know...even if it's too late to change the past...I just can't forgive Kazutora for killing my brother. And I can't forgive Baji for siding with him either."

Reina pursed her lips at the murderous look on his face. She sighed, looking down at the flowers in her hand. "Manjiro, do you wanna hear a story?" She asked, knowing she would regret it. But fuck it, she'd let her emotions free. "A tragedy about three siblings?"


"There were two children raised together. Even if they're not related, they view each other as siblings. They loved each other as siblings." Reina closed her eyes, her lips unceremoniously turning up as she lost herself in the story.

"The circumstances they were raised in was survival for the fittest kind of environment. They grew up treating each other's wounds and dreaming of a less violent future." Reina opened her eyes, her smile gone from her face. "One day, a third sibling was born. They loved their third sibling and vowed to protect them with everything they've got."

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