69 • Counterattack

271 17 1

Unlike Toman, Black Dragon was informed and prepared for Tenjiku's ambush, which was why most of them had been walking in groups and had each other on speed dial. So, it wasn't a surprise when most of them managed to hold on their own until backup arrived or until they found a chance to retreat.

It wasn't shameful to pull back, and Reina made sure it was drilled into their heads.

But despite all the preparations and warnings, there was still a significant number of casualties that had Reina burying her face into her hands. Her thumb massaged between her eyebrows while her index finger pressed her temple, and she let out a deep breath.

"And Hajime?"

"M functioning, Prez," slurred the boy in question, saluting from where he was laid on the sofa with a concussion. The lights in the meeting room had been dimmed down and the others were ordered to be quiet when Kokonoi threw up from hypersensitivity.

"Yeah...you should sleep for now." Handing Inui a pair of earmuffs, the ones normally used during shooting ranges, she let her vice-president place it on Kokonoi. Focusing on her other members, she was pleased to know most of them only had minor injuries and were good enough to attend the emergency meeting. "Aside from Hajime, anybody else with head injuries or anything critical that requires a hospital visit?"

Well, the most serious injury she noted was Kokonoi's concussion and a few sprained limbs, which were easy enough to fix. What made her blood boil, however, was the audacity of those motherfuckers who thought they could just take one of her boys as if he was a prize in a crane game.

"I'd like to start by learning what Tenjiku is, so Seishu, can you start first?"

"We found out they have around four hundred members and the top guys are called the four heavenly kings, consisting of Mochizuki Kanji, Haitani Ran, Madarame Shion, and one other guy."

"Kakucho." As she had expected, Toman also faced a similar problem and fortunately, Takemichi and Chifuyu ran into the only heavenly king who hadn't made a name for himself. "He's quite unique," she commented, crossing her legs with her elbows on her knees and her finger tapping her cheek. "The others are part of the S62 generation, but he's the same age as me and didn't have a name for himself until recently." She had dug into the history of delinquents, and 'Kakucho' had never once appeared, not even in other gangs. "So, how did he get a position that high?"

"Um, Prez, we also encountered Hanma Shuji and Kisaki Tetta. They're the captains of Toman's sixth and third division," one of the boys in the crowd added. "Some of us also encountered Hokusei Harui."

"Yeah, I've heard they've switched sides." Kisaki's objective was obvious, he was using the same strategy as Valhalla. He would use Izana and Tenjiku to destroy Toman, forcing them to merge and weasel his way in to pin Mikey under his thumb again, and Hanma was simply his loyal dog. Black Dragon was just something Izana personally wanted since it was something Shinichiro held dear. That much was obvious, but she still couldn't understand what Harui was planning.

"Either way, Tenjiku is quite formidable," she stated the obvious. "Izana, Kakucho, Mochi, Haitani, Madarame, Hanma, Harui, and Kisaki...and they're all like a bunch of strangers who were somehow grouped for a sick project."

If Kokonoi's intel about most of the S62 being imprisoned around the same time was true, which she didn't doubt, then that was the only time and place she could think of for them to 'bond' and create a gang. The Haitani brothers and their cocky asses certainly didn't look like the type to just work under someone. Hell, Roppongi wasn't near Yokohama. It wasn't even part of Kanagawa. Roppongi was part of Tokyo, and delinquents were known to be very territorial. So, how could they suddenly join a gang from another city if they were really strangers?

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