Hokusei Mirai loved pretty things.
How could she not when they were so photogenic and pleasing to the eyes? Sure, she knew that photographers don't always take aesthetically pleasing pictures, but that wasn't the kind of subfield she wanted to go into. So, pretty things all the way.
"So pretty."
"Stop taking pictures and eat. It'll get cold."
"But it's so pretty."
Reina raised an eyebrow, placing the fork that had a rose-shaped carrot back on the plate. Mirai's beautifully arranged plate of floral-shaped meat and vegetables was still untouched. The redhead was standing on the chair with her camera pointed at the food from various angles.
Sighing when she realized Marseille had snuck in a bite of Mirai's meat, she gently pushed the snake to rest back on her shoulders and said, "I can take you to places like this anytime you want." They weren't trapped anymore. If Mirai so wished for it, they could even move to a different country altogether. "Eat, I can hear your goddamn stomach from here."
"S not that loud." Pouting, Mirai tucked the camera back into its bag, finally stabbing the pretty carrots with her fork. It almost pained her to ruin such a pretty display, but she was hungry. So, there was nothing she could do. "So good."
"Are you crying over carrots?"
"Don't judge me!"
Snorting with a roll of her eyes, Reina waved one of the waiters over and ordered some desserts. The food was finished sooner than they would have liked, but that was fine. They did, after all, have a whole day planned and dedicated to each other.
"I still don't understand why Roppongi." Reina just got discharged, for fuck's sake. She didn't need to run into the Haitani brothers Mitsuya had so graciously warned her about. But if Mirai claimed there were some places she wanted to visit in Roppongi, then all Reina could do was let her sister drag her along.
That being said. Reina glanced around, noticing the way people's gazes seemed to linger just a second too long for her liking. Even Marseille was bristling instead of lazing around on her shoulders. It doesn't seem like a meeting with the brothers can be avoided.
"This is what I wanted!"
Mirai spread her arms as Reina deadpanned at the extravagant boutique. Yes, money wasn't a problem for her because she had more than enough to spare, but Mirai was the last person she expected to actually want to shop for clothes. Usually, she would ask Anggita to send her a catalog or have a private designer make one for her as if she were some medieval princess. Then again, Mirai did, after all, grow up in luxury, and Reina happily let her drown in luxury.
"If you wanted to hang out with me, you could've just said so."
"You need clothes, Nanane!"
"For what?"
"Huh? You haven't heard?" Mirai tilted her head to the side, causing Reina to frown and shake her head. What could Mirai possibly know concerning her clothes that she didn't? It wasn't like she was the type of girl who would spend millions on designer brands when she could have her personal designer make one for her. "Hokusei Reina has been invited to a Christmas party hosted by Suou Industry in celebration of their fifteenth anniversary, didn't you know?"
"Anggita didn't tell you?"
"Hell no, she didn't." Reina nearly growled because what kind of CEO slash assistant was she if she didn't inform Reina of an important upcoming event? Reina didn't hire her for this kind of incompetence. "Wait here for a moment."

Rearranging Fate | Tokyo Revengers x OC
FanfictionPretending to be a boy to keep her siblings safe was a well-constructed plan, but nowhere in it was supposed to involve meeting a group of delinquents for something other than to beat them up. Then again, would fate have allowed her to live a peacef...