178 • Battle of the Legends #7

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"That's a nice face."

Sweeping away the last bits of pieces of her mask off her clothes, Reina smiled down at Mikey's absolutely priceless face. She pulled out the bobby bins keeping her hat in place, then proceeded to remove both her hood and her cloak in one fluid motion. It was a good thing her hat was reliable in keeping all her hair in place because she wouldn't have looked so dramatic and villain-like if her hair had been tied.

"You're kidding me." On the ground, Mitsuya could only gape at the person behind the mask. There were many speculations on just who Yahata's true identity could be, but none was even close to the real answer. Mitsuya didn't know whether it was a deliberate move or a very crazy coincidence.

"I think my eyes are playing tricks on me." And Mitsuya wasn't the only one shocked because Hakkai looked like he was questioning what he was seeing. "Yahata is...then, the one who gave us the...and the one who beat Taiju...what the fuck?"

But as the supposedly final puzzle piece finally joined the big picture, everything somehow made sense. At least, it should make sense. Mitsuya still felt like the puzzle wasn't completed. He felt like he understood why Yahata being Reina made sense, but he didn't understand what Reina was trying to do.

"Somehow, this reveal doesn't make it...make sense?" Even Baji was at a loss for words, and he would confidently consider himself one of Reina's closest friends. "In all actuality, what the fuck is going on right now."

"At this point, let's just sit back and watch." Nahoya grinned as if the whole situation was an amusing play, which it probably was. He still winced at the phantom pain in his head though. "Fuck. I hope Mikey at least sucker punches that bitch. I don't give a shit if she's a girl. She's a fucking bitch."

"Easier said than done," retorted the captain of the first division, grinning ferally wide for someone in this current situation. "But more than Mikey, I just wanna watch a certain bastard's reaction to Yahata's real face."

゚❁.。.:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*卍*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*.:。❁

Tosei Nagarei used to be a decoy before he became something much bigger with the power of friendship, or maybe it should be called the power of idiots who had just found a brain cell and refused to let it go.

Either way, Tosei Nagarei was supposed to be an obvious disguise.

No matter how good someone was at pretending to be someone else, there would be at least one slip that could be used to link that person to who they truly were. Reina knew she couldn't fool everybody because Kurokawa Reina, Nyx, and Yahata acted like Hokusei Reina. They fought like Hokusei Reina, and they talked like Hokusei Reina. That was why she deliberately made Kurokawa Reina and Nyx known as the same person, a front to hide the third identity. It may not be enough to fool the entire world, but it was enough to fool the ones that needed to be fooled.


Grinning until her teeth were displayed, Reina swept her hair behind her shoulders, letting the wind blow it wildly. "I see some of the spectators aren't surprised?" The wind howled, tousling her hair. But Reina simply swept it behind her shoulders again. "Shows how much of an idiot you are, don't you think?"

"You bast—"

"Reina! You bitch!"

Catching the boot thrown her way, Reina raised an eyebrow at the one who had the audacity to throw his shoe at her. Kazutora was practically growling, and she could guess the vein on his temple wasn't the only vein bulging. Still, Reina smiled mockingly at him, waving his shoe as if taunting him to continue, which he happily did.

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