140 • First Step

124 13 2

Blood began to form a small pool beneath her feet. The ache in her cheek spread to her eyes, bringing yet another batch of unwanted tears. The remnants of the slap seemed to echo in her ears, and she slowly turned her head, meeting another pair of green.


"What?! That's what I should be asking you!"

Gripping her shoulders until her sleeves crinkled Harui yelled louder than she ever heard him do. In fact, this was the first time, in both timelines, her brother had ever physically hurt her. The shattered mirror beneath her feet dug further into her soles, yet Reina barely registered the pain.

"What the fuck were you thinking, Nana!? No! What the fuck happened to you?!"

Forcibly pulled out of her thoughts, it was as if Reina was hearing for the first time. Mirai's wails rang in the room, and Reina wondered how she managed to not hear her own sister's cries. Was this why Harui was here? Has Mirai been crying for so long that Harui came to check up on them? If that was the case, then Shiki could come too.

"Father's cleaning up." Oh, so that meant he was outside, harvesting the organs of the executed traitor or something. "But he should be back soon, and Mirai was being too loud."

"Ah...I see..."

Well, what happened to that poor bastard was none of her business. He was someone who was bound to die, after all. If not by her hands, then by Shiki's. It was the way the script had been written, and Reina really didn't give a fuck about someone whose name she didn't even remember.

Pursing his lips, Harui kept his eyes on her. Her head lolled forward, dropping like a puppet that had its string cut off. He gritted his teeth as he slowly loosened his grip. Walking backward to his youngest sister, Harui made sure to keep his eyes on Reina. Even as he picked Mirai up to calm her down, his eyes were on Reina, watching as she seemed to be lost in her thoughts, staring blankly at the blood on the floor.

"Nana, where are the formulas?"


"Mirai's formulas. Where did you hide them? The thermos too."

"Uh, I..." Reina glanced around the room, opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water as her blood ran cold. "I, uh...I...I don't...I can't remember."


Harui wasn't a good brother, and he wouldn't dare call himself that. But if there was one thing he knew of his sister, it was that Reina placed Mirai's safety and happiness above her own life. Reina would do anything and everything for Mirai, so for her to forget where she had hidden Mirai's food was unthinkable.

"I...I can't remember." She really couldn't. Why couldn't she remember? She always kept all of Mirai's necessities hidden, from the clumsily sewn diapers made from random shirts she managed to steal and clean to Mirai's baby formulas that Harui managed to convince Shiki to buy to the all the stolen thermoses she would always fill with hot water every time she managed to sneak out. They were all hidden in one place in her room and yet she couldn't remember where.

Why couldn't she remember?

"It's okay." Harui carefully handed the crying baby over to her, and Reina stiffened up. Why? She always carried Mirai and Mirai loved to be carried by her more than anybody else, so why was she behaving as if she never held Mirai before? Harui couldn't understand the situation at all, but there were priorities that needed to be done. "I'll look for it, just try calming her down."

Fortunately, despite the absolute mess the storage-turned-bedroom was, it was easy to navigate for people who understood the owner of the room, and while Harui wasn't sure who Reina was now, the room at the very least hasn't changed.

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