83 • Showdown

264 17 8

"Welcome back, President!"

The first member of Black Dragon to bow with his hands clasped behind his back caused a chain reaction. Soon, every member of Black Dragon bowed, exclaiming their greetings as their president strode into the battlefield, some more tearfully than others.

"Good work, President!"

"We're glad you're back, President!"

"Welcome back, President!"

The greetings varied, but they gave the same result, confirming that Hokusei Reina was indeed the eleventh generation of Black Dragon's chosen president.

"Rei?" Draken gaped at the boy—girl?—striding into the battlefield as if she owned the place, putting everyone in a silent shock. "You're kidding! Rei? That Rei? Nagarei? He's a girl? What the fuck?"

"Don't worry, man." Baji patted his shoulder sympathetically. "I reacted like that too when I found out."

"You knew?!"

However, the attention quickly changed from one Hokusei to the other when Harui stood up. The three gangs watched with bated breaths as the eldest Hokusei strode towards Nagarei—Reina—his face looking impassive, betraying nothing as he walked past Izana, Mikey, and Kisaki.

"Are you my enemy, Harui?"

In the tense silence, Reina's question seemed to echo. The boys in white uniforms stiffened, ready to throw themselves between Harui and Reina. Reina's relaxed posture was the only thing stopping them from doing so.

His coat fluttered dramatically as he knelt on one knee. "Of course not," he murmured, taking her injured arm gently—gentler than anybody had ever seen him treat her. "I follow you, Nana." He pressed his forehead to the rough material of her cast. "Only you."


"Kisaki was being discreet. The only ones who knew of his plans were Hanma, Izana, and Kakucho. Not even the other heavenly kings were told of it unless it had already happened or needed to be done." He confirmed her suspicion with a grim smile. "I'm sorry, Nana."

"Well, it's only natural they don't trust you. Kisaki did, after all, try to kill you. Only an idiot will still trust each other after that." Huffing, Reina pulled her arm away from Harui, nodding at him to get up. "But I wanna know why you joined Tenjiku. What're you trying to achieve by doing this?"

Whatever the eldest Hokusei whispered to his sister went unheard by the rest, but it was enough to make Reina do a double take, dragging her good hand down her face with a sigh when whatever it was had been confirmed.

"Bullshit!" Kisaki finally snapped out of his shock. "You're crazy! I literally hit you in the head! You're supposed to be clinging to life right now! There's no way you could've come! There's no way you should even be awake right now!"

But instead of giving him a response, she merely rolled her eyes and walked past him as if he were invisible. She walked past Izana and Mikey, giving the latter a small nod but not stopping. She only stopped in front of Inui and Kokonoi, the former looking at her tearfully as he couldn't believe she was really standing there.

Smiling, she reached her good hand out and patted his shoulder. "Thank you, Seishu." Nodding at Kokonoi, she placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed. "You too, Hajime. You both did good."

"Rei...are you...are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Bumping her head on Inui's shoulder, she sighed. "I'm sorry. It must've been hard for both of you. Thank you for coming this far. I'm very...proud of you...all of you." She was. She really was. Words could not describe just how precious her Black Dragon was to her. "Now leave the rest to me, yeah?"

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