103 • The Fourth Future #5

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"You missed the execution."

Vodka wasn't her go-to alcohol, and neither was it most of her men's. Coupled with the fact that it wasn't a good day, the bar had emptied itself after the first body hit the floor. The owner wouldn't be too happy with a dead customer, but what could he do against Nehan in a bar built with their money?

"Uniting Brazil's underground wasn't easy," retorted the last executive, downing the brandy another trembling server had poured. "South's influence within Brazil is no joke. He had it long before he came to Japan. It's a miracle everything is finished in just seven months."

"I don't need to hear your excuses, Mucho." The rum she was drinking belonged to one of the customers who ran away. But what the queen wanted, the queen got. "Your results aren't even that good. Your incompetence is the reason why South was able to cause this much damage to Nehan."

She ordered a former traitor hunter and a traitor himself to deal with the traitor. South's plan to betray Nehan and her wasn't a hidden plan. Everybody in the upper echelons knew. They just chose to act as if they didn't know because Reina ordered them to. South was a good pawn. He had grown Nehan more than he had taken from Nehan. Before his disposal, Reina wanted Nehan to take everything it could from South.

But Mucho was incompetent.

"Ooh, Mucho's getting scolded," slurred their resident drug addict slash psycho, giggling like a schoolgirl in love. "T'was a marvelous execution, by the way. His brains went splash and boom. I even kept his stupid hair. D'ya want it?"

"No." Honestly, Mucho had no fucking idea how his previously quiet vice-captain could become whoever the fuck this pinkhead was, but it was his fault for not seeing through the younger's acting. "And my apologies, I'll take responsibility for whatever damage was caused."

"Why'd you keep his hair though?" Haitani number two slurred, equally as wasted as Sanzu. "That crusty-ass bitch prolly dunno how to take a fuckin' bath."

"I kept the skin with his tattoo too!"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Kokonoi downed an entire bottle of whiskey while Inui rubbed circles on his back, not even sparing the white-haired treasurer a glance as he played with his own drink. He was, after all, used to this and couldn't give a flying shit even if Sanzu decided to keep South's dick for bedroom decoration. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing he had done anyway.

"Sanzu's brain is fried just like that."

"Benkei, he ain't even got a goddamn brain." Tilting his head to the side, the glass Sanzu threw shattered to the floor behind the couch. Wakasa clicked his tongue, slamming his glass back onto the table. "Oi, Takeomi, put a leash on your fuckin' dog."

"I'll kill ya, motherfucker!"

"Bring it on, you strawberry brat. I'll grind your fucking insides until it's dustier than the stupid cocaine you snorted last meeting!"

Reina slammed her glass onto the table.

"Apologies, boss."

Pressing her temples together, Reina gritted her teeth at the headache the alcohol, lights, and her men brought. "Waka, down." Goddammit. Wakasa was supposed to be the older one in this fucking group. He may be the sixth executive and not the fifth like Sanzu, but he was in the same rank as the other executives. "Sanzu, any more, and I will cut your tongue out."

"Not the worst you could do, Your Majesty."

Clicking her tongue, Reina chose to ignore Sanzu's sweet tone and even sweeter smile, so sweet that she felt disgusted. "Well, whatever. Mucho, I expect more next time." Sweeping the hair out of her face, Reina sighed. What was done was done, so there was no point in mulling things over. Whether it be Sanzu's craziness or Mucho's incompetence, there was no need to mull over the past. "We'll start taking over Russia's underground, then we'll enter Europe through them."

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