Buttoning up to her collar, Reina inspected herself in front of the mirror. She frowned at her own reflection. Tonight was the night the Black Dragons would come to the Toman meeting they had been invited to, wreak unphysical havoc, get Kisaki kicked out, and declare their independence. Thus, her appearance.
The uniform Kokonoi bought her was maroon, so similar to blood that she wondered whether it was an insult or if it was because Taiju also used the same shade when he was the boss. Then again, Mikey's sash was also the only one that was red. After all, red was the color of the leader of a gang.
Reina has always hated uniforms, that was one of the reasons why she refused to join Toman. But looking at her now, she wondered whether it was acceptable for the leader to not wear the uniform. It wasn't like it was uncomfortable, Reina just didn't like uniforms.
But she guessed this one was cuter than Toman's.
"You look fine."
"Do I?" Reina stared at her sister from the mirror. "I feel like a fraud. Promising to lead them to a place higher than the first generation...I wonder if I can really pull this off."
She had thought things through during her sleepless nights, but she just couldn't bring herself to be confident. She felt like she was making the biggest mistake of her life, and she was just keeping her eyes blissfully shut to ignore the warnings. Reina was scared, and she would never admit that to anybody.
"You worry too much." The lollipop Mirai threw was caught without Reina even needing to look back. "You turned Hokkyokusei from the biggest criminal organization into what it is today. You'll be fine."
Placing the lollipop in her mouth, Reina let the sweetness calm her nerves. "That's a lie, you know," she told her sister. "I didn't change Hokkyokusei in two years alone. I've been working with Victoire since I was nine or so, and she had done most of the work before I even got myself involved." There was no way a powerful organization like Hokkyokusei could've toppled at the hands of an inexperienced kid. Victoire had done most of the work. "Hokkyokusei wouldn't be what it is today if it was just me, much less if I just started two years ago."
"I know," responded the youngest with a soft smile. "I may be a baby at that time, but I know you've been making changes since Harui declared that he'd take Hokkyokusei from Father and change it. That was when he was seventeen, right?"
Mirai's smile remained as she slid off the chair and made her way toward her sister, wrapping her arms around Reina's neck until Reina was kneeling and hugging her back. "It must've been hard to accomplish all that under Father's watch."
It was, and Mirai knew the punishment each failure bore. She may only hear bits and pieces of stories told by her drunk brother or a slip-up from Akise and Anggita, but she knew most of Reina's scars came from those failures, as well as a majority of her body count.
"Keeping Shiki in check was possible only because Harui played his part as the obedient son well."
The dying sounds of engines brought their attention back to the present. With a sigh, Mirai smoothed the non-existent crinkles on Reina's shoulders, grinning at her sister while the older girl crushed her lollipop with one bite. "You'll do fine, Nanane. Chin up and look straight."
Inui and Kokonoi were waiting downstairs, having already taken it upon themselves to drive her there since she didn't own a bike. Yet. The advisor looked up when the door swung open, whistling at the sight of her. "Lookin' sharp, Prez."
"It's heavy." And Reina wasn't just talking about the literal weight of the uniform, though she would probably take it off whenever she wanted to fight since the uniform would drag her feet. "It's a nice uniform, but how'd you know my size?"

Rearranging Fate | Tokyo Revengers x OC
FanfictionPretending to be a boy to keep her siblings safe was a well-constructed plan, but nowhere in it was supposed to involve meeting a group of delinquents for something other than to beat them up. Then again, would fate have allowed her to live a peacef...