123 • Revival #2

157 14 2

"This is pathetic, Kazutora."

The first job Aizen got as a member of the first division—not official yet as the gang hasn't been formed—was to beat some senses into a fellow member of the first division, courtesy of Baji. For a second, Aizen wondered why Reina seemed so fond of the feral boy. Then, he realized she must've gotten roped into his little friendship bubble and resigned herself to becoming his friend.

"You were ready to lose, to get beaten up or even killed by Tenjiku for her, so why is it different now?" The older boy had one knee on the ground, blood dripping from his nose as his bloodshot eyes glared at Aizen's. "You're scared of her? News flash, we all are."

After all, Aizen had heard of the things Reina did to them. From beating them up to brandishing a dagger at their skin, Aizen had heard them all. He had heard how people even began to resent her for that, as expected as it should've been. It was natural for them to be scared, and it was even more natural for them to not want anything to do with Reina anymore.

"But if you really wanted to back off, you would've gone to Osaka with Mirai."

Somehow, somewhere, Kazutora must've wanted to help Reina too. That was why he stayed in Tokyo. Baji must've known that, and he must've known whatever was stopping Kazutora was sensitive. That was why Aizen, Reina's least favorite brother—yes, he has self-awareness and knew where he was placed in her heart—was tasked with this job while the other three were off somewhere else.

"Shut the fuck up."

Rolling his eyes, Aizen plopped down in front of the older teen, wiping his own bloody nose and split lips. "Look, man. Nobody's forcing you to do this. You can run and hide, and nobody will blame you." Because this was Reina they were trying to fight. Having everything end with just their loss was probably the best outcome there was. "But Baji doesn't want you to regret not doing something you wanna do, even if that something is beating Reina up, or at least trying to. That's why I gotta ask, what the fuck did she do to you?"

From what he knew, Reina loved Kazutora, probably even more than she loved Baji and Chifuyu. It might be their camaraderie in shitty parents, or it might even be because Kazutora reminded her so much of herself in the aspect that he was a murderer too. Either way, regardless of the reason, she loved him enough to offer him her home, and the title of Mirai and Harui's cousin, even if that was more of Akise's decision than hers because he knew Reina didn't have the right to force or stop Akise in something as sensitive as adopting someone.

But the point still stood because she, at the very least, wouldn't have gone to such lengths and let him make her home his own home if she didn't love him.

Of course, Kazutora loved Reina too. He was the most affected by Reina's decision to shove them all away, even more so when he realized she kept Inui and Kokonoi by her side. It made him feel incompetent and unreliable, and Aizen knew that because he felt similar when Reina let Izana stay by her side but wouldn't accept Aizen's help.

Then again, Aizen was the most useless out of Reina's three brothers, unlike Kazutora.

"Be honest with me, Aizen," Kazutora suddenly spoke up, pulling his knees to his chest as he glared at his feet. "How likely will Takemitchy succeed?"

Glancing at the older teen, Aizen huffed, turning his head to the empty enclosure in Reina's room—he supposed it was Kazutora's now. "What can...what can a group of streetfighters do against someone who had been trained to be a killer since before she could walk?" He asked back, narrowing his eyes at the empty enclosure as if it had offended him.

"Reina is training her guys to become a killer like her." Aizen may not know much, but he wasn't blind. He knew where Reina was trying to go, and he knew why she encouraged her men to pick up weapons and become more violent. "Unlike the past, they really won't hesitate to raise a knife, or maybe even a gun, at us."

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