126 • Skydive

172 14 3

"You ended up dragging me into a double suicide."

Crouched in front of his grave, Reina lit up the flowers she brought. White immediately turned to black, and she placed the burning bouquet in front of his headstone. She made sure it was shielded from the rain that seemed to want to remind them of the day he decided to end it all, or perhaps he had started it all on that day instead.

The fire glowed in the dark cemetery, neither the moon nor the stars were there to provide more light. The lamps placed around the cemetery flickered and died every few seconds, causing her head to spin more than it already had. The carving on the headstone seemed to sway with her blurry and unfocused vision.

"Say," she muttered to the man holding the umbrella above her head. "Say, Zana...you...when did you meet Shinichiro?"

Izana glanced down at the grave, then at his sister. "When I was still in the orphanage, ten years old, or was it nine?" With everything that had happened, that day seemed to be a blur in his memories. Izana didn't think he needed to make it vivid. "I didn't bother remembering after finding out the truth."

Humming, she offered the other bouquet to Izana, letting her brother take it. He kept the umbrella up as he moved to crouch beside her, placing the bouquet on top of the burning one, letting it burn too.

"The 'time leaper' Shinichiro...he only had Manjiro's recovery in mind," she stated, placing her head on Izana's shoulder as she watched the flowers burn. "So, he must've forgotten about you, leaving you confused and abandoned, in that timeline."

Izana didn't think of that, but Reina was right. If he met Shinichiro when he was nine, then that was years before Mikey got into that accident. In that case, what had happened to him after Mikey's accident? Did he ever find out about Kurokawa Karen? What about Reina? Did he ever find out they were blood-related siblings? Did he ever find out that he wasn't as alone as he thought he was?

"I'm glad this timeline exists," he blurted out. "I wish it could've been less painful for you, but I'm glad we've met."

"You don't feel sad?"


"You don't feel sad that Shinichiro chose Manjiro over you?"

Perhaps he should feel sad. After all, Shinichiro went beyond what was possible and humane for Mikey. If it had been him and not Mikey, would Shinichiro still have done the same? Would he have done all that for someone who was not even related to him?

Izana's eyes landed on his sister's exhausted face.

For some reason, even if Shinichiro wouldn't have done the same if it was Izana in Mikey's shoes, Izana couldn't find it in him to really be mad. "I understand him better now." Reaching out to ruffle her hair, Izana smiled at her. "Because I've met you."

If it came down to the worst and he had to choose between Mikey, Emma, and Reina, he would choose Reina without thinking twice. Of course, he would try his best to make sure it never came down to it because their death would hurt Reina more than it would hurt him. But if it did come to that, then his decision had already long been pre-determined.

If he had to choose who he would sacrifice the most of himself to, it would be Reina. Nobody would make Izana sacrifice himself the same way he would for Reina. Neither Mikey nor Emma would ever be worth the sacrifice of Izana's life as much as he would readily die to protect Reina. Neither Mikey nor Emma was as precious to him as Reina was.

Because at the end of the day, they were the only family left for each other.

"Besides, maybe he did try to get close to me. But I was an asshole as a kid, so I pushed him away." That was also a possibility he couldn't deny. But at the end of the day, that timeline was part of a past that didn't exist within them. "Those possibilities will be part of a past that no longer exists, so I can't bring myself to actually get mad over them."

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