139 • Denial

148 12 2


Reina smashed her head against the floor as she clawed her hair out. This couldn't be happening. She didn't want this. She didn't want to be forced to go back to the time when she was powerless. She didn't want to be forced to go back to the time when she had no one and nothing. She didn't want to be forced to redo the worst part of her life she had painstakingly escaped from.

"Take me back! Take me back! Take me back! I don't want this!"

Back to where Izana was. Back to where Inui and Kokonoi were. Back to when some things were under control. Back to when she was the one standing on top.

"Ack!" Her scalp burned as her hair was being yanked, and Reina felt her eyes filling with tears as they met that of Shiki's. Her toes barely grazed the floor as she was lifted, and tears finally streamed down her cheeks. "Please no...no...I've tried so hard, please no. I don't want this. Please. Please. Please. No, please."

It wasn't the best way, but she had done her best to escape. She had gained freedom and built herself up from scratch, using whatever mix-and-match material she could get her hands on. It was a shaky standing that had collapsed more times than she could count, but she was standing. She didn't want to redo her life, especially not from this part.

"Zero." Shiki's voice was cold. Has it always been that cold? Reina didn't know. She didn't want to remember. "Are you saying you don't like my birthday present?"

What the fuck was he talking about?

Grunting as her head was forcibly turned to the side, Reina couldn't stop herself from whimpering at the sight of the blindfolded and gagged man tied to the chair, beaten and bruised. When even was this? Who the fuck even was that? Just what kind of situation did she fucking get herself into?

"You know the deal, Zero." A gun was shoved into her hands, and Reina could only stare. "His life or Mirai's, which will it be?"

Either her hands were just too small, or the gun was too heavy because it felt like it was weighing down on her. But Mirai was the last thing on her mind. There was only one question echoing inside her mind like the rings of a death knell.

Should I shoot myself?

It would take two, a maximum of three seconds, for her to turn off the safety, point the gun to her head, and pull the trigger. Nobody, not even Shiki, would be able to stop her in time. And if done right, which she has no doubt she could do, it would be a painless and quick death, something she had seemingly yearned for all her life.

It would be easy and painless.

"But what about Izana?" A voice whispered in her mind just as she turned the safety off, and her eyes went wide as she recalled her brother. "If you die, will he be forced to live his life feeling like he never had a family? Will you deprive him of the one thing he wants after all he's done for you?"

Ah, but Izana would be fine. Even if she wasn't in the picture, the Sano family was. He would still have a sister in the form of Sano Emma and brothers in the form of Sano Shinichiro and Sano Manjiro. It would be an awkward and heated first meeting, but they would accept him with open arms, and he would be happy. In fact, he would be happier if he had never known her.

"Then, what about Seishu and Hajime?" That wretched voice whispered again. "Poor Seishu. After all he has done for you, you can't even give him the glory he deserves." The voice seemed to snicker and sneer at her. "And Hajime, maybe he'll forever be a wallet, passed from one hand to the other, used until there's no part of him left. Maybe they'll even destroy themselves."

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